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GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButtonGtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton — A button to launch a style scheme selection dialog |
GObject ╰── GInitiallyUnowned ╰── GtkWidget ╰── GtkContainer ╰── GtkBin ╰── GtkButton ╰── GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton
GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton implements AtkImplementorIface, GtkBuildable, GtkActionable, GtkActivatable and GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooser.
The GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton is a button which displays the currently selected style scheme and allows to open a style scheme selection dialog to change the style scheme. It is suitable widget for selecting a style scheme in a preference dialog.
In GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton, a GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserWidget is used to provide a dialog for selecting style schemes.
GtkWidget *
Creates a new GtkSourceStyleSchemeChooserButton.
Since 3.16