ScaffoldingExtensions::MODEL_SUPERCLASSES << DataMapper::Resource def get_key_array_safe(key) if key.is_a?(Array) then if key.length==1 key.first else key end else key end end def get_ordering_options(ordopts) result = [] if ordopts then ordering = ordopts.dup else return nil end ordering = ordering.split(',') unless ordering.is_a?(Array) ordering.each do |ord| asc = :asc if ord.upcase =~ /DESC/ asc = :desc end ord.gsub!(/[Dd][Ee][Ss][Cc]|[Aa][Ss][Cc]/,"") ord.strip! if ord =~ /(\w+)\.(\w+)/ tablename = $1 propertyname = $2 #TODO handling of associated orderings #optionshash[:order] <<"#{tablename.downcase.gsub(/\b[a-z]/) { |a| a.upcase }.gsub(/\s/, "") #}.properties[:#{propertyname.downcase}]"),asc) result << eval(":#{propertyname}.#{asc.to_s}") elsif ord =~ /(\w+)/ propertyname = $1 result << eval(":#{propertyname}.#{asc.to_s}") else # TODO Warning message end end result end # Instance methods added to DataMapper::Resource to allow it to work with Scaffolding Extensions. module ScaffoldingExtensions::DataMapper # Get value for given attribute def scaffold_attribute_value(field) self[field] end # the value of the primary key for this object def scaffold_id get_key_array_safe(self.key) end end # Class methods added to DataMapper::Resource to allow it to work with Scaffolding Extensions. module ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaDataMapper SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS = ::ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel::SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS # Add the associated object to the object's association def scaffold_add_associated_object(association, object, associated_object) ap = object.send(association) ap << associated_object unless ap.include?(associated_object) end # Array of all association reflections for this model # only shows the associations that are scaffolding_enabled def scaffold_all_associations { |v| v.send(:target_model).respond_to?(:scaffold_name) } end # The class that this model is associated with via the association def scaffold_associated_class(association) relationships[association].target_model end # The association reflection for this association def scaffold_association(association) relationships[association] end # The type of association, either :new for :one_to_many (as you can create new objects # associated with the current object), :edit for :many_to_many (since you # can edit the list of associated objects), or :one for :many_to_one. def scaffold_association_type(association) if relationships[association].class == DataMapper::Associations::OneToMany::Relationship :new elsif relationships[association].class == DataMapper::Associations::ManyToMany::Relationship :edit else :one end end # List of symbols for associations to display on the scaffolded edit page. Defaults to # all associations for which the scaffolding is enabled. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_associations @scaffold_associations ||= { |v| relationships[v].send(:target_model).respond_to?(:scaffold_name) }.sort_by{|name| name.to_s} end # Destroys the object def scaffold_destroy(object) object.destroy end # The error to raise, should match other errors raised by the underlying library. def scaffold_error_raised DataMapper::ObjectNotFoundError end # Returns the list of fields to display on the scaffolded forms. Defaults # to displaying all columns with the exception of the primary key column. # Also includes :many_to_one associations, replacing # the foriegn keys with the association itself. Can be set with an instance variable. def scaffold_fields(action = :default) return @scaffold_fields if @scaffold_fields fields = ( {|a|}) - [scaffold_primary_key] scaffold_all_associations.each do |reflection| next unless reflection.class == DataMapper::Associations::ManyToOne::Relationship fields.delete(get_key_array_safe(reflection.send(:child_key)).name) fields.push( end @scaffold_fields = fields.sort_by{|f| f.to_s} end # The foreign key for the given reflection def scaffold_foreign_key(reflection) get_key_array_safe(reflection.child_key).name end # Retrieve a single model object given an id def scaffold_get_object(id) self.get(id) || (raise scaffold_error_raised) end # All objects that are currently associated with the given object. This method does not # check that the returned associated objects meet the associated class's scaffold_session_value # constraint, as it is assumed that all objects currently assocated with the given object # have already met the criteria. If that is not the case, you should override this method. def scaffold_associated_objects(association, object, options) object.send(association,:order => get_ordering_options(scaffold_select_order_association(association))) end # Retrieve multiple objects given a hash of options def scaffold_get_objects(options) optionshash = {} data = self.all if options[:conditions] conditions = options[:conditions] if conditions && Array === conditions && conditions.length > 0 if String === conditions[0] data = data.all(:conditions => conditions) else conditions.each do |cond| next if cond.nil? data = case cond when Hash, String then data.all(:conditions => [cond.gsub("NULL","?"),nil]) when Array then if cond.length==1 data.all(:conditions => [cond[0].gsub("NULL","?"),nil]) else data.all(:conditions => cond) end when Proc then data.all(&cond) end end end end end slice = nil if options[:limit] startpos = options[:offset] || 0 endpos = options[:limit] slice = [startpos,endpos] end # TODO includes break SQL generation # optionshash[:links] = options[:include] if options[:include] # optionshash[:links] = [optionshash[:links]] unless optionshash[:links].is_a?(Array) if options[:order] then optionshash[:order] = get_ordering_options(options[:order]) end if slice then q = data.all(optionshash).slice(*slice) else q = data.all(optionshash) end #p repository.adapter.send("select_statement",q.query) q.to_a end # Return the class, left foreign key, right foreign key, and join table for this habtm association def scaffold_habtm_reflection_options(association) habtm = relationships[association] [ habtm.target_model, get_key_array_safe(habtm.through.child_key).name, get_key_array_safe(habtm.via.child_key).name, habtm.send(:through_model).storage_name ] end # Returns a hash of values to be used as url parameters on the link to create a new # :has_many associated object. Defaults to setting the foreign key field to the # record's primary key. def scaffold_new_associated_object_values(association, record) {scaffold_foreign_key(scaffold_association(association))=>record.scaffold_id} end # The primary key for the given table def scaffold_primary_key get_key_array_safe(key).name end # Saves the object. def scaffold_save(action, object) end # The column type for the given table column, or nil if it isn't a table column def scaffold_table_column_type(c) column =[c] if column then if column.type == DataMapper::Property::Text :text else column.class.to_s.split("::").last.downcase.intern end else nil end end # The name of the underlying table def scaffold_table_name storage_name end private # Updates associated records for a given reflection and from record to point to the # to record def scaffold_reflection_merge(reflection, from, to) if reflection.class == DataMapper::Associations::OneToMany::Relationship foreign_key = get_key_array_safe(reflection.target_key).name table = reflection.target_model elsif reflection.class == DataMapper::Associations::ManyToMany::Relationship foreign_key = get_key_array_safe(reflection.through.child_key).name table = reflection.send(:through_model) else return end table.all(foreign_key => from).update(foreign_key => to) end # Remove the associated object from object's association def scaffold_remove_associated_object(association, object, associated_object) object.send(association).delete(associated_object) end # Set the object's attributes with the given attributes def scaffold_set_attributes(object, attributes) attributes.each do |k,v| v = nil if v.empty? and (scaffold_table_column_type(k) == :boolean or scaffold_table_column_type(k) == :integer) object.send("#{k}=", v) end end end def add_scaffolding_methods(classes) unless classes.is_a?(Array) classes = [classes] end classes.each do |cl| cl.class_eval <<-ECLASS SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS = ::ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel::SCAFFOLD_OPTIONS include ScaffoldingExtensions::Model include ScaffoldingExtensions::DataMapper extend ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaModel extend ScaffoldingExtensions::MetaDataMapper extend ScaffoldingExtensions::Overridable ECLASS end end