module StructPacking # Unpackable module provides value assign function from packed byte array. # # A class include this module, and call struct defininesg method, # A instance's unpack method assign variables from packed object. # This module also provide read_struct_data class method # which construct object and assign values from packed object. module Unpackable include StructPacking::Base private def self.included(base) base.send("include", Base) base.extend ClassMethods end # Extending methods for Unpackable class. # # Automatically extend on including StructPacking::Unpackable module. module ClassMethods # Construct object byte array. # # This method is simply do object construct and values assignment. # If attribute defined in byte_format, # but object has no attr_setter, do nothing. # # TODO: Including class must have default constructor. # # * _bytes_ packed structure. (see Packable.pack) def unpack(bytes) obj = set_values_from_byte_to_object(bytes, obj) end alias :from_data :unpack private def set_values_from_byte_to_object(bytes, obj) values = bytes.unpack( pack_template ) ).each do |name,value| begin obj.instance_eval { send("#{name}=", value) } rescue NoMethodError end end obj end def gather_array_field(values) field_types.collect do |name| if name =~ /.*\[\w*(\d+)\w*\]\w*/ [0..$1.to_i].to_a.collect { values.shift } else values.shift end end end end public # Set attributes from packed struct byte array. # # If attribute defined in byte_format, # but object has no attr_setter, do nothing. def read_struct_data(bytes) self.class.set_values_from_byte_to_object(bytes, self) end end end