module Elasticsearch module API module Actions # Perform multiple index, delete or update operations in a single request. # # Pass the operations in the `:body` option as an array of hashes, following Elasticsearch conventions. # For operations which take data, pass them as the `:data` option in the operation hash. # # @example Perform three operations in a single request # # client.bulk body: [ # { index: { _index: 'myindex', _type: 'mytype', _id: 1, data: { title: 'foo' } } }, # { update: { _index: 'myindex', _type: 'mytype', _id: 2, data: { doc: { title: 'foo' } } } }, # { delete: { _index: 'myindex', _type: 'mytype', _id: 3 }, # ] # # @example Perform a script-based bulk update # # client.bulk body: [ # { update: { _index: 'myindex', _type: 'mytype', _id: 1, # data: { # script: "ctx._source.counter += value", # lang: 'js', # params: { value: 1 }, upsert: { counter: 0 } } # }}, # { update: { _index: 'myindex', _type: 'mytype', _id: 2, # data: { # script: "ctx._source.counter += value", # lang: 'js', # params: { value: 42 }, upsert: { counter: 0 } } # }} # # ] # # @option arguments [String] :index Default index for items which don't provide one # @option arguments [String] :type Default document type for items which don't provide one # @option arguments [Array] :body An array of operations to perform, each operation is a Hash # @option arguments [String] :consistency Explicit write consistency setting for the operation (options: one, quorum, all) # @option arguments [Boolean] :refresh Refresh the index after performing the operation # @option arguments [String] :replication Explicitely set the replication type (options: sync, async) # @option arguments [String] :type Default document type for items which don't provide one # # @return [Hash] Deserialized Elasticsearch response # # @see # def bulk(arguments={}) method = 'POST' path = [arguments[:index], arguments[:type], '_bulk'].compact.join('/') params = do |k,v| [ :consistency, :refresh, :replication, :type ].include?(k) end # Normalize Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 Hash#select behaviour params = Hash[params] unless params.is_a?(Hash) body = arguments[:body] if body.is_a? Array payload = Utils.__bulkify(body) else payload = body end perform_request(method, path, params, payload).body end end end end