# Based heavily on the Google strategy, monkeypatch and all require 'omniauth/oauth' require 'multi_json' module OmniAuth module Strategies # # Authenticate to YouTube via OAuth and retrieve basic user info. # # Usage: # # use OmniAuth::Strategies::YouTube, 'consumerkey', 'consumersecret' # class YouTube < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth def initialize(app, consumer_key=nil, consumer_secret=nil, options={}, &block) client_options = { :access_token_path => '/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken', :authorize_path => '/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken', :request_token_path => '/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken', :site => 'https://www.google.com', } super(app, :you_tube, consumer_key, consumer_secret, client_options, options, &block) end def auth_hash ui = user_info OmniAuth::Utils.deep_merge( super, { 'uid' => ui['uid'], 'user_info' => ui, 'extra' => { 'user_hash' => user_hash, }, } ) end def user_info entry = user_hash['entry'] { 'uid' => entry['id']['$t'], 'nickname' => entry['author'].first['name']['$t'], 'first_name' => entry['yt$firstName'] && entry['yt$firstName']['$t'], 'last_name' => entry['yt$lastName'] && entry['yt$lastName']['$t'], 'image' => entry['media$thumbnail'] && entry['media$thumbnail']['url'], 'description' => entry['yt$description'] && entry['yt$description']['$t'], 'location' => entry['yt$location'] && entry['yt$location']['$t'], } end def user_hash # YouTube treats 'default' as the currently logged-in user # via http://apiblog.youtube.com/2010/11/update-to-clientlogin-url.html @user_hash ||= MultiJson.decode(@access_token.get('http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default?alt=json').body) end # Monkeypatch consumer.get_request_token but specify YouTube scope rather than Google Contacts # TODO this is an easy patch to the underlying OAuth strategy a la OAuth2 def request_phase request_token = consumer.get_request_token({:oauth_callback => callback_url}, {:scope => 'http://gdata.youtube.com'}) session['oauth'] ||= {} session['oauth'][name.to_s] = {'callback_confirmed' => request_token.callback_confirmed?, 'request_token' => request_token.token, 'request_secret' => request_token.secret} r = Rack::Response.new if request_token.callback_confirmed? r.redirect(request_token.authorize_url) else r.redirect(request_token.authorize_url(:oauth_callback => callback_url)) end r.finish end end end end