require 'net/ssh' require 'csv' require 'csv-mapper' require 'druid-tools' begin require 'net/ssh/kerberos' rescue LoadError end module Assembly # The Utils class contains methods to help with accessioning and assembly class Utils WFS = Dor::WorkflowService REPO = 'dor' # Get the staging directory tree given a druid, and optionally prepend a basepath. # Deprecated and should not be needed anymore. # # @param [String] pid druid pid (e.g. 'aa000aa0001') # @param [String] base_path optional base path to prepend to druid path # # @return [string] path to material that is being staged, with optional prepended base path # # Example: # puts Assembly::Utils.get_staging_path('aa000aa0001','tmp') # > "tmp/aa/000/aa/0001" def self.get_staging_path(pid,base_path=nil),base_path) path=File.dirname(d.path) return path end # Insert the specified workflow into the specified object. # # @param [String] pid druid pid (e.g. 'aa000aa0001') # @param [String] workflow name (e.g. 'accessionWF') # @param [String] repository name (e.g. 'dor') -- optional, defaults to dor # # @return [boolean] indicates success of web service call # # Example: # puts Assembly::Utils.insert_workflow('druid:aa000aa0001','accessionWF') # > true def self.insert_workflow(pid,workflow,repo='dor') url = "#{Dor::Config.dor.service_root}/objects/#{pid}/apo_workflows/#{workflow}" result = url, {} return ([200,201,202,204].include?(result.code) && result) end # Claim a specific druid as already used to be sure it won't get used again. # Not needed for normal purposes, only if you manually register something in Fedora Admin outside of DOR services gem. # # @param [String] pid druid pid (e.g. 'aa000aa0001') # # @return [boolean] indicates success of web service call # # Example: # puts Assembly::Utils.claim_druid('aa000aa0001') # > true def self.claim_druid(pid) sc = Dor::Config.suri url = "#{sc.url}/suri2/namespaces/#{sc.id_namespace}" rcr =, :user => sc.user, :password => sc.pass) resp = rcr["identifiers/#{pid}"].put('') return resp.code == "204" end # Force a full re-index of the supplied druid in solr and fedora. # # @param [String] druid druid (e.g. 'druid:aa000aa0001') # # Example: # puts Assembly::Utils.reindex('druid:aa000aa0001') def self.reindex(druid) obj = Dor.load_instance druid solr_doc = obj.to_solr Dor::SearchService.solr.add(solr_doc, :add_attributes => {:commitWithin => 1000}) unless obj.nil? Dor.find(pid).update_index end # Export one or more objects given a single or array of pids, with output to the specified directory as FOXML files # # @param [Array] pids - an array of pids to export (can also pass a single pid as a string) # @param [String] output_dir - the full path to output the foxml files # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.export_objects(['druid:aa000aa0001','druid:bb000bb0001'],'/tmp') def self.export_objects(pids,output_dir) pids=[pids] if pids.class==String pids.each {|pid| ActiveFedora::FixtureExporter.export_to_path(pid, output_dir)} end # Import all of the FOXML files in the specified directory into Fedora # # @param [String] source_dir - the full path to import the foxml files # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.import_objects('/tmp') def self.import_objects(source_dir) Dir.chdir(source_dir) files=Dir.glob('*.foxml.xml') files.each do |file| pid = ActiveFedora::FixtureLoader.import_to_fedora(File.join(source_dir,file)) ActiveFedora::FixtureLoader.index(pid) end end # Get a list of druids that match the given array of source IDs. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [String] source_ids array of source ids to lookup # # @return [array] druids # Example: # # puts Assembly::Utils.get_druids_by_sourceid(['revs-01','revs-02']) # > ['druid:aa000aa0001','druid:aa000aa0002'] def self.get_druids_by_sourceid(source_ids) druids=[] source_ids.each {|sid| druids << Dor::SearchService.query_by_id(sid)} druids.flatten end # Show the workflow status of specific steps in assembly and/or accession workflows for the provided druids. