# Fozzie [![travis-ci](https://secure.travis-ci.org/lonelyplanet/fozzie.png)](https://secure.travis-ci.org/lonelyplanet/fozzie) Ruby gem for registering statistics to a [Statsd](https://github.com/etsy/statsd) server in various ways. ## Requirements * A Statsd server * Ruby 1.9 ## Basic Usage Send through statistics depending on the type you want to provide: ### Increment counter Stats.increment 'wat' # increments the value in a Statsd bucket called 'some.prefix.wat' - # the exact bucket name depends on the bucket name prefix (see below) ### Decrement counter Stats.decrement 'wat' ### Decrement counter - provide a value as integer Stats.count 'wat', 5 ### Basic timing - provide a value in milliseconds Stats.timing 'wat', 500 ### Timings - provide a block to time against (inline and do syntax supported) Stats.time 'wat' { sleep 5 } Stats.time_to_do 'wat' do sleep 5 end Stats.time_for 'wat' { sleep 5 } ### Events - register different events #### Commits Stats.commit Stats.committed #### Builds Stats.built Stats.build #### Deployments Stats.deployed With a custom app: Stats.deployed 'watapp' Stats.deploy With a custom app: Stats.deploy 'watapp' #### Custom Stats.event 'pull' With a custom app: Stats.event 'pull', 'watapp' ### Boolean result - pass a value to be true or false, and increment on true Stats.increment_on 'wat', duck.valid? ## Sampling Each of the above methods accepts a sample rate as the last argument (before any applicable blocks), e.g: Stats.increment 'wat', 10 Stats.decrement 'wat', 10 Stats.count 'wat', 5, 10 ## Namespaces Fozzie supports the following namespaces as default Stats.increment 'wat' S.increment 'wat' Statistics.increment 'wat' Warehouse.increment 'wat' You can customise this via the YAML configuration (see instructions below) ## Configuration Fozzie is configured via a YAML or by setting a block against the Fozzie namespace. ### YAML Create a `fozzie.yml` within a `config` folder on the root of your app, which contains your settings for each env. Simple, verbose example below. development: appname: wat host: '' port: 8125 namespaces: %w{Foo Bar Wat} test: appname: wat host: 'localhost' port: 8125 namespaces: %w{Foo Bar Wat} production: appname: wat host: 'stats.wat.com' port: 8125 namespaces: %w{Foo Bar Wat} ### Configure block Fozzie.configure do |config| config.appname = "wat" config.host = "" config.port = 8125 end ## Middleware To time and register the controller actions within your Rails application, Fozzie provides some middleware. ### Rack require 'rack' require 'fozzie' app = Rack::Builder.new { use Fozzie::Rack::Middleware lambda { |env| [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, 'OK'] } } ### Rails Based on the Rack middleware above, but is more involved in its construction of the bucket value. Fozzie::Rails::Middleware will automatically be invoked on Rails initialization. ## Bucket name prefixes Fozzie automatically constructs bucket name prefixes from app name, hostname, and environment. For example: Stats.increment 'wat' increments the bucket named app-name.your-computer-name.development.wat When working on your development machine. This allows multiple application instances, in different environments, to be distinguished easily and collated in Graphite quickly. The app name can be configured via the YAML configuration. ## Low level behaviour The current implementation of Fozzie wraps the sending of the statistic in a timeout and rescue block, which prevent long host lookups (i.e. if your stats server disappears) and minimises impact on your code or application if something is erroring at a low level. Fozzie will try to log these errors, but only if a logger has been applied (which by default it does not). Examples: require 'logger' Fozzie.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) require 'logger' Fozzie.logger = Logger.new 'log/fozzie.log' This may change, depending on feedback and more production experience. ## Rails User Interface Performance Measuring If you also require UI metrics, you can also include the Mill script in the bottom of any page you would like to measure (see `resources/mill.js` and `resources/mill.min.js`) and you start receiving measurements on page performance. ## Credits Currently supported and maintained by [Marc Watts](marc.watts@lonelyplanet.co.uk) @ Lonely Planet Online. Big thanks and Credits: * [Mark Barger](mark.barger@lonelyplanet.co.uk) for support in trying to make this Gem useful. * [Dave Nolan](https://github.com/textgoeshere) * [Etsy](http://codeascraft.etsy.com/) whose [Statsd](https://github.com/etsy/statsd) product has enabled us to come such a long way in a very short period of time. We love Etsy. * [reinh](https://github.com/reinh/statsd) for his [statsd](https://github.com/reinh/statsd) Gem. ## Comments and Feedback Please [contact](marc.watts@lonelyplanet.co.uk) me on anything... improvements will be needed and are welcomed greatly.