.accountability { &__status { @apply flex flex-col gap-3 w-full; &-container { @apply w-full last:[&>*]:flex last:[&>*]:gap-1; } &-title { @apply font-semibold text-secondary text-lg [&+*]:mt-auto; } &-progress { @apply w-full h-4 rounded overflow-hidden bg-white [&>*]:bg-success [&>*]:h-full; } &-value { @apply flex justify-between items-baseline gap-1 text-gray-2; > :first-child { @apply text-4xl font-bold; } > :last-child:not(:only-child) { @apply text-sm truncate; } } &__home { @apply gap-4 p-6 bg-white drop-shadow-[0_4px_6px_rgba(211,211,211,0.25)]; } &__home &-title { @apply text-xl text-gray-2; } &__home &-progress { @apply bg-background; } &__home &-value > :first-child { @apply text-[48px]; } &__background { @apply bg-background p-4; } &__border { @apply border-2 border-background rounded p-4; } &__border &-progress { @apply invisible; } &__border &-title { @apply text-md text-secondary; } &__parent { @apply p-4 gap-1 bg-white drop-shadow-[0_4px_6px_rgba(211,211,211,0.25)]; } &__parent &-progress { @apply hidden; } &__parent &-value > :first-child { @apply text-xl; } &__child { @apply mt-4 p-4 bg-white drop-shadow-[0_4px_6px_rgba(211,211,211,0.25)]; } &__child &-title { @apply text-md; } &__child &-progress { @apply bg-background; } &__child &-value > :first-child { @apply text-3xl; } &__project &-title { @apply text-gray-2 text-md font-normal; } } &__grid { @apply grid md:grid-cols-3 items-start gap-x-10 gap-y-8 md:gap-y-16; & > :nth-child(even) { @apply grid md:col-span-2; } /* display the titles only for the first two rows in desktop */ & > :nth-child(1) &-title, & > :nth-child(2) &-title { @apply md:block; } &-title { @apply block md:hidden mb-8 text-gray-2 uppercase font-semibold; } .flash { @apply m-0; } } &__subgrid { @apply grid md:grid-cols-2 gap-6; } &__progress { @apply ml-auto rounded px-3 md:px-6 py-4 bg-background font-bold text-gray-2 text-xl w-full md:w-auto min-w-[120px] grid place-items-center; } &__project { &-aside { @apply bg-background p-4 rounded divide-y divide-gray-3 [&>*]:py-4 first:[&>*]:pt-0 last:[&>*]:pb-0; &-item { @apply text-gray-2 space-y-1.5; > :first-child { @apply text-sm flex items-center gap-1; } > :last-child { @apply text-md font-semibold; } } } &-timeline { @apply flex flex-col gap-6; &-entry { @apply flex items-start gap-2 relative before:absolute before:w-px before:-z-10 before:left-3 before:bg-gray-3 before:h-[calc(100%+1.5rem)] last:before:h-6 before:-top-3 first:before:top-3; &-number { @apply rounded-full w-6 h-6 bg-background grid place-items-center text-gray-2 text-lg font-semibold; } &-attributes { @apply text-gray-2 text-sm; > :first-child { @apply text-lg font-semibold; } } } } &-list { @apply space-y-6; } } &__filters { @apply w-full space-y-10; } }