#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 require "bundler" Bundler.setup $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../../../lib", __FILE__)) require 'amqp' class ConnectionManager # # API # def connect(*args, &block) @connection = AMQP.connect(*args, &block) # combines Object#method and Method#to_proc to use object # method as a callback @connection.on_error(&method(:on_error)) end # connect(*args, &block) def on_error(connection, connection_close) puts "Handling a connection-level exception." puts puts "AMQP class id : #{connection_close.class_id}" puts "AMQP method id: #{connection_close.method_id}" puts "Status code : #{connection_close.reply_code}" puts "Error message : #{connection_close.reply_text}" end # on_error(connection, connection_close) end EventMachine.run do manager = ConnectionManager.new manager.connect(:host => '', :port => 5672) do |connection| puts "Connected to RabbitMQ. Running #{AMQP::VERSION} version of the gem..." # send_frame is NOT part of the public API, but it is public for entities like AMQ::Client::Channel # and we use it here to trigger a connection-level exception. MK. connection.send_frame(AMQ::Protocol::Connection::TuneOk.encode(1000, 1024 * 128 * 1024, 10)) end # shut down after 2 seconds EventMachine.add_timer(2) { EventMachine.stop } end