module ActiveAdmin module Pages class Base < ::ActiveAdmin::Renderer def breadcrumb(separator = "/") content_tag :span, :class => "breadcrumb" do { |txt, path| link_to_unless((path.blank? || current_page?(path)), h(txt), path) }.join(" #{content_tag(:span, separator, :class => "breadcrumb_sep")} ") end end def main_content "Please implement #{}#main_content to display content.".html_safe end def title_bar content_for :title_bar do [breadcrumb, title_tag, action_items].join.html_safe end end def title_tag content_tag :h2, title, :id => 'page_title' end def title end # Set's the page title for the layout to render def set_page_title set_ivar_on_view "@page_title", title end def action_items_renderer ActiveAdmin::ActionItems::Renderer end def action_items items = controller.class.action_items_for(params[:action]) end # Returns the renderer class to use to render the sidebar # # You could override this method and return your own custom # sidebar renderer def sidebar_renderer ActiveAdmin::Sidebar::Renderer end # Returns the sidebar sections to render for the current action def sidebar_sections controller.class.sidebar_sections_for(params[:action]) end # Renders the sidebar def sidebar content_for :sidebar do end end # Renders the content for the footer def footer content_for :footer do content_tag :p, "Powered by #{link_to("Active Admin", "")} #{ActiveAdmin::VERSION}".html_safe end end def flash_messages content_for :flash_messages do if flash.keys.any? content_tag :div, :class => 'flashes' do flash.collect do |type, message| content_tag :div, message, :class => "flash flash_#{type}" end.join end end end end def to_html set_page_title title_bar flash_messages footer sidebar main_content end end end end