# jekyll-theme-minimalistic [](https://jekyll-themes.com/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/) [](#) [](#) [](https://github.com/vaibhavvikas/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/stargazers) [](https://github.com/vaibhavvikas/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/actions/workflows/gem-push.yml) [](https://github.com/vaibhavvikas/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment) Minimalistic theme is based on gh-pages minimal theme, with navigation in the sidebar and super amazing features. Wanna see it in action? You can view a live demo at [Minimalistic](https://vaibhavvikas.github.io/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/).  ## Features 1. Auto light/dark mode. 2. Syntax Highlighting for light/dark mode. 3. Logo Support for thr page. 4. Links in Sidebar. 5. List/Sublist in Sidebar. 6. Fully responsive with mobile support. 7. Logo/Favicon Support. 8. Github-Pages Support. 9. Under active development. 10. And many more. 😁 ## Usage To use the Minimalistic theme: 1. Add the following line to your Gemfile ```ruby gem "jekyll-remote-theme" ``` then run `bundle install` to install the plugin. 2. Add the following to your site's `_config.yml` to activate the plugin: ```yml plugins: - jekyll-remote-theme ``` Note: If you are using a Jekyll version less than 3.5.0, use the `gems` key instead of `plugins`. 1. Add the following line to your `config.yml` to use the theme ```yml remote_theme: vaibhavvikas/jekyll-theme-minimalistic ``` then running `bundle exec jekyll serve` for local deployment. ## Customizing ### Configuration variables Minimalistic will respect the following variables, if set in your site's `_config.yml`: ```yml title: [The title of your site] description: [A short description of your site's purpose] ``` Additionally, you may choose to set the following optional variables: ```yml google_analytics: [Your Google Analytics tracking ID] ``` Choose light, dark, or automatically adjusting theme based on system theme: ```yml color-scheme: auto/light/dark ``` Specify logo for the website: ```yml logo: /assets/img/<logo_file> ``` Enable favicon by putting a `favicon.ico` in the repo's root directory and add the following line in `config.yml`: ```yml favicon: true ``` ### Customizing Sidebar You can define a list of platforms that are linked from the sidebar in `_config.yml`: ```yml platforms: - name: GitHub icon: <i class="fa-brands fa-github"></i> link: https://github.com/vaibhavvikas - name: LinkedIn icon: <i class="fa-brands fa-linkedin"></i> link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vaibhavvikas - ... ``` ### Navigation You can also define, hyperlinks for specific pages or section of a pages (very helpful if creating multipage documentation or easy navigation between multiple sections). For adding navigation do the following steps: 1. Put your .md files in the root directory. and add the below text on top of pages to get it converted to html by jekyll. ```yml --- layout: default --- ``` 2. Use the navigation example below to add navigation section in _config.yml file. Treat all your .md files as .html files. Currently it only supports one nesting in sublist. ```yml navigation: - name: Readme link: ./index.html sublist: - name: Image link: ./index.html#small-image - name: Another Page link: ./another-page.html - ... ``` ### Example: [Live Example](https://vaibhavvikas.github.io/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/)\ [Code used in GitHub page](https://github.com/vaibhavvikas/jekyll-theme-minimalistic/tree/gh-pages) Lets say you have a file name xyz.md, you put that into the root dir. Now, add the text in step 1 at the top of the md file. After that for the text in _config.yml you will put it like: ```yml navigation: - name: [Write name of your hyperlink] link: ./xyz.html ``` ### Stylesheet If you'd like to add your own custom styles: 1. Create a file called `/assets/css/style.scss` in your site 2. Add the following content to the top of the file, exactly as shown: ```scss --- --- @import "{{ site.theme }}"; ``` 3. Add any custom CSS (or Sass, including imports) you'd like immediately after the `@import` line *Note: If you'd like to change the theme's Sass variables, you must set new values before the `@import` line in your stylesheet.* ### Customizing Google Analytics code Google has released several iterations to their Google Analytics code over the years since this theme was first created. If you would like to take advantage of the latest code, paste it into `_includes/head-custom-google-analytics.html` in your Jekyll site. ## Previewing the theme locally If you'd like to preview the theme locally (for example, in the process of proposing a change): 1. Clone down the theme's repository (`git clone https://github.com/vaibhavvikas/jekyll-theme-minimalistic`) 2. `cd` into the theme's directory 3. Run `script/bootstrap` to install the necessary dependencies 4. Run `bundle exec jekyll serve` to start the preview server 5. Visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) in your browser to preview the theme ## Running tests The theme contains a minimal test suite, to ensure a site with the theme would build successfully. To run the tests, simply run `script/cibuild`. You'll need to run `script/bootstrap` once before the test script will work. ## Contributors All contributions and suggestions are welcome. ## Credits: This theme was built using [Minimalist](https://github.com/BDHU/minimalist) theme by BDHU and [Minimal](https://github.com/pages-themes/minimal) by GithHub.