require "thor/group" require "active_support" require "active_support/version" require "active_support/core_ext/string" require "rails/generators" require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator" class Enginex < Thor::Group VERSION = "0.6.1".freeze include Thor::Actions check_unknown_options! def self.source_root @_source_root ||= File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) end def self.say_step(message) @step = (@step || 0) + 1 class_eval <<-METHOD, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def step_#{@step} #{"puts" if @step > 1} say_status "STEP #{@step}", #{message.inspect} end METHOD end argument :path, :type => :string, :desc => "Path to the engine to be created" class_option :test_framework, :default => "test_unit", :aliases => "-t", :desc => "Test framework to use. test_unit or rspec." desc "Creates a Rails 3 engine with Rakefile, Gemfile and running tests." say_step "Creating gem skeleton" def create_root self.destination_root = File.expand_path(path, destination_root) set_accessors! directory "root", "." end def create_tests_or_specs directory test_path end def copy_gitignore copy_file "gitignore", ".gitignore" end say_step "Vendoring Rails application at test/dummy" def invoke_rails_app_generator invoke Rails::Generators::AppGenerator, [ File.expand_path(dummy_path, destination_root) ] end say_step "Configuring Rails application" def change_config_files store_application_definition! template "rails/boot.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/boot.rb", :force => true template "rails/application.rb", "#{dummy_path}/config/application.rb", :force => true end say_step "Removing unneeded files" def remove_uneeded_rails_files inside dummy_path do remove_file ".gitignore" remove_file "db/seeds.rb" remove_file "doc" remove_file "Gemfile" remove_file "lib/tasks" remove_file "public/images/rails.png" remove_file "public/index.html" remove_file "public/robots.txt" remove_file "README" remove_file "test" remove_file "vendor" end end protected def rspec? options[:test_framework] == "rspec" end def test_unit? options[:test_framework] == "test_unit" end def test_path rspec? ? "spec" : "test" end def dummy_path "#{test_path}/dummy" end def self.banner self_task.formatted_usage(self, false) end def application_definition @application_definition ||= begin contents ="#{dummy_path}/config/application.rb", destination_root)) contents[(contents.index("module Dummy"))..-1] end end alias :store_application_definition! :application_definition # Cache accessors since we are changing the directory def set_accessors! self.class.source_root end def name @name ||= File.basename(destination_root) end def camelized @camelized ||= name.camelize end def underscored @underscored ||= name.underscore end end