# encoding=utf-8 # Repeat this from the Gemfile for the sake of RubyTest. Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 require "polytexnic/utils" require "polytexnic/version" require "polytexnic/postprocessor" require "polytexnic/preprocessor" require 'tempfile' require 'nokogiri' require 'digest/sha1' require 'msgpack' module Polytexnic def self.style_file 'polytexnic_commands.sty' end # Returns style file (including absolute path) within the gem. def self.core_style_file File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', style_file) end # Writes the contents of the custom polytexnic style file. # This is used by the `generate` method in the `softcover` gem. # We put it here because `polytexnic_commands.sty` lives inside `polytexnic` # so that core can support, e.g., '\PolyTeXnic'. def self.write_polytexnic_style_file(dir) File.write(File.join(dir, style_file), File.read(self.core_style_file)) end class Pipeline include Polytexnic::Preprocessor include Polytexnic::Postprocessor include Polytexnic::Utils attr_accessor :literal_cache, :code_cache, :polytex, :xml, :html, :math_label_cache, :highlight_cache, :maketitle_elements, :custom_commands, :language_labels, :unicode_cache, :article def initialize(source, options = {}) @literal_cache = options[:literal_cache] || {} @unicode_cache = {} @code_cache = {} @maketitle_elements = {} @article = options[:article] @language_labels = if (labels = options[:language_labels]).nil? default_language_labels else default_language_labels.merge(labels) end @highlight_cache_filename = '.highlight_cache' if File.exist?(@highlight_cache_filename) content = File.read(@highlight_cache_filename) .force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') begin @highlight_cache = MessagePack.unpack(content) unless content.empty? rescue MessagePack::UnpackError FileUtils.rm @highlight_cache_filename end end @highlight_cache ||= {} @math_label_cache = {} @source_format = options[:source] || :polytex @custom_commands = File.read(Polytexnic.core_style_file) rescue '' @custom_commands += "\n" + (options[:custom_commands] || '') @source = source if markdown? preprocess(:polytex) postprocess(:polytex) end @polytex = @source end def to_html if profiling? require 'ruby-prof' RubyProf.start end puts "before preprocess:\n#{@polytex}" if debug? preprocess(:html) puts "\nafter preprocess:\n#{@xml}" if debug? postprocess(:html) puts "\nafter postprocess:\n#{@html}" if debug? if profiling? result = RubyProf.stop printer = RubyProf::GraphPrinter.new(result) printer.print(STDOUT, {}) end @html.strip end def to_latex preprocess(:latex) postprocess(:latex) @latex end private # Returns the default labels for 'Chapter', 'Figure', etc. def default_language_labels {"chapter"=>{"word"=>"Chapter", "order"=>"standard"}, "section"=>"Section", "table"=>"Table", "figure"=>"Figure", "fig"=>"Fig", "aside"=>"Box", "listing"=>"Listing", "equation"=>"Equation", "eq"=>"Eq", "frontmatter"=>"Frontmatter", "contents"=>"Contents"} end def markdown? @source_format == :markdown || @source_format == :md end def polytex? @source_format == :polytex end end end