module Plezi module Base module WSObject module RedisEmultaion public def lrange key, first, last = -1 sync do return [] unless @cache[key] @cache[key][first..last] || [] end end def llen key sync do return 0 unless @cache[key] @cache[key].count end end def ltrim key, first, last = -1 sync do return "OK".freeze unless @cache[key] @cache[key] = @cache[key][first..last] "OK".freeze end end def del *keys sync do ret = 0 keys.each {|k| ret += 1 if @cache.delete k } ret end end def lpush key, value sync do @cache[key] ||= [] @cache[key].unshift value @cache[key].count end end def lpop key sync do @cache[key] ||= [] @cache[key].shift end end def lrem key, count, value sync do @cache[key] ||= [] @cache[key].delete(value) end end def rpush key, value sync do @cache[key] ||= [] @cache[key].push value @cache[key].count end end def expire key, seconds Iodine.warn "Identity API requires Redis - no persistent storage!" sync do return 0 unless @cache[key] if @timers[key] @timers[key].stop! end @timers[key] = (Iodine.run_after(seconds) { self.del key }) end end def multi sync do @results = [] yield(self) ret = @results @results = nil ret end end alias :pipelined :multi protected @locker = @cache = @timers = def sync &block if @locker.locked? && @locker.owned? ret = yield @results << ret if @results ret else @locker.synchronize { sync(&block) } end end public extend self end # the following are additions to the WebSocket Object module, # to establish identity to websocket realtionships, allowing for a # websocket message bank. module InstanceMethods protected # @!visibility public # The following method registers the connections as a unique global identity. # # The Identity API works best when a Redis server is used. See {Plezi#redis} for more information. # # By default, only one connection at a time can respond to identity events. If the same identity # connects more than once, only the last connection will receive the notifications. # This default may be controlled by setting the `:max_connections` option to a number greater than 1. # # The method accepts: # identity:: a global application wide unique identifier that will persist throughout all of the identity's connections. # options:: an option's hash that sets the properties of the identity. # # The option's Hash, at the moment, accepts only the following (optional) options: # lifetime:: sets how long the identity can survive. defaults to `604_800` seconds (7 days). # max_connections:: sets the amount of concurrent connections an identity can have (akin to open browser tabs receiving notifications). defaults to 1 (a single connection). # # Lifetimes are renewed with each registration and when a connected Identoty receives a notification. # Identities should have a reasonable lifetime. For example, a 10 minutes long lifetime (60*10) # may prove ineffective. When using such short lifetimes, consider the possibility that `unicast` might provide be a better alternative. # # A lifetime cannot (by design) be shorter than 10 minutes. # # Calling this method will also initiate any events waiting in the identity's queue. # make sure that the method is only called once all other initialization is complete. # # i.e. # # register_as, lifetime: 60*60*24, max_connections: 4 # # Do NOT call this method asynchronously unless Plezi is set to run as in a single threaded mode - doing so # will execute any pending events outside the scope of the IO's mutex lock, thus introducing race conditions. def register_as identity, options = {} redis = Plezi.redis || ::Plezi::Base::WSObject::RedisEmultaion options[:max_connections] ||= 1 options[:max_connections] = 1 if options[:max_connections].to_i < 1 options[:lifetime] ||= 604_800 options[:lifetime] = 600 if options[:lifetime].to_i < 600 identity = identity.to_s.freeze @___identity ||= {} @___identity[identity] = options redis.multi do redis.lpop(identity) redis.lpush(identity, ''.freeze) redis.lrem "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, 0, uuid redis.lpush "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, uuid redis.ltrim "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, 0, (options[:max_connections]-1) redis.expire identity, options[:lifetime] redis.expire "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, options[:lifetime] end ___review_identity identity identity end # @!visibility public # sends a notification to an Identity. Returns false if the Identity never registered or it's registration expired. def notify identity, event_name, *args self.class.notify identity, event_name, *args end # @!visibility public # returns true if the Identity in question is registered to receive notifications. def registered? identity self.class.registered? identity end end module ClassMethods end module SuperInstanceMethods protected def ___review_identity identity redis = Plezi.redis || ::Plezi::Base::WSObject::RedisEmultaion identity = identity.to_s.freeze return Iodine.warn("Identity message reached wrong target (ignored).").clear unless @___identity[identity] messages = redis.multi do redis.lrange identity, 1, -1 redis.ltrim identity, 0, 0 redis.expire identity, @___identity[identity][:lifetime] redis.expire "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, @___identity[identity][:lifetime] end[0] targets = redis.lrange "#{identity}_uuid", 0, -1 targets.delete(uuid) while msg = messages.shift msg = ::Plezi::Base::WSObject.translate_message(msg) next unless msg Iodine.error("Notification recieved but no method can handle it - dump:\r\n #{msg.to_s}") && next unless self.class.has_super_method?(msg[:method]) do targets.each {|target| unicast(target, msg[:method], *msg[:data]) } end self.method(msg[:method]).call(*msg[:data]) end # ___extend_lifetime identity end # # re-registers the Identity, extending it's lifetime # # and making sure it's still valid. # def ___extend_lifetime identity # return unless @___identity # redis = Plezi.redis || ::Plezi::Base::WSObject::RedisEmultaion # options = @___identity[identity] # return unless options # redis.multi do # # redis.lpop(identity) # # redis.lpush(identity, ''.freeze) # # redis.lrem "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, 0, uuid # # redis.lpush "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, uuid # # redis.ltrim "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, 0, (options[:max_connections]-1) # redis.expire identity, options[:lifetime] # redis.expire "#{identity}_uuid".freeze, options[:lifetime] # end # end end module SuperClassMethods public # sends a notification to an Identity. Returns false if the Identity never registered or it's registration expired. def notify identity, event_name, *args redis = Plezi.redis || ::Plezi::Base::WSObject::RedisEmultaion identity = identity.to_s.freeze return false unless redis.llen(identity).to_i > 0 redis.rpush identity, ({method: event_name, data: args}).to_yaml redis.lrange("#{identity}_uuid".freeze, 0, -1).each {|target| unicast target, :___review_identity, identity } # puts "pushed notification #{event_name}" true end # returns true if the Identity in question is registered to receive notifications. def registered? identity redis = Plezi.redis || ::Plezi::Base::WSObject::RedisEmultaion identity = identity.to_s.freeze redis.llen(identity).to_i > 0 end end end end end