require 'enumerator' module MetricFu class Dcov < Generator def self.verify_dependencies! `dcov --help` raise 'sudo gem install dcov # if you want the dcov tasks' unless $?.success? end #search through resource path and rub dcov on all .rb files, abstract method override def emit #Clean up file system before we start FileUtils.rm_rf(MetricFu::Dcov.metric_directory, :verbose => false) Dir.mkdir(MetricFu::Dcov.metric_directory) #what files are we going to test test_files = MetricFu.dcov[:test_files].join(' ') #set Dcov Options (See dcov rdocs) dcov_opts = MetricFu.dcov[:dcov_opts].nil? ? "" : MetricFu.dcov[:dcov_opts].join(' ') #setup place to store output output = "> #{MetricFu::Dcov.metric_directory}/dcov.txt 2>/dev/null" #actually do the test `dcov #{dcov_opts} #{test_files} #{output}` end # Parses the output file into a hash for use by template, abstract method override def analyze #get the logged output output1 = + '/dcov.txt').read #turn it into something easier to work with output1 = output1.split("\n") #parse output output_hash = {} #somewhere to keep our parsed data sub_section_sym = "" #aid for parsing sub sections item_name = "" #aid for parsing sub sections! do |line| #parse each line for essential data (totals, coverage percentage) next if line.blank? #skip blank lines next if !line[/Not covered:/].nil? #skip these lines next if line[/Generating report/] #skip these lines next if line[/Writing report/] #skip these lines #typically the first line, total files checked if line[/\AFiles:/] output_hash[:file_count] = line[/\d+/] next end #These are the totals for each section if line[/\ATotal \w+/] output_hash[underscore(line[/\ATotal \w+/]).to_sym] = line[/\d+/] next end #Actual coverages and list of uncovered items, marks start of item list if line[/\A\w+ coverage/] sub_section_sym = underscore(line[/\A\w+ coverage/]).to_sym #output_hash[sub_section_sym] = line[/\d+%/] output_hash= output_hash.merge(sub_section_sym=>{}) output_hash[sub_section_sym] = output_hash[sub_section_sym].merge({:coverage => line[/\d+%/]}) next end #if it hasn't been caught by now, it's an item... if item_name == "" #get Item name item_name = line.strip else #get item data and store pair if output_hash[sub_section_sym][:not_covored].nil? output_hash[sub_section_sym] = output_hash[sub_section_sym].merge(:not_covored=>{}) end output_hash[sub_section_sym][:not_covored] = output_hash[sub_section_sym][:not_covored].merge({item_name=>line.strip}) item_name = "" end end @dcov = output_hash end #abstract method override def to_h {:dcov=> @dcov} end def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). tr(" ", "_"). downcase end end end