{ "resourceType": "DocumentReference", "id": "example", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "

Generated Narrative with Details

id: example


masterIdentifier: urn:oid:

identifier: urn:oid:

subject: Patient/xcda

type: Outpatient Note (Details : {LOINC code '34108-1' = 'Outpatient Note', given as 'Outpatient Note'})

class: History and Physical (Details : {http://ihe.net/xds/connectathon/classCodes code 'History and Physical' = '??', given as 'History and Physical'})

author: Practitioner/xcda1, id: a2; Gerald Smitty

custodian: Organization/organization-example

authenticator: Organization/organization-example

created: Dec 24, 2005 9:35:00 AM

indexed: Dec 24, 2005 9:43:41 AM

status: current

docStatus: preliminary (Details : {http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status code 'preliminary' = 'Preliminary', given as 'preliminary'})



description: Physical

securityLabel: very restricted (Details : {http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/Confidentiality code 'V' = 'very restricted', given as 'very restricted'})


*History and Physical Specification (Details: urn:oid: code urn:ihe:pcc:handp:2008 = '??', stated as 'History and Physical Specification')


encounter: Encounter/xcda

event: Arm (Details : {http://ihe.net/xds/connectathon/eventCodes code 'T-D8200' = '??', given as 'Arm'})

period: Dec 23, 2004 8:00:00 AM --> Dec 23, 2004 8:01:00 AM

facilityType: Outpatient (Details : {http://www.ihe.net/xds/connectathon/healthcareFacilityTypeCodes code 'Outpatient' = '??', given as 'Outpatient'})

practiceSetting: General Medicine (Details : {http://www.ihe.net/xds/connectathon/practiceSettingCodes code 'General Medicine' = '??', given as 'General Medicine'})

sourcePatientInfo: Patient/xcda


" }, "contained": [ { "resourceType": "Practitioner", "id": "a2", "name": [ { "family": [ "Smitty" ], "given": [ "Gerald" ] } ], "role": [ { "organization": { "display": "Cleveland Clinic" }, "code": { "text": "Attending" }, "specialty": [ { "text": "Orthopedic" } ] } ] } ], "masterIdentifier": { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:" }, "identifier": [ { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:" } ], "subject": { "reference": "Patient/xcda" }, "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://loinc.org", "code": "34108-1", "display": "Outpatient Note" } ] }, "class": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://ihe.net/xds/connectathon/classCodes", "code": "History and Physical", "display": "History and Physical" } ] }, "author": [ { "reference": "Practitioner/xcda1" }, { "reference": "#a2" } ], "custodian": { "reference": "Organization/organization-example" }, "authenticator": { "reference": "Organization/organization-example" }, "created": "2005-12-24T09:35:00+11:00", "indexed": "2005-12-24T09:43:41+11:00", "status": "current", "docStatus": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/composition-status", "code": "preliminary", "display": "preliminary" } ] }, "relatesTo": [ { "code": "appends", "target": { "reference": "DocumentReference/example" } } ], "description": "Physical", "securityLabel": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/v3/Confidentiality", "code": "V", "display": "very restricted" } ] } ], "content": [ { "attachment": { "contentType": "application/hl7-v3+xml", "language": "en-US", "url": "http://example.org/xds/mhd/Binary/07a6483f-732b-461e-86b6-edb665c45510", "size": 3654, "hash": "2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=" }, "format": [ { "system": "urn:oid:", "code": "urn:ihe:pcc:handp:2008", "display": "History and Physical Specification" } ] } ], "context": { "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/xcda" }, "event": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "http://ihe.net/xds/connectathon/eventCodes", "code": "T-D8200", "display": "Arm" } ] } ], "period": { "start": "2004-12-23T08:00:00+11:00", "end": "2004-12-23T08:01:00+11:00" }, "facilityType": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://www.ihe.net/xds/connectathon/healthcareFacilityTypeCodes", "code": "Outpatient", "display": "Outpatient" } ] }, "practiceSetting": { "coding": [ { "system": "http://www.ihe.net/xds/connectathon/practiceSettingCodes", "code": "General Medicine", "display": "General Medicine" } ] }, "sourcePatientInfo": { "reference": "Patient/xcda" }, "related": [ { "identifier": { "system": "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value": "urn:oid:" }, "ref": { "reference": "Patient/xcda" } } ] } }