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [Hash] params parameters specified as a hash, using symbols for options: # * :druids => array of druids to get workflow status for # * :workflows => an optional array of workflow names as symbols, options are :assembly and :accession; defaults to :assembly # * :filename => optional filename if you want to send output to a CSV # # @return [string] comma delimited output or CSV file # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.workflow_status(:druids=>['druid:aa000aa0001','druid:aa000aa0002'],:workflows=>[:assembly,:accession],:filename=>'output.csv') def self.workflow_status(params={}) druids=params[:druids] || [] workflows=params[:workflows] || [:assembly] filename=params[:filename] || '' accession_steps = %w(content-metadata descriptive-metadata rights-metadata remediate-object shelve publish) assembly_steps = %w(jp2-create checksum-compute exif-collect accessioning-initiate) puts "Generating report" csv =, "w") if filename != '' header=["druid"] header << assembly_steps if workflows.include?(:assembly) header << accession_steps if workflows.include?(:accession) csv << header.flatten if filename != '' puts header.join(',') druids.each do |druid| output=[druid] assembly_steps.each {|step| output << self.get_workflow_status(druid,'assemblyWF',step)} if workflows.include?(:assembly) accession_steps.each {|step| output << self.get_workflow_status(druid,'accessionWF',step)} if workflows.include?(:accession) csv << output if filename != '' puts output.join(',') end if filename != '' csv.close puts "Report generated in #{filename}" end end # Show the workflow status of a specific step in a specific workflow for the provided druid. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [string] druid a druid string # @param [string] workflow name of workflow # @param [string] step name of step # # @return [string] workflow step status, returns nil if no workflow found # # Example: # puts Assembly::Utils.get_workflow_status('druid:aa000aa0001','assemblyWF','jp2-create') # > "completed" def self.get_workflow_status(druid,workflow,step) Dor::WorkflowService.get_workflow_status('dor', druid, workflow, step) end # Cleanup a list of objects and associated files given a list of druids. WARNING: VERY DESTRUCTIVE. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [Hash] params parameters specified as a hash, using symbols for options: # * :druids => array of druids to cleanup # * :steps => an array of steps, specified as symbols, indicating steps to be run, options are: # :stacks=This will remove all files from the stacks that were shelved for the objects # :dor=This will delete objects from Fedora # :stage=This will delete the staged content in the assembly workspace # :symlinks=This will remove the symlink from the dor workspace # :workflows=This will remove the assemblyWF and accessoiningWF workflows for this object # * :dry_run => do not actually clean up (defaults to false) # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.cleanup(:druids=>['druid:aa000aa0001','druid:aa000aa0002'],:steps=>[:stacks,:dor,:stage,:symlinks,:workflows]) def self.cleanup(params={}) druids=params[:druids] || [] steps=params[:steps] || [] dry_run=params[:dry_run] || false allowed_steps={:stacks=>'This will remove all files from the stacks that were shelved for the objects', :dor=>'This will delete objects from Fedora', :stage=>"This will delete the staged content in #{Assembly::ASSEMBLY_WORKSPACE}", :symlinks=>"This will remove the symlink from #{Assembly::DOR_WORKSPACE}", :workflows=>"This will remove the accessionWF and assemblyWF workflows"} num_steps=0 puts 'THIS IS A DRY RUN' if dry_run Assembly::Utils.confirm "Run on '#{ENV['ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT']}'? Any response other than 'y' or 'yes' will stop the cleanup now." Assembly::Utils.confirm "Are you really sure you want to run on production? CLEANUP IS NOT REVERSIBLE" if ENV['ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT'] == 'production' steps.each do |step| if allowed_steps.keys.include?