require 'json' require 'shellwords' class KuberKit::Shell::Commands::KubectlCommands def kubectl_run(shell, command_list, kubeconfig_path: nil, namespace: nil, interactive: false) command_parts = [] if kubeconfig_path command_parts << "KUBECONFIG=#{kubeconfig_path}" end command_parts << "kubectl" if namespace command_parts << "-n #{namespace}" end command_parts += Array(command_list) # TODO: investigate how to do it with shell. if interactive system(command_parts.join(" ")) else shell.exec!(command_parts.join(" ")) end end def apply_file(shell, file_path, kubeconfig_path: nil, namespace: nil) kubectl_run(shell, "apply -f #{file_path}", kubeconfig_path: kubeconfig_path, namespace: namespace) end def exec(shell, pod_name, command, args: nil, kubeconfig_path: nil, interactive: false, namespace: nil) command_parts = [] command_parts << "exec" if args command_parts << args end command_parts << pod_name command_parts << "-- #{command}" kubectl_run(shell, command_parts, kubeconfig_path: kubeconfig_path, interactive: interactive, namespace: namespace) end def rolling_restart(shell, deployment_name, kubeconfig_path: nil, namespace: namespace) patch_deployment(shell, deployment_name, { spec: { template: { metadata: { labels: { redeploy: "$(date +%s)" } } } } }, kubeconfig_path: kubeconfig_path, namespace: namespace) end def patch_deployment(shell, deployment_name, specs, kubeconfig_path: nil, namespace: nil) specs_json = JSON.dump(specs).gsub('"', '\"') command = %Q{patch deployment #{deployment_name} -p "#{specs_json}"} kubectl_run(shell, command, kubeconfig_path: kubeconfig_path, namespace: namespace) end end