module Qwester ActiveAdmin.register RuleSet do menu_label = 'Rule Sets' menu_label = "Qwester #{menu_label}" unless Qwester.active_admin_menu menu :parent => Qwester.active_admin_menu, :label => menu_label config.batch_actions = false index do column :title column :presentation column :answers do |rule_set| rule_set.answers.count end column :rule default_actions end sidebar :rule_syntax do para 'R1 = "(a1 and a2) or (a3 and a4)"' para 'R2 = "a1 and not a2"' para 'R3 = "sum(:id) == 7"' para 'R4 = "(2 in a1 a2 a3) and (average(:id) == 3)"' table(:class => 'small') do tr do th "Input" th "R1" th "R2" th "R3" th "R4" end tr do th "[a1, a2]" th "true" th "false" th "false" th "false" end tr do th "[a3, a4]" th "true" th "false" th "true" th "false" end tr do th "[a1, a3, a5]" th "false" th "true" th "false" th "true" end end para link_to('Rule engine documentation', '', :target => '_blank') end sidebar :presentations do para < :ckeditor, :input_html => { :height => 100 } else f.input :description, :input_html => { :rows => 3} end end f.inputs "Output Link" do f.input :url f.input :link_text end f.inputs "Change Presentation of Questionnaires" do f.input :presentation, :as => :select, :collection => Presentation.all.collect(&:name), :include_blank => 'No effect on presentation' end f.inputs "Logic" do f.input :rule, :input_html => { :rows => 3} end f.inputs("Questions") do if qwester_rule_set.questions.empty? f.input( :answers, :as => :check_boxes, :member_label => lambda {|a| "a#{}: #{a.value} to '#{a.question.title}'"}, :input_html => { :size => 20, :multiple => true} ) else questions = qwester_rule_set.questions | Question.all questions.collect! do |question| style = 'border:#CCCCCC 1px solid;' html = [content_tag('td', question.title, :style => style)] answers = question.answers.collect do |answer| answer_style = style answer_style += 'background-color:#005C1F;color:white;font-weight:bold;' if qwester_rule_set.answers.include?(answer) content_tag('td', "a#{} #{answer.value}".html_safe, :style => answer_style).html_safe end html << answers.join(" ").html_safe content_tag('tr', html.join(" ").html_safe) end table_class = ["selection"] table_class << 'associated_questions' if content_tag 'li', content_tag('table', questions.join("\n").html_safe, :class => table_class.join(' ')) end end f.actions end controller do def permitted_params params.permit( qwester_rule_set: [ :title, :description, :url, :link_text, :presentation, :rule, {answer_ids: []} ] ) end end unless Qwester.rails_three? show do div do para sanitize(qwester_rule_set.description) end if qwester_rule_set.description.present? div do h3 'Target url' para link_to qwester_rule_set.url para qwester_rule_set.link_text? ? qwester_rule_set.link_text : 'No link text specified' end div do h3 'Presentation' if qwester_rule_set.presentation? para "The presentations of questionnaires should change to: #{qwester_rule_set.presentation}" else para "The presentations of questionnaires should be unaffected by this rule" end end div do h3 'The rule' para qwester_rule_set.rule end begin if qwester_rule_set.matching_answer_sets.present? div do h3 'Sample matching answer sets' if qwester_rule_set.matching_answer_sets.length para "There are at least #{qwester_rule_set.matching_answer_sets.length} combinations of answers that would pass this test." end para 'The following combinations of answers would pass' qwester_rule_set.matching_answer_sets.each do |answer_set| ul :style => 'border:#CCCCCC 1px solid;padding:5px;list-style:none;' do answer_set.each do |answer_id| next unless Answer.exists?(answer_id) answer = Answer.find(answer_id) question_summary = [answer.value, answer.question.title].join(' : ') li "(a#{answer_id}) #{question_summary}" end end end end else div do h3 'Matching answer sets' para 'Answers will pass unless they contain a blocking answer set' end end if qwester_rule_set.blocking_answer_sets.present? div do h3 'Sample blocking answer sets' para 'The following combinations of answers would not pass' qwester_rule_set.blocking_answer_sets.each do |answer_set| ul :style => 'border:#CCCCCC 1px solid;padding:5px;list-style:none;' do answer_set.each do |answer_id| next unless Answer.exists?(answer_id) answer = Answer.find(answer_id) question_summary = [answer.value, answer.question.title].join(' : ') li "(a#{answer_id}) #{question_summary}" end end end end else div do h3 'Blocking answer sets' para 'Answers will only pass if they contain a matching answer set' end end rescue ArrayLogic::UnableToDetermineCombinationsError => e h3 'Sample combinations' para e.message end end end if defined?(ActiveAdmin) end