(step) Assembly::Utils.confirm "Run step '#{step}'? #{allowed_steps[step]}. Any response other than 'y' or 'yes' will stop the cleanup now." num_steps+=1 # count the valid steps found and agreed to end end raise "no valid steps specified for cleanup" if num_steps == 0 raise "no druids provided" if druids.size == 0 druids.each {|pid| Assembly::Utils.cleanup_object(pid,steps,dry_run)} end # Cleanup a single objects and associated files given a druid. WARNING: VERY DESTRUCTIVE. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [string] pid a druid # @param [array] steps an array of steps, options below # :stacks=This will remove all files from the stacks that were shelved for the objects # :dor=This will delete objects from Fedora # :stage=This will delete the staged content in the assembly workspace # :symlinks=This will remove the symlink from the dor workspace # :workflows=This will remove the assemblyWF and accessoiningWF workflows for this object # @param [boolean] dry_run do not actually clean up (defaults to false) # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.cleanup_object('druid:aa000aa0001',[:stacks,:dor,:stage,:symlinks,:workflows]) def self.cleanup_object(pid,steps,dry_run=false) begin # start up an SSH session if we are going to try and remove content from the stacks ssh_session=Net::SSH.start(,Dor::Config.stacks.user, :auth_methods => %w(gssapi-with-mic publickey hostbased password keyboard-interactive)) if steps.include?(:stacks) && defined?(stacks_server) puts "Cleaning up #{pid}" if steps.include?(:dor) puts "-- deleting #{pid} from Fedora #{ENV['ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT']}" Assembly::Utils.unregister(pid) unless dry_run end if steps.include?(:symlinks) path_to_symlinks=[] path_to_symlinks << File.join(Assembly::DOR_WORKSPACE,druid_tree) path_to_symlinks << Assembly::Utils.get_staging_path(pid,Assembly::DOR_WORKSPACE) path_to_symlinks.each do |path| if File::directory?(path) puts "-- deleting folder #{path} (WARNING: should have been a symlink)" FileUtils::rm_rf path unless dry_run elsif File.symlink?(path) puts "-- deleting symlink #{path}" File.delete(path) unless dry_run else puts "-- Skipping #{path}: not a folder or symlink" end end end if steps.include?(:stage) path_to_content=Assembly::Utils.get_staging_path(pid,Assembly::ASSEMBLY_WORKSPACE) puts "-- deleting folder #{path_to_content}" FileUtils.rm_rf path_to_content if !dry_run && File.exists?(path_to_content) end if steps.include?(:stacks) path_to_content= Dor::DigitalStacksService.stacks_storage_dir(pid) puts "-- removing files from the stacks on #{stacks_server} at #{path_to_content}" ssh_session.exec!("rm -fr #{path_to_content}") unless dry_run end if steps.include?(:workflows) puts "-- deleting #{pid} accessionWF and assemblyWF workflows from Fedora #{ENV['ROBOT_ENVIRONMENT']}" unless dry_run Dor::WorkflowService.delete_workflow('dor',pid,'accessionWF') Dor::WorkflowService.delete_workflow('dor',pid,'assemblyWF') end end rescue Exception => e puts "** cleaning up failed for #{pid} with #{e.message}" end ssh_session.close if ssh_session end # Delete an object from DOR. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [string] pid the druid # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.delete_from_dor('druid:aa000aa0001') def self.delete_from_dor(pid) Dor::Config.fedora.client["objects/#{pid}"].delete Dor::SearchService.solr.delete_by_id(pid) Dor::SearchService.solr.commit end # Quicky update rights metadata for any existing list of objects using default rights metadata pulled from the supplied APO # # @param [array] druids - an array of druids # @param [string] apo_druid - the druid of the APO to pull rights metadata from # @param [boolean] publish - defaults to false, if true, will publish each object after replacing datastreams (must be run on server with rights to do this) # # Example: # druids=%w{druid:aa111aa1111 druid:bb222bb2222} # apo_druid='druid:cc222cc2222' # Assembly::Utils.update_rights_metadata(druids,apo_druid) def self.update_rights_metadata(druids,apo_druid,publish=false) apo = Dor::Item.find(apo_druid) rights_md = apo.datastreams['defaultObjectRights'] self.replace_datastreams(druids,'rightsMetadata',rights_md.content,publish) end # Replace a specific datastream for a series of objects in DOR with new content # # @param [array] druids - an array of druids # @param [string] datastream_name - the name of the datastream to replace # @param [string] new_content - the new content to replace the entire datastream with # @param [boolean] publish - defaults to false, if true, will publish each object after replacing datastreams (must be run on server with rights to do this) # # Example: # druids=%w{druid:aa111aa1111 druid:bb222bb2222} # new_content='<xml><more nodes>this should be the whole datastream</more nodes></xml>' # datastream='rightsMetadata' # Assembly::Utils.replace_datastreams(druids,datastream,new_content) def self.replace_datastreams(druids,datastream_name,new_content,publish=false) druids.each do |druid| obj = Dor::Item.find(druid) ds = obj.datastreams[datastream_name] if ds ds.content = new_content puts "replaced #{datastream_name} for #{druid}" if publish obj.publish_metadata puts "--object re-published" end else puts "#{datastream_name} does not exist for #{druid}" end end end # Republish a list of druids. Only works when run from a server with access rights to the stacks (e.g. lyberservices-prod) # # @param [array] druids - an array of druids # # Example: # druids=%w{druid:aa111aa1111 druid:bb222bb2222} # Assembly::Utils.republish(druids) def self.republish(druids) druids.each do |druid| obj = Dor::Item.find(druid) obj.publish_metadata puts "republished #{druid}" end end # Determines if the specifed APO object contains a specified workflow defined in it # DEPRACATED NOW THAT REIFED WORKFLOWS ARE USED # @param [string] druid - the druid of the APO to check # @param [string] workflow - the name of the workflow to check # # @return [boolean] if workflow is defined in APO # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.apo_workflow_defined?('druid:oo000oo0001','assembly') # > true def self.apo_workflow_defined?(druid,workflow) puts "************WARNING - THIS METHOD MAY NOT BE USEFUL ANYMORE SINCE WORKFLOWS ARE NO LONGER DEFINED IN THE APO**************" obj = Dor::Item.find(druid) raise 'object not an APO' if obj.identityMetadata.objectType.first != 'adminPolicy' xml_doc=Nokogiri::XML(obj.administrativeMetadata.content) xml_doc.xpath("//#{workflow}").size == 1 || xml_doc.xpath("//*[@id='#{workflow}']").size == 1 end # Determines if the specifed object is an APO # @param [string] druid - the druid of the APO to check # # @return [boolean] if object exist and is an APO # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.is_apo?('druid:oo000oo0001') # > true def self.is_apo?(druid) begin obj = Dor::Item.find(druid) return obj.identityMetadata.objectType.first == 'adminPolicy' rescue return false end end # Update a specific datastream for a series of objects in DOR by searching and replacing content # # @param [array] druids - an array of druids # @param [string] datastream_name - the name of the datastream to replace # @param [string] find_content - the content to find # @param [string] replace_content - the content to replace the found content with # # Example: # druids=%w{druid:aa111aa1111 druid:bb222bb2222} # find_content='FooBarBaz' # replace_content='Stanford Rules' # datastream='rightsMetadata' # Assembly::Utils.update_datastreams(druids,datastream,find_content,replace_content) def self.update_datastreams(druids,datastream_name,find_content,replace_content) druids.each do |druid| obj = Dor::Item.find(druid) ds = obj.datastreams[datastream_name] if ds updated_content=ds.content.gsub(find_content,replace_content) ds.content = updated_content puts "updated #{datastream_name} for #{druid}" else puts "#{datastream_name} does not exist for #{druid}" end end end # Unregister a DOR object, which includes deleting it and deleting all its workflows # # @param [string] pid of druid # # @return [boolean] if deletion succeed or not def self.unregister(pid) begin Assembly::Utils.delete_all_workflows pid Assembly::Utils.delete_from_dor pid return true rescue return false end end # Set the workflow step for the given PID to an error state # # @param [string] pid of druid # @param [string] step to set to error # def self.set_workflow_step_to_error(pid, step) wf_name = Assembly::ASSEMBLY_WF msg = 'Integration testing' params = ['dor', pid, wf_name, step, msg] resp = Dor::WorkflowService.update_workflow_error_status *params raise "update_workflow_error_status() returned false." unless resp == true end # Delete all workflows for the given PID. Destructive and should only be used when deleting an object from DOR. