// @pattern Buttons
// @tagline Those sweet, sweet clicks.
// @since 1.0
* A simple button. Nice.
* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Aliquam expedita repellendus magnam similique eum assumenda velit doloribus omnis labore debitis. Molestiae debitis soluta earum minima maxime inventore aperiam, et omnis.
* @variant --primary (demo type: joint, set by: :primary?)
* @variant --destroy (demo type: joint, set by: :destroy?) - This button indicates that you want to remove something.
* @variant --destroy-no-hover (demo type: joint)
* @variant --icon (demo type: hidden)
* @variant --large (demo type: select, set by: :size (SIZE_LARGE)) - A much larger button for special situations.
* @variant --plain (demo type: select, precludes: --is-disabled, set by: :plain?)
cursor: pointer
display: inline-block
height: 32px
line-height: 30px
background: #efefef // slightly different on hover/ focus
* A button that is indicating the loading of content.
* @demo_type joint
* @set_by :loading?
// Don't do this for disabled buttons
color: transparent
cursor: default
background-repeat: no-repeat
background-position: center center
background-color: #fcfcfc
// @precludes .button--large
// @demo_type select
// @set_by NextButton#resize, :size (SIZE_SLIM)
height: 28px
line-height: 26px
background: transparent
border: none
// A button that can't be activated. In order for this button to
// function correctly, both the class and the disabled attribute
// must be placed on the button.
// For example, the following will produce a button that *looks* disabled,
// but that is still clickable:
// ```html
// ```
// But this one creates an appropriately unclickable button:
// ```html_demo
// ```
// @demo_type select
// @javascript_action $(this).addClass('button--is-disabled').attr('disabled', true)
// @set_by :disabled?
// @precludes button--is-loading
color: #999
border-color: #e3e3e3
background: #fcfcfc
// Two or more buttons that control the same function.
// @title Segmented Button Group
// @demo_type own
display: flex
display: block
flex: 0 1 auto
margin: 0
// Adjusts details for buttons that are part of the
// button group.
margin-left: -1px
border-top-right-radius: 0
border-bottom-right-radius: 0
border-top-left-radius: 0
border-bottom-left-radius: 0
border-radius: 0
// A segmented group that spans the entire container.
// @demo_type select
flex: 1 1 auto