# Finds tasks by business key and task definition and allows you to report a task complete and update process variables. # If a business key isn't supplied when creating a process definition, you can still retrieve UserTasks by using # the `.find_by` helper provided by Her. # @see Camunda::ProcessDefinition # @see https://github.com/remi/her # @example # Camunda::Task.find_by(taskDefinitionKey: 'UserTask') # @example # # You can get all tasks with the `.all.each` helper # tasks = Camunda::Task.all.each # # And then complete all tasks like so # tasks.each(&:complete!) class Camunda::Task < Camunda::Model include Camunda::VariableSerialization collection_path 'task' # @example # user_task = Camunda::Task.find_by_business_key_and_task_definition_key!('WorkflowBusinessKey','UserTask') # @param instance_business_key [String] the process instance business key # @param task_key [String] id/key of the user task # @return [Camunda::Task] def self.find_by_business_key_and_task_definition_key!(instance_business_key, task_key) find_by!(processInstanceBusinessKey: instance_business_key, taskDefinitionKey: task_key) end # Complete a task and updates process variables. # @example # user_task = Camunda::Task.find_by_business_key_and_task_definition_key!('WorkflowBusinessKey','UserTask') # user_task.complete! # @param vars [Hash] variables to be submitted as part of task completion def complete!(vars={}) self.class.post_raw("#{self.class.collection_path}/#{id}/complete", variables: serialize_variables(vars))[:response] .tap do |response| raise SubmissionError, response.body[:data][:message] unless response.success? end end def bpmn_error!(error_code, error_message, vars={}) self.class .post_raw("#{self.class.collection_path}/#{id}/bpmnError", errorCode: error_code, errorMessage: error_message, variables: serialize_variables(vars))[:response] .tap do |response| raise SubmissionError, response.body[:data][:message] unless response.success? end end def bpmn_escalation!(escalation_code, vars={}) self.class .post_raw("#{self.class.collection_path}/#{id}/bpmnEscalation", escalationCode: escalation_code, variables: serialize_variables(vars))[:response] .tap do |response| raise SubmissionError, response.body[:data][:message] unless response.success? end end # Error class when the task cannot be submitted. For instance if the bpmn process expects a variable and the variable # isn't supplied, Camunda will not accept the task class SubmissionError < StandardError end end