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [string] pid of druid # @param [String] repo repository dealing with the workflow. Default is 'dor'. Another option is 'sdr' # e.g. # Assembly::Utils.delete_all_workflows('druid:oo000oo0001') def self.delete_all_workflows(pid, repo='dor') Dor::WorkflowService.get_workflows(pid).each {|workflow| Dor::WorkflowService.delete_workflow(repo,pid,workflow)} end # Reindex the supplied PID in solr. # # @param [string] pid of druid # e.g. # Assembly::Utils.reindex('druid:oo000oo0001') def self.reindex(pid) obj = Dor.load_instance pid solr_doc = obj.to_solr Dor::SearchService.solr.add(solr_doc, :add_attributes => {:commitWithin => 1000}) unless obj.nil? end # Clear stray workflows - remove any workflow steps for orphaned objects. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR def self.clear_stray_workflows repo = 'dor' wf = 'assemblyWF' msg = 'Integration testing' wfs = Dor::WorkflowService steps = { |s| s[0] } completed = steps[0] steps.each do |waiting| druids = wfs.get_objects_for_workstep completed, waiting, repo, wf druids.each do |dru| params = [repo, dru, wf, waiting, msg] resp = wfs.update_workflow_error_status *params puts "updated: resp=#{resp} params=#{params.inspect}" end end end # Check if the object is full accessioned and ingested. # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to the workflow service. # # @param [string] pid the druid to operate on # # @return [boolean] if object is fully ingested # Example: # Assembly::Utils.is_ingested?('druid:oo000oo0001') # > false def self.is_ingested?(pid) WFS.get_lifecycle(REPO, pid, 'accessioned') ? true : false end # Check if the object is on ingest hold # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to the workflow service. # # @param [string] pid the druid to operate on # # @return [boolean] if object is on ingest hold # Example: # Assembly::Utils.ingest_hold?('druid:oo000oo0001') # > false def self.ingest_hold?(pid) WFS.get_workflow_status(REPO, pid, 'accessionWF','sdr-ingest-transfer') == 'hold' end # Check if the object is submitted # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to the workflow service. # # @param [string] pid the druid to operate on # # @return [boolean] if object is submitted # Example: # Assembly::Utils.is_submitted?('druid:oo000oo0001') # > false def self.is_submitted?(pid) WFS.get_lifecycle(REPO, pid, 'submitted') == nil end # Reset the workflow states for a list of druids given a list of workflow names and steps. # Provide a list of druids in an array, and a hash containing workflow names (e.g. 'assemblyWF' or 'accessionWF') as the keys, and arrays of steps # as the corresponding values (e.g. ['checksum-compute','jp2-create']) and they will all be reset to "waiting". # This method only works when this gem is used in a project that is configured to connect to DOR # # @param [Hash] params parameters specified as a hash, using symbols for options: # * :druids => array of druids # * :steps => a hash, containing workflow names as keys, and an array of steps # * :state => a string for the name of the state to reset to, defaults to 'waiting' (could be 'completed' for example) # # Example: # druids=['druid:aa111aa1111','druid:bb222bb2222'] # steps={'assemblyWF' => ['checksum-compute'],'accessionWF' => ['content-metadata','descriptive-metadata']} # Assembly::Utils.reset_workflow_states(:druids=>druids,:steps=>steps) def self.reset_workflow_states(params={}) druids=params[:druids] || [] workflows=params[:steps] || {} state=params[:state] || "waiting" druids.each do |druid| puts "** #{druid}" begin