module Magick
class RVG
@background_image: untyped
@background_pattern: untyped
@background_position: untyped
@background_fill: untyped
@background_fill_opacity: untyped
@width: untyped
@height: untyped
@content: Content
@canvas: Magick::Image
@desc: untyped
@title: untyped
@metadata: untyped
@x: untyped
@y: untyped
@nested: untyped
include Stylable
include Transformable
include Stretchable
include Embellishable
include Describable
include Duplicatable
interface _Duplicatable
def deep_copy: (?Hash[untyped, untyped] h) -> self
# The background image specified by background_image=
attr_reader background_image: Magick::Image
# The background image layout specified by background_position=
attr_reader background_position: Symbol
# The background fill color specified by background_fill=
attr_reader background_fill: Magick::Pixel
# The background fill color opacity specified by background_fill_opacity=
attr_reader background_fill_opacity: Float
# The image after drawing has completed
attr_reader canvas: Magick::Image
# For embedded RVG objects, the x-axis coordinate of the upper-left corner
attr_reader x: Float
# For embedded RVG objects, the x-axis coordinate of the upper-left corner
attr_reader y: Float
attr_reader width: Float
attr_reader height: Float
def bgfill: () -> Magick::Pixel
def new_canvas: () -> Magick::Image
# Sets an image to use as the canvas background. See background_position= for layout options.
def background_image=: (Magick::Image? bg_image) -> Magick::Image?
# Sets an object to use to fill the canvas background.
# The object must have a fill method. See the Fill Classes
# section in the RMagick doc for more information.
def background_pattern=: (magick_fill filler) -> magick_fill
# How to position the background image on the canvas. One of the following symbols:
# [:scaled] Scale the image to the canvas width and height.
# [:tiled] Tile the image across the canvas.
# [:fit] Scale the image to fit within the canvas while retaining the
# image proportions. Center the image on the canvas. Color any part of
# the canvas not covered by the image with the background color.
def background_position=: (interned pos) -> Symbol
# Sets the canvas background color. Either a Magick::Pixel or a color name.
# The default fill is "none", that is, transparent black.
def background_fill=: (magick_color color) -> Magick::Pixel
# Opacity of the background fill color, a number between 0.0 (transparent) and
# 1.0 (opaque). The default is 1.0 when the background_fill= attribute has been set.
def background_fill_opacity=: (magick_real opacity) -> magick_real
# Draw a +width+ x +height+ image. The image is specified by calling
# one or more drawing methods on the RVG object.
# You can group the drawing method calls in the optional associated block.
# The +x+ and +y+ arguments have no meaning for the outermost RVG object.
# On nested RVG objects [+x+, +y+] is the coordinate of the upper-left
# corner in the containing canvas on which the nested RVG object is placed.
# Drawing occurs on a +canvas+ created by the #draw method. By default the
# canvas is transparent. You can specify a different canvas with the
# #background_fill= or #background_image= methods.
# RVG objects are _containers_. That is, styles and transforms defined
# on the object are used by contained objects such as shapes, text, and
# groups unless overridden by an inner container or the object itself.
def initialize: (?magick_real? width, ?magick_real? height) -> void
| (?magick_real? width, ?magick_real? height) { (RVG) -> void } -> void
# Construct a canvas or reuse an existing canvas.
# Execute drawing commands. Return the canvas.
def draw: () -> Magick::Image
# Accept #use arguments. Use (x,y) to generate an additional translate.
# Override @width and @height if new values are supplied.
# @private
def ref: (Integer | Float x, Integer | Float y, Integer | Float rw, Integer | Float rh) -> void
# Used by Magick::Embellishable.rvg to set non-0 x- and y-coordinates
# @private
def corner: (magick_real x, magick_real y) -> void
# Primitives for the outermost RVG object
# @private
def add_outermost_primitives: (Utility::GraphicContext gc) -> self
# Primitives for nested RVG objects
# @private
def add_primitives: (Utility::GraphicContext gc) -> void