{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "type":"object", "title": "account_entry", "description": "A entry for an account", "required": ["account_id", "price_single"], "properties":{ "id":{ "description":"Unique identifier - UUID", "identity":true, "readOnly":true, "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "company_id":{ "description":"Company", "readOnly":true, "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "account_id":{ "description":"Account the entry belongs to.", "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "document_id":{ "description":"Document the entry is related to. This relation is set by an account billing.", "readOnly":true, "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "item_id":{ "description":"Line item on the document the entry is related to. This relation is set by an account billing or when a document is booked onto an account.", "readOnly":true, "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "name":{ "description": "The name of an entry", "type":"string", "maxLength": 50 }, "description":{ "description": "Entry description", "type":"string", "format": "string" }, "price_single":{ "description": "Net price of a single entry. If a product id is given, price_single is taken from the product if not set.", "type":"number" }, "net_total":{ "description": "Net price of a single entry. Calculated from price_single * quantity", "readOnly":true, "type":"number" }, "tax":{ "description": "Tax percentage", "type":"number" }, "quantity_unit":{ "description": "Quantity unit e.g: kg, days, month, ..", "type":"string", "maxLength": 30 }, "quantity":{ "description": "Quantity of the entry.", "type":"number", "default": 1 }, "date":{ "description": "Date of the entry. Defaults to today. Entries are sorted by date per default.", "format":"date-time", "type":"string" }, "billable":{ "description": "True if the entry can be billed.", "type":"boolean", "default": false }, "billed_at":{ "description": "Date the object was billed. Automatically set when the entry is used on an invoice.", "format":"date-time", "type":"string" }, "created_at":{ "description": "Date the object was created. Never changes afterwards", "format":"date-time", "readOnly":true, "type":"string" }, "updated_at":{ "description": "Date the object was edited.", "format":"date-time", "readOnly":true, "type":"string" } }, "links":[ { "rel": "self", "href": "account_entries/{id}" }, { "rel": "instances", "href": "account_entries", "properties" : { "page":{ "title" : "Page", "description": "In paginated results set the page to look for", "type":"number" }, "per_page":{ "title" : "Per page", "description": "Results per page. Default is 50, max is 200", "type":"number" }, "filter[q]":{ "title" : "Search", "description": "Wildcard search in name, description", "type":"string" }, "filter[account_ids]":{ "title" : "Search by related accounts", "description": "Set multiple account ids comma separated or as array", "type":"string" }, "filter[document_ids]":{ "title" : "Search by related documents", "description": "Set multiple document ids comma separated or as array", "type":"string" }, "filter[ids]":{ "title" : "Search by account entry ids", "description": "Set multiple entry ids comma separated or as array", "type":"string" }, "filter[unbilled]":{ "title" : "Unbilled", "description": "Entries available for billing: marked as billable without a billing date(billed_at) set. False values will skip this filter. To find billed entries simply use filter[billed_at_to] e.g with todays date.", "type":"boolean" }, "filter[billable]":{ "title" : "Billable", "description": "Billable or not billable entries. Set false(string) or 0(Integer) to get not billable entries. For billable entries use true or 1. Also see filter[unbilled] to find not yet billed entries.", "type":"boolean" }, "filter[date_from]":{ "title" : "From date", "description": "Objects with a date eq/after the date. YYYY-MM-DD", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "filter[date_to]":{ "title" : "To date", "description": "Objects with date eq/before the date. YYYY-MM-DD", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "filter[billed_at_from]":{ "title" : "From billing date", "description": "Objects with a billing date eq/after the date. YYYY-MM-DD", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "filter[billed_at_to]":{ "title" : "To billing date", "description": "Objects with billing date eq/before the date. YYYY-MM-DD. A set billing date means the entry has been billed, so simply use this filter e.g with date today to find all billed entries.", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "filter[created_at_from]":{ "title" : "From creation date", "description": "Objects with a date eq/after the date. YYYY-MM-DD", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "filter[created_at_to]":{ "title" : "To creation date", "description": "Objects with a creation until the date(<=). ISO 8601 format YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+z or just a date YYY-MM-DD. If date is given the time is set to the end of the day(23:59:59) so all objects created on that day are included. A time should be already utc time.", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "sort_by":{ "title" : "Sort by", "description": "Sort the results by the given field => number", "enum":["name","number","date","quantity","price_single","created_at", "updated_at"], "type": "string" }, "sort":{ "title" : "Sort", "enum":["ASC","DESC"], "description": "Sort the results in ASC or DESC", "type": "string" } } }, { "rel": "destroy", "href": "account_entries/{id}", "method": "DELETE" }, { "rel": "update", "href": "account_entries/{id}", "method": "PUT" }, { "rel": "create", "href": "account_entries", "method": "POST" } ] }