module Stackprofiler class WebUI < Sinatra::Base use Rack::Deflater helpers Sinatra::ContentFor set :views, proc { File.join(root, 'web_ui', 'views') } set :public_folder, proc { File.join(root, 'web_ui', 'public') } def initialize(options={}) if options[:file] data = options[:file] run = Oj.load data if run.is_a?(Hash) && run.has_key?(:frames) run = 'unknown', run, end RunDataSource.runs << run end super end configure :development do require 'better_errors' use BetterErrors::Middleware BetterErrors.application_root = __dir__ end get '/' do @runs = RunDataSource.runs @run_id = params[:run_id].try(:to_i) || (@runs.count - 1) erb :index end get '/tree' do run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] filter = root = filter.filter run, run str = '' blk = proc do |node, prefix| frame = run.profile[:frames][] name = frame.nil? ? '(Root)' : frame[:name] str << "#{prefix} #{name}\n" end root.print_tree(0, nil, blk) content_type 'text/plain' str end get '/stats' do content_type 'application/json' do |run| objs = ObjectSpace.reachable_objects_from run.profile objs.reduce(0) {|size, obj| size + ObjectSpace::memsize_of(obj) } end.to_json end get '/dump' do content_type 'application/json' run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] Oj.dump run end get '/frames' do content_type 'application/json' run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] run.profile[:frames].sort_by {|addr, frame| frame[:samples] }.to_json end get '/code/:addr' do addr = params[:addr].to_i run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] data = run.profile frames = data[:frames] frame = frames[addr] halt 404 if frame.nil? file, first_line = frame.values_at :file, :line first_line ||= 1 source = run.code_cache.source_helper([file, first_line]).strip_heredoc samples = frame[:lines].map do |line, v| [line - first_line, v] end.to_h json = {lines: source, samples: samples} Oj.dump json, mode: :compat end get '/save' do run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] content_type 'application/octet-stream' Marshal.dump(run.profile) # Oj.dump(run) end get '/favicon.ico' do halt 404 end get '/frame_names' do name = params[:term].downcase run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] frames = run.profile[:frames] matching = {|addr, f| f[:name].downcase.include? name } results = {|addr, f| f[:name] } content_type 'application/json' Oj.dump(results, mode: :compat) end post '/receive' do data = json = Marshal.load(data) name = json[:name] || 'unknown' run = name, json, RunDataSource.runs << run # if they sent us a profile, they probably changed something and want that reflected # todo: remove hack MethodSource::instance_variable_get(:@lines_for_file).try(:clear) content_type 'application/json' {run_id: RunDataSource.runs.count - 1 }.to_json end get '/gem_breakdown' do run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] breakdown = run.gem_breakdown breakdown['(gc)'] = run.profile[:gc_samples] content_type 'application/json' breakdown.to_json end post '/json' do json_params = Oj.strict_load(, nil) params.merge!(json_params) run_id = params[:run_id].to_i run = RunDataSource.runs[run_id] frames = run.profile[:frames] filter_map = [ {name: :build_tree, klass: Filter::BuildTree, mandatory: true}, {name: :rebase_stack, klass: Filter::RebaseStack, mandatory: false}, {name: :filtered_frames, klass: Filter::FrameRegexRemoval, mandatory: false}, {name: :remove_gems, klass: Filter::GemRemoval, mandatory: false}, {name: :quick_method_removal, klass: Filter::QuickMethodRemoval, mandatory: false}, {name: :compress_tree, klass: Filter::CompressTree, mandatory: false}, {name: :js_tree, klass: Filter::JsTree, mandatory: true}, ] filters = do |f| name, klass, mandatory = f.values_at :name, :klass, :mandatory opts = params[:filters][name.to_s] opts = if opts if mandatory || {}) elsif opts end end.compact filtered = filters.reduce(run) {|memo, filter| filter.filter(memo, run) } content_type 'application/json' Oj.dump(filtered, mode: :compat) end end end