require_relative 'no_redis_error' # require redis when we run #intialize. This way only people using this backend # will need to install and load the backend without having to # require 'classifier-reborn/backends/bayes_redis_backend' module ClassifierReborn # This class provides Redis as the storage backend for the classifier data structures class BayesRedisBackend # The class can be created with the same arguments that the redis gem accepts # E.g., # b = # b = host: "", port: 6380, db: 2 # b = url: "redis://:secret@" # # Options available are: # url: lambda { ENV["REDIS_URL"] } # scheme: "redis" # host: "" # port: 6379 # path: nil # timeout: 5.0 # password: nil # db: 0 # driver: nil # id: nil # tcp_keepalive: 0 # reconnect_attempts: 1 # inherit_socket: false def initialize(options = {}) begin # because some people don't have redis installed require 'redis' rescue LoadError raise NoRedisError end @redis = @redis.setnx(:total_words, 0) @redis.setnx(:total_trainings, 0) end def total_words @redis.get(:total_words).to_i end def update_total_words(diff) @redis.incrby(:total_words, diff) end def total_trainings @redis.get(:total_trainings).to_i end def update_total_trainings(diff) @redis.incrby(:total_trainings, diff) end def category_training_count(category) @redis.hget(:category_training_count, category).to_i end def update_category_training_count(category, diff) @redis.hincrby(:category_training_count, category, diff) end def category_has_trainings?(category) category_training_count(category) > 0 end def category_word_count(category) @redis.hget(:category_word_count, category).to_i end def update_category_word_count(category, diff) @redis.hincrby(:category_word_count, category, diff) end def add_category(category) @redis.sadd(:category_keys, category) end def category_keys @redis.smembers(:category_keys).map(&:intern) end def category_word_frequency(category, word) @redis.hget(category, word).to_i end def update_category_word_frequency(category, word, diff) @redis.hincrby(category, word, diff) end def delete_category_word(category, word) @redis.hdel(category, word) end def word_in_category?(category, word) @redis.hexists(category, word) end def reset @redis.flushdb @redis.set(:total_words, 0) @redis.set(:total_trainings, 0) end end end