== 0.6.0 2007-10-06
* 1 enhancement:
  * csv-output to stdout or file
== 0.5.4 2007-08-27
* 1 bugfix
  * Openoffice: fixed a bug with internal representation of a spreadsheet (thanks to Ric Kamicar for the patch)
== 0.5.3 2007-08-26
* 2 enhancements:
  * Openoffice: can now read zip-ed files
  * Openoffice: can now read files from http://-URL over the net
== 0.5.2 2007-08-26
* 1 bugfix
  * excel: removed debugging output
== 0.5.1 2007-08-26
* 4 enhancements:
  * Openoffice: Exception if an illegal sheet-name is selected
  * Openoffice/Excel: no need to set a default_sheet if there is only one in 
    the document
  * Excel: can now read zip-ed files
  * Excel: can now read files from http://-URL over the net

== 0.5.0 2007-07-20
* 3 enhancements:
  * Excel-objects: the methods default_sheet= and sheets can now handle names instead of numbers
  * changed the celltype methods to return symbols, not strings anymore (possible values are :formula, :float, :string, :date, :percentage (if you need strings you can convert it with .to_s)
  * tests can now run on the client machine (not only my machine), if there are not public released files involved these tests are skipped

== 0.4.1 2007-06-27
* 1 bugfix
  * there was ONE false require-statement which led to misleading error messageswhen this gem was used

== 0.4.0 2007-06-27
* 7 enhancements:
  * robustness: Exception if no default_sheet was set
  * new method reload() implemented 
  * about 15 % more method documentation
  * optimization: huge increase of speed (no need to use fixed borders anymore)
  * added the method 'formulas' which gives you all formulas in a spreadsheet
  * added the method 'set' which can set cells to a certain value
  * added the method 'to_yaml' which can produce output for importing in a (rails) database
* 4 bugfixes
  * ..row_as_letter methods were nonsense - removed
  * @cells_read should be reset if the default_sheet is changed
  * error in excel-part: strings are now converted to utf-8 (the parsexcel-gem gave me an error with my test data, which could not converted to .to_s using latin1 encoding)
  * fixed bug when default_sheet is changed

== 0.3.0 2007-06-20
* 1 enhancement:
  * Openoffice: formula support

== 0.2.7 2007-06-20
* 1 bugfix:
  * Excel: float-numbers were truncated to integer

== 0.2.6 2007-06-19
* 1 bugfix:
  * Openoffice: two or more consecutive cells with string content failed 

== 0.2.5 2007-06-17

* 2 enhancements:
  * Excel: row method implemented
  * more tests
* 1 bugfix:
  * Openoffice: row method fixed

== 0.2.4 2007-06-16
* 1 bugfix:
  * ID 11605	Two cols with same value: crash roo (openoffice version only)

== 0.2.3 2007-06-02
* 3 enhancements:
  * more robust call att Excel#default_sheet= when called with a name
  * new method empty?
  * refactoring
* 1 bugfix:
  * bugfix in Excel#celltype
  * bugfix (running under windows only) in closing the temp file before removing it

== 0.2.2 2007-06-01
* 1 bugfix:
  * correct pathname for running with windows

== 0.2.2 2007-06-01
* 1 bugfix:
  * incorrect dependencies fixed 

== 0.2.0 2007-06-01
* 1 major enhancement:
  * support for MS-Excel Spreadsheets

== 0.1.2 2007-05-31
* 1 major enhancement:
  * cells with more than one character, like 'AA' can now be handled

== 0.1.1 2007-05-31
* 1 Bugfix
  * Bugfix in first/last methods

== 0.1.0 2007-05-31

* 1 major enhancement:
  * new methods first/last row/column
  * new method officeversion

== 0.0.3 2007-05-30

* 1 minor enhancement:
  * new method row()

== 0.0.2 2007-05-30

* 2 major enhancement:
  * fixed some bugs
  * more ways to access a cell

== 0.0.1 2007-05-25

* 1 major enhancement:
  * Initial release