workflows.each do |workflow,steps| steps.each do |step| puts "Updating #{workflow}:#{step} to #{state}" Dor::WorkflowService.update_workflow_status 'dor',druid,workflow, step, state end end rescue Exception => e puts "an error occurred trying to update workflows for #{druid} with message #{e.message}" end end end # Get a list of druids from a CSV file which has a heading of "druid" and put them into a Ruby array. # Useful if you want to import a report from argo # # @param [string] filename of CSV that has a column called "druid" # # @return [array] array of druids # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.read_druids_from_file('download.csv') # ['druid:xxxxx','druid:yyyyy'] def self.read_druids_from_file(csv_filename) rows=CsvMapper.import(csv_filename) do read_attributes_from_file end druids=[] rows.each do |row| druid=row.druid druid="druid:#{druid}" unless druid.include?('druid:') druids << druid end return druids end # Get a list of druids that have errored out in a particular workflow and step # # @param [string] workflow name # @param [string] step name # @param [string] tag -- optional, if supplied, results will be filtered by the exact tag supplied; note this will dramatically slow down the response if there are many results # # @return [hash] hash of results, with key has a druid, and value as the error message # e.g. # result=Assembly::Utils.get_errored_objects_for_workstep('accessionWF','content-metadata','Project : Revs') # => {"druid:qd556jq0580"=>"druid:qd556jq0580 - Item error; caused by #<Rubydora::FedoraInvalidRequest: Error modifying datastream contentMetadata for druid:qd556jq0580. See logger for details>"} def self.get_errored_objects_for_workstep workflow, step, tag = '' result=Dor::WorkflowService.get_errored_objects_for_workstep workflow,step,'dor' if tag == '' return result else filtered_result={} result.each do |druid,error| begin item=Dor::Item.find(druid) filtered_result.merge!(druid=>error) if item.tags.include? tag rescue end end return filtered_result end end # Reset any objects in a specific workflow step and state that have errored out back to waiting # # @param [string] workflow name # @param [string] step name # @param [string] tag -- optional, if supplied, results will be filtered by the exact tag supplied; note this will dramatically slow down the response if there are many results # # @return [hash] hash of results that have been reset, with key has a druid, and value as the error message # e.g. # result=Assembly::Utils.reset_errored_objects_for_workstep('accessionWF','content-metadata') # => {"druid:qd556jq0580"=>"druid:qd556jq0580 - Item error; caused by #<Rubydora::FedoraInvalidRequest: Error modifying datastream contentMetadata for druid:qd556jq0580. See logger for details>"} def self.reset_errored_objects_for_workstep workflow, step, tag='' result=self.get_errored_objects_for_workstep workflow,step,tag druids=[] result.each {|k,v| druids << k} self.reset_workflow_states(:druids=>druids,:steps=>{workflow=>[step]}) if druids.size > 0 return result end # Read in a list of druids from a pre-assembly progress load file and load into an array. # # @param [string] progress_log_file filename # @param [boolean] completed if true, returns druids that have completed, if false, returns druids that failed (defaults to true) # # @return [array] list of druids # # Example: # druids=Assembly::Utils.get_druids_from_log('/dor/preassembly/sohp_accession_log.yaml') # puts druids # > ['aa000aa0001','aa000aa0002'] def self.get_druids_from_log(progress_log_file,completed=true) druids=[] docs = YAML.load_stream(Assembly::Utils.read_file(progress_log_file)) docs = docs.documents if docs.respond_to? :documents docs.each { |obj| druids << obj[:pid] if obj[:pre_assem_finished] == completed} return druids end # Read in a YAML configuration file from disk and return a hash # # @param [string] filename of YAML config file to read # # @return [hash] configuration contents as a hash # # Example: # config_filename='/thumpers/dpgthumper2-smpl/SC1017_SOHP/sohp_prod_accession.yaml' # config=Assembly::Utils.load_config(config_filename) # puts config['progress_log_file'] # > "/dor/preassembly/sohp_accession_log.yaml" def self.load_config(filename) YAML.load(Assembly::Utils.read_file(filename)) end # Read in a file from disk # # @param [string] filename to read # # @return [string] file contents as a string def self.read_file(filename) return File.readable?