# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe HTTP::Request::Writer do describe '#initalize' do def construct(body) HTTP::Request::Writer.new(nil, body, [], '') end it "doesn't throw on a nil body" do expect { construct [] }.not_to raise_error end it "doesn't throw on a String body" do expect { construct 'string body' }.not_to raise_error end it "doesn't throw on an Enumerable body" do expect { construct %w[bees cows] }.not_to raise_error end it "does throw on a body that isn't string, enumerable or nil" do expect { construct true }.to raise_error end it 'writes a chunked request from an Enumerable correctly' do io = StringIO.new writer = HTTP::Request::Writer.new(io, %w[bees cows], [], '') writer.send_request_body io.rewind expect(io.string).to eq "4\r\nbees\r\n4\r\ncows\r\n0\r\n\r\n" end end describe '#add_body_type_headers' do it 'properly calculates length of unicode string' do writer = HTTP::Request::Writer.new(nil, 'Привет, мир!', {}, '') writer.add_body_type_headers expect(writer.join_headers).to match(/\r\nContent-Length: 21\r\n/) end end end