# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2018 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module MU class Config # Basket of Kittens config schema and parser logic. See modules/mu/clouds/*/function.rb class Function # Base configuration schema for a Function # @return [Hash] def self.schema { "type" => "object", "title" => "Function", "description" => "Create a cloud function.", "required" => ["name", "cloud","runtime","handler","code","region"], "additionalProperties" => false, "properties" => { "cloud" => MU::Config.cloud_primitive, "name" => {"type" => "string"}, "runtime" => { "type" => "string", "enum" => %w{nodejs nodejs4.3 nodejs6.10 nodejs8.10 java8 python2.7 python3.6 dotnetcore1.0 dotnetcore2.0 dotnetcore2.1 nodejs4.3-edge go1.x} }, "region" => MU::Config.region_primitive, "vpc" => MU::Config::VPC.reference(MU::Config::VPC::ONE_SUBNET+MU::Config::VPC::MANY_SUBNETS, MU::Config::VPC::NO_NAT_OPTS, "all_private"), "handler" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The function within your code that Lambda calls to begin execution. For Node.js, it is the module-name.export value in your function. For Java, it can be package.class-name::handler or package.class-name. For more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/java-programming-model-handler-types.html" }, "timeout" => { "type" => "integer", "description" => "Maximum run time for an invocation of this function, in seconds", "default" => 3 }, "tags" => MU::Config.tags_primitive, "optional_tags" => MU::Config.optional_tags_primitive, "add_firewall_rules" => MU::Config::FirewallRule.reference, "ingress_rules" => { "type" => "array", "description" => "Firewall rules to apply to our function. Ignored if not applicable to target environment.", "items" => MU::Config::FirewallRule.ruleschema }, "memory" => { "type" => "integer", "default" => 128, "description" => "Memory to allocation for function, in MB. The value must be a multiple of 64 MB." }, "dependencies" => MU::Config.dependencies_primitive, "triggers" => { "type" => "array", "items" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "Trigger for lambda function", "required" => ["service"], "additionalProperties" => false, "properties" => { "service" => { "type" => "string", "enum" => %w{apigateway events s3 sns sqs dynamodb kinesis ses cognito alexa iot}, "description" => "The name of the AWS service that will trigger this function" }, "name" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "The name of the API Gateway, Cloudwatch Event, or other event trigger object" } } } }, "code" => { "type" => "object", "description" => "Zipped deployment package to upload to Lambda. You must specify either s3_bucket+s3_key or zip_file.", "additionalProperties" => false, "properties" => { "s3_bucket" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "An S3 bucket where the deployment package can be found. Must be used in conjunction with s3_key." }, "s3_key" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Key in s3_bucket where the deployment package can be found. Must be used in conjunction with s3_bucket." }, "s3_object_version" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Specify an S3 object version for the deployment package, instead of the current default" }, "zip_file" => { "type" => "string", "description" => "Path to a zipped deployment package to upload." } } }, "environment_variable" => { "type" => "array", "minItems" => 1, "items" => { "description" => "environment variables", "type" => "object", "title" => "tags", "required" => ["key", "value"], "additionalProperties" => false, "properties" => { "key" => { "type" => "string", }, "value" => { "type" => "string", } } } } } } end # Generic pre-processing of {MU::Config::BasketofKittens::functions}, bare and unvalidated. # @param function [Hash]: The resource to process and validate # @param configurator [MU::Config]: The overall deployment configurator of which this resource is a member # @return [Boolean]: True if validation succeeded, False otherwise def self.validate(function, configurator) ok = true if function['code']['zip_file'] if !File.readable?(function['code']['zip_file']) MU.log "Can't read deployment package #{function['code']['zip_file']}", MU::ERR ok = false end end ok end end end end