require 'spec_helper' describe "Matchers should be able to generate their own descriptions" do after(:each) do RSpec::Matchers.clear_generated_description end it "expect(...).to eq expected" do expect("this").to eq "this" expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should eq \"this\"" end it "expect(...).to not eq expected" do expect("this").not_to eq "that" expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should not eq \"that\"" end it "expect(...).to be empty (arbitrary predicate)" do expect([]).to be_empty expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should be empty" end it "expect(...).to not be empty (arbitrary predicate)" do expect([1]).not_to be_empty expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should not be empty" end it "expect(...).to be truthy" do expect(true).to be_truthy expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should be truthy" end it "expect(...).to be falsey" do expect(false).to be_falsey expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should be falsey" end it "expect(...).to be nil" do expect(nil).to be_nil expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should be nil" end it "expect(...).to be > n" do expect(5).to be > 3 expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should be > 3" end it "expect(...).to be predicate arg1, arg2 and arg3" do expect(5.0).to be_between(0,10) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should be between 0 and 10" end it "expect(...).to equal" do expected = "expected" expect(expected).to equal(expected) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should equal \"expected\"" end it "expect(...).not_to equal" do expect(5).not_to equal(37) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should not equal 37" end it "expect(...).to eql" do expect("string").to eql("string") expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should eql \"string\"" end it "expect(...).not_to eql" do expect("a").not_to eql(:a) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should not eql :a" end it "expect(...).to have_key" do expect({:a => "a"}).to have_key(:a) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should have key :a" end it "expect(...).to have_some_method" do object = def object.has_eyes_closed?; true; end expect(object).to have_eyes_closed expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq 'should have eyes closed' end it "expect(...).to have_some_method(args*)" do object = def object.has_taste_for?(*args); true; end expect(object).to have_taste_for("wine", "cheese") expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq 'should have taste for "wine", "cheese"' end context "the deprecated collection cardinality matchers" do before { allow_deprecation } it "expect(...).to have n items" do expect(team).to have(3).players expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should have 3 players" end it "expect(...).to have at least n items" do expect(team).to have_at_least(2).players expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should have at least 2 players" end it "expect(...).to have at most n items" do expect(team).to have_at_most(4).players expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should have at most 4 players" end end it "expect(...).to include(x)" do expect([1,2,3]).to include(3) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should include 3" end it "expect(...).to include(x) when x responds to description but is not a matcher" do obj = double(:description => "description", :inspect => "inspect") expect([obj]).to include(obj) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should include inspect" end it "expect(...).to include(x) when x responds to description and is a matcher" do matcher = double(:description => "description", :matches? => true, :failure_message_for_should => "") expect([matcher]).to include(matcher) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should include description" end it "expect(array).not_to match_array [1,2,3]" do expect([1,2,3]).to match_array [1,2,3] expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should contain exactly 1, 2, and 3" end it "expect(...).to match" do expect("this string").to match(/this string/) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should match /this string/" end it "expect(...).to raise_error" do expect { raise }.to raise_error expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should raise Exception" end it "expect(...).to raise_error with type" do expect { raise }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should raise RuntimeError" end it "expect(...).to raise_error with type and message" do expect { raise "there was an error" }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "there was an error") expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should raise RuntimeError with \"there was an error\"" end it "expect(...).to respond_to" do expect([]).to respond_to(:insert) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should respond to #insert" end it "expect(...).to throw symbol" do expect { throw :what_a_mess }.to throw_symbol expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should throw a Symbol" end it "expect(...).to throw symbol (with named symbol)" do expect { throw :what_a_mess }.to throw_symbol(:what_a_mess) expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to eq "should throw :what_a_mess" end def team do def players [1,2,3] end end end describe "a Matcher with no description" do def matcher do def matches?(ignore); true; end def failure_message; ""; end end it "provides a helpful message when used in a string-less example block" do expect(5).to matcher expect(RSpec::Matchers.generated_description).to match(/When you call.*description method/m) end end