Sha256: a05ed95da0b622d951bdcc1d566f48874c4ef92aec073d96d502922d67f74175

Contents?: true

Size: 1.22 KB

Versions: 2


Stored size: 1.22 KB


3.1.19 (Brainy Betty)
:@children[	o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode:@value[I"f/* ----------------------------------- Helper class to apply to elements to make them sections */:EF:@silenti:
@options{o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode:
@rule[I".section, .panel;	T:
@name[I"section;	T;i:@filenameI";	F;i;@o;;[o;;[o;;[I"
panel;	T;i;@;i;@;i;@;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode;I"section;	T:
@args[:@keywords{;[;i;
@;i:@has_childrenT;
@o;;[I"@/* ----------------------------------- Sidebar Sections  */;	F;
i;0;[;i	;
@o;;[I".sidebar_section;	T;i;o;;[o;;[o;;[o;;[I"sidebar_section;	T;i;I";	F;i;@6;i;@6;[o;;I"section;	T;[;{;[;i;
@;i;T;
@:@templateI"ç// ----------------------------------- Helper class to apply to elements to make them sections
.section, .panel{ @include section; }

// ----------------------------------- Sidebar Sections 

.sidebar_section { @include section; }
;	T;i;T;

Version data entries

2 entries across 2 versions & 1 rubygems

Version Path
ecm_cms_core-0.0.3 test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/799f94dffbb29370035dd8035c06b45b72790fc5/_panels.scssc
ecm_cms_core-0.0.2 test/dummy/tmp/cache/sass/799f94dffbb29370035dd8035c06b45b72790fc5/_panels.scssc