module S3Multipart module Uploader def initiate(options) url = "/#{options[:object_name]}?uploads" headers = {content_type: options[:content_type]} headers[:authorization], headers[:date] = sign_request verb: 'POST', url: url, content_type: options[:content_type] response = url, {headers: headers} parsed_response_body = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body) return { "key" => parsed_response_body["Key"][0], "upload_id" => parsed_response_body["UploadId"][0], "name" => options[:object_name] } end def sign_batch(options) parts = options[:content_lengths].split('-') do |len, i| sign_part(options.merge!({content_length: len, part_number: i+1})) end end def sign_part(options) url = "/#{options[:object_name]}?partNumber=#{options[:part_number]}&uploadId=#{options[:upload_id]}" authorization, date = sign_request verb: 'PUT', url: url, content_length: options[:content_length] return {authorization: authorization, date: date} end def complete(options) options[:content_type] = "application/xml" url = "/#{options[:object_name]}?uploadId=#{options[:upload_id]}" body = format_part_list_in_xml(options) headers = { content_type: options[:content_type], content_length: options[:content_length] } headers[:authorization], headers[:date] = sign_request verb: 'POST', url: url, content_type: options[:content_type] response = url, {headers: headers, body: body} response.body parsed_response_body = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body) begin return { location: parsed_response_body["Location"][0] } rescue NoMethodError return { error: "Upload does not exist"} if parsed_response_body["Message"].first.match("The specified upload does not exist. The upload ID may be invalid, or the upload may have been aborted or completed.") end end def sign_request(options) #options.default = "" time ="%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z") return [calculate_authorization_hash(time, options), time] end private def calculate_authorization_hash(time, options) date = date.insert(0, "\nx-amz-date:") if from_upload_part?(options) && options[:parts].nil? unsigned_request = "#{options[:verb]}\n\n#{options[:content_type]}\n#{date}\n/#{Config.instance.bucket_name}#{options[:url]}" signature = Base64.strict_encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', Config.instance.s3_secret_key, unsigned_request)) authorization = "AWS" + " " + Config.instance.s3_access_key + ":" + signature end def from_upload_part?(options) options[:content_length].to_s.match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? true : false end def format_part_list_in_xml(options) hash = Hash["Part", ""]; hash["Part"] = options[:parts].map do |part| { "PartNumber" => part[:partNum], "ETag" => part[:ETag] } end hash["Part"].sort_by! {|obj| obj["PartNumber"]} XmlSimple.xml_out(hash, { :RootName => "CompleteMultipartUpload", :AttrPrefix => true }) end end end