(filename) ? : '' end # Used by the completion_report and project_tag_report in the pre-assembly project # # @param [solr_document] doc a solr document result # @param [boolean] check_status_in_dor indicates if we should check for the workflow states in dor or trust SOLR is up to date (defaults to false) # # @return [string] a comma delimited row for the report def self.solr_doc_parser(doc,check_status_in_dor=false) druid = doc[:id] if Solrizer::VERSION < '3.0' label = doc[:objectLabel_t] title=doc[:public_dc_title_t].nil? ? '' : doc[:public_dc_title_t].first if check_status_in_dor accessioned = self.get_workflow_status(druid,'accessionWF','publish')=="completed" shelved = self.get_workflow_status(druid,'accessionWF','shelve')=="completed" else accessioned = doc[:wf_wps_facet].nil? ? false : doc[:wf_wps_facet].include?("accessionWF:publish:completed") shelved = doc[:wf_wps_facet].nil? ? false : doc[:wf_wps_facet].include?("accessionWF:shelve:completed") end source_id = doc[:source_id_t] files=doc[:content_file_t] else label = doc[Solrizer.solr_name('objectLabel', :displayable)] title = doc.fetch(Solrizer.solr_name('public_dc_title', :displayable), []).first || '' if check_status_in_dor accessioned = self.get_workflow_status(druid,'accessionWF','publish')=="completed" shelved = self.get_workflow_status(druid,'accessionWF','shelve')=="completed" else accessioned = doc.fetch(Solrizer.solr_name('wf_wps', :symbol), []).include?("accessionWF:publish:completed") shelved = doc.fetch(Solrizer.solr_name('wf_wps', :symbol), []).include?("accessionWF:shelve:completed") end source_id = doc[Solrizer.solr_name('source_id', :symbol)] files=doc[Solrizer.solr_name('content_file', :symbol)] end if files.nil? file_type_list="" num_files=0 else num_files = files.size # count the amount of each file type unless num_files == 0 files.each {|file| file_types[File.extname(file)]+=1}{|k,v| "#{k}=#{v}"}.join(' | ') end end purl_link = "" val = druid.split(/:/).last purl_link = File.join(Assembly::PURL_BASE_URL, val) return [druid, label, title, source_id, accessioned, shelved, purl_link, num_files,file_type_list] end # Takes a hash data structure and recursively converts all hash keys from strings to symbols. # # @param [hash] h hash # # @return [hash] a hash with all keys converted from strings to symbols # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.symbolize_keys({'dude'=>'is cool','i'=>'am too'}) # > {:dude=>"is cool", :i=>"am too"} def self.symbolize_keys(h) if h.instance_of? Hash h.inject({}) { |hh,(k,v)| hh[k.to_sym] = symbolize_keys(v); hh } elsif h.instance_of? Array { |v| symbolize_keys(v) } else h end end # Takes a hash and converts its string values to symbols -- not recursively. # # @param [hash] h hash # # @return [hash] a hash with all keys converted from strings to symbols # # Example: # Assembly::Utils.values_to_symbols!({'dude'=>'iscool','i'=>'amtoo'}) # > {"i"=>:amtoo, "dude"=>:iscool} def self.values_to_symbols!(h) h.each { |k,v| h[k] = v.to_sym if v.class == String } end # Removes any duplicate tags within each druid # # @param [array] druids - an array of druids def self.remove_duplicate_tags(druids) druids.each do |druid| i = Dor::Item.find(druid) if i and i.tags.size > 1 # multiple tags i.tags.each do |tag| if ( {|t| t == tag}).size > 1 # tag is duplicate i.remove_tag(tag) i.add_tag(tag) puts "Saving #{druid} to remove duplicate tag='#{tag}'" end end end end end private # Used by the cleanup to ask user for confirmation of each step. Any response other than 'yes' results in the raising of an error # # @param [string] message the message to show to a user # def self.confirm(message) puts message response=gets.chomp.downcase raise "Exiting" if response != 'y' && response != 'yes' end end end