/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * (The MIT License) * * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * http://rhomobile.com *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package com.rhomobile.rhodes; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Vector; import android.app.Application; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Process; public class RhodesApplication extends Application{ private static final String TAG = RhodesApplication.class.getSimpleName(); private static Handler mHandler; static { NativeLibraries.load(); } @Override public void onCreate(){ super.onCreate(); RhodesApplication.runWhen( UiState.MainActivityStarted, new StateHandler(false) { @Override public void run() { rhodesActivityStarted(true); } }); RhodesApplication.runWhen( UiState.MainActivityPaused, new StateHandler(false) { @Override public void run() { if (isRhodesActivityStarted()) { Logger.T(TAG, "callUiDestroyedCallback"); rhodesActivityStarted(false); RhodesService.callUiDestroyedCallback(); } } }); } private static boolean sRhodesActivityStarted = false; synchronized static void rhodesActivityStarted(boolean started) { sRhodesActivityStarted = started; } synchronized public static boolean isRhodesActivityStarted() { return sRhodesActivityStarted; } private native static void createRhodesApp(); private native static void startRhodesApp(); private native static void stopRhodesApp(); private native static boolean canStartApp(String strCmdLine, String strSeparators); public static void create() { if (sAppState != AppState.Undefined) { Logger.E(TAG, "Cannot create application, it is already started!!!"); return; } createRhodesApp(); } public static void start() { if (sAppState != AppState.Undefined) { Logger.E(TAG, "Cannot start application it is already started!!!"); return; } startRhodesApp(); } public static boolean canStart(String strCmdLine) { return canStartApp(strCmdLine, "&#"); } public static void stop() { Logger.T(TAG, "Stopping application"); mHandler = new Handler(); mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { Logger.T(TAG, "do stopRhodesApp"); stopRhodesApp(); try { Logger.T(TAG, "do RhodesActivity.finish()"); RhodesActivity.safeGetInstance().finish(); } catch (Throwable e) { // Just postpone } Logger.T(TAG, "send quit signal"); Process.sendSignal(Process.myPid(), Process.SIGNAL_QUIT); mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { public void run() { Logger.T(TAG, "send kill signal"); Process.killProcess(Process.myPid()); } }, 500); } }, 500); } public static abstract class StateHandler implements Runnable { private Exception error; private boolean runOnce; public StateHandler(boolean once) { runOnce = once; } protected void setError(Exception err) { error = err; } public Exception getError() { return error; } public boolean isRunOnce() { return runOnce; } public abstract void run(); } private static void runHandlers(Collection handlers) { for(StateHandler handler: handlers) { handler.run(); Exception error = handler.getError(); if (error != null) { Logger.E(TAG, error); Thread.dumpStack(); } } } public enum AppState { Undefined("Undefined") { @Override public boolean canHandle(AppState state) { return false; } }, AppStarted("AppStarted") { @Override public boolean canHandle(AppState state) { return state == this; } }, AppActivated("AppActivated") { @Override public boolean canHandle(AppState state) { return (state == this) || (state == AppStarted); } }, AppDeactivated("AppDeactivated") { @Override public boolean canHandle(AppState state) { return (state == this) || (state == AppStarted); } }; private static boolean appActivatedFlag = false; private Vector mHandlers = new Vector(); private String TAG; private AppState(String tag) { TAG = tag; } private synchronized Collection commit() { Vector handlers = new Vector(); Logger.T(TAG, "Starting commit. Current AppState: " + sAppState.TAG); if((this == AppActivated) && (sAppState == Undefined)) { appActivatedFlag = true; Logger.I(TAG, "Cannot commit now, application will be activated when started."); } else { Logger.T(TAG, "Commiting AppState handlers."); Vector doneHandlers = new Vector(); for (StateHandler handler: mHandlers) { handlers.add(handler); if (handler.isRunOnce()) { doneHandlers.add(handler); } } mHandlers.removeAll(doneHandlers); sAppState = this; } Logger.T(TAG, "After AppState commit: " + sAppState.TAG); return handlers; } public synchronized void addHandler(StateHandler handler) { mHandlers.add(handler); } public abstract boolean canHandle(AppState state); static public void handleState(AppState state) { runHandlers(state.commit()); Logger.I(sAppState.TAG, "Handlers have completed."); if((state == AppStarted) && appActivatedFlag) { runHandlers(AppActivated.commit()); Logger.I(sAppState.TAG, "Handlers have completed."); } return; } } public enum UiState { Undefined("Undefined") { @Override public boolean canHandle(UiState state) { return false; } }, MainActivityCreated("MainActivityCreated") { @Override public boolean canHandle(UiState state) { return state == this; } }, MainActivityStarted("MainActivityStarted") { @Override public boolean canHandle(UiState state) { return (state == this) || (state == MainActivityCreated); } }, MainActivityPaused("MainActivityPaused") { @Override public boolean canHandle(UiState state) { return (state == this) || (state == MainActivityCreated); } }; private Vector mHandlers = new Vector(); public String TAG; private UiState(String tag) { TAG = tag; } private synchronized Collection commit() { Vector handlers = new Vector(); Logger.T(TAG, "Starting commit. Current UiState: " + sUiState.TAG); if (!sUiState.canHandle(this)) { Logger.T(TAG, "Commiting UiState handlers."); Vector doneHandlers = new Vector(); for (StateHandler handler: mHandlers) { handlers.add(handler); if (handler.isRunOnce()) { doneHandlers.add(handler); } } mHandlers.removeAll(doneHandlers); sUiState = this; } Logger.T(TAG, "After UiState commit: " + sUiState.TAG); return handlers; } public synchronized void addHandler(StateHandler handler) { mHandlers.add(handler); } public abstract boolean canHandle(UiState state); static public void handleState(UiState state) { runHandlers(state.commit()); Logger.I(sAppState.TAG, "Handlers have completed."); } } private static AppState sAppState = AppState.Undefined; private static UiState sUiState = UiState.Undefined; public static boolean canHandleNow(AppState state) { return sAppState.canHandle(state); } public static boolean canHandleNow(UiState state) { return sUiState.canHandle(state); } public static void runWhen(AppState state, StateHandler handler) { Logger.T(TAG, "Current AppState : " + sAppState.TAG); if (sAppState.canHandle(state)) { Logger.T(TAG, "Running AppState handler immediately: " + state.TAG); handler.run(); if (handler.isRunOnce()) return; } state.addHandler(handler); Logger.T(TAG, "AppState handler added: " + state.TAG); } public static void runWhen(UiState state, StateHandler handler) { Logger.T(TAG, "Current UiState : " + sUiState.TAG); if (sUiState.canHandle(state)) { Logger.T(TAG, "Running UiState handler immediately: " + state.TAG); handler.run(); if (handler.isRunOnce()) return; } state.addHandler(handler); Logger.T(TAG, "UiState handler added: " + state.TAG); } public static void stateChanged(AppState state) { AppState.handleState(state); Logger.I(TAG, "New AppState: " + sAppState.TAG); } public static void stateChanged(UiState state) { UiState.handleState(state); Logger.I(TAG, "New UiState: " + sUiState.TAG); } }