Class Heap
In: lib/facet/heap.rb
Parent: Object


A Simple Heap structure and Sort.

Extending Heap

To extend the heap, implement a cmp(i,j) method which compares array elements i and j and returns true iff i is larger than j, where larger or is the required heap sorting. See Heap::Min and Heap::Max for examples.


The parent,left and right methods do not check the supplied parameter, but their result is only valid if the supplied with an integer >=0 for left and right and >0 for parent.


  Cormen1990: Chapter 7 (Heapsort) of 'An introduction to algorithms', by
  Cormen, T.H; Leiserson, C.E.; Rivest, R.L; MIT Press, Cambridge, 1990
  ISBN 0-262-53091-0


  • Renald Buter (buter at cwts nl)


Special thanks to Nenad Ocelic for many suggestions.


cmp_idx   heapify   inherited   internal_size   left   new   parent   pop   push   push_all   right   size   sort   sort_internal   swap   to_s   top  

Classes and Modules

Class Heap::EmptyHeapException
Class Heap::Max
Class Heap::Min


VERSION = '1.0.0'

Public Class methods

We are an abstract class

Initialise the heap. If supplied an array, build the heap with the values of the array. The array can be unsorted. Note: this method can only be called by superclasses

Public Instance methods

Extract the first element from the heap. Will raise EmptyHeapException if there are no (more) elements on the heap.

Push an element on the heap.

Push a list of elements on the heap.

Get the heap size

Heap-sort a clone of the internal array. This will not touch the internal array. Returns the array sorted reversely on the heap condition!

Heap-sort the internal array. This reduces heap size to 1, since sorting the internal array destroys the heap property. Use this only if the heap is not used after this call and you want save speed and memory; otherwise use Heap#sort. See +Heap#sort+.

Pretty print

Get the first (maximum) element on the heap

Protected Instance methods

Compare elements at the supplied indices

Keeps an heap sorted with the smallest (largest) element on top

Get the size of the internal array. This may be different from the heap size, e.g. after sort has been called.

Get the node left of node i >= 0

Get the parent of the node i > 0.

Get the node right of node i >= 0

Swap elements in the array
