version: '{build}' skip_tags: true # AppVeyor automatically skips the build if the commit contains [ci skip] or [skip ci] #skip_commits: # message: /\[ci skip\]/ clone_depth: 10 environment: ruby_version: '25' branches: only: - master - /.*-stable/ - /.*/ci-check/ install: - git submodule update --init --recursive # Take default Ruby out of path - SET PATH=%PATH:C:\Ruby193\bin;=% # Add Ruby to path from build matrix - SET PATH=C:\Ruby%ruby_version%\bin;%PATH% - ruby --version - gem --version - node --version - bundler --version - bundle build: off # TODO: add mspec_chrome and minitest_chrome once Chrome 60 will be released test_script: - bundle exec rake rspec mspec_nodejs minitest_nodejs minitest_node_nodejs