# Special Orders class ASF::Board::Agenda parse do orders = @file.split(/^ 7. Special Orders/,2).last. split(/^ 8. Discussion Items/,2).first pattern = / \n+(?\s{3,5})(?
[A-Z])\. \s(?.*?)\n (?<text>.*?) (?=\n\s{4}[A-Z]\.\s|\z) /mx people = [] scan orders, pattern do |attrs| attrs['section'] = '7' + attrs['section'] title = attrs['title'] fulltitle = title.dup title.sub! /^Resolution to /, '' title.sub! /\sthe\s/, ' ' title.sub! /\sApache\s/, ' ' title.sub! /\sCommittee\s/, ' ' title.sub! /\sProject(\s|$)/, '\1' title.sub! /\sPMC(\s|$)/, '\1' title.sub! /\s\(.*\)$/, '' attrs['fulltitle'] = fulltitle if title != fulltitle text = attrs['text'] attrs['digest'] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(attrs['text']) attrs['warnings'] = [] if attrs['indent'] != ' ' attrs['warnings'] << 'Heading is not indented 4 spaces' attrs['warnings'] << attrs['indent'].inspect attrs['warnings'] << attrs['indent'].length end if text.sub(/s+\Z/,'').scan(/^ *\S/).map(&:length).min != 8 attrs['warnings'] << 'Resolution is not indented 7 spaces' end attrs.delete 'indent' attrs.delete 'warnings' if attrs['warnings'].empty? next if @quick asfid = '[a-z][-.a-z0-9_]+' # dot added to help detect errors list_item = '^\s*(?:[-*\u2022]\s*)?(.*?)\s+' people = text.scan(/#{list_item}\((#{asfid})\)\s*$/) people += text.scan(/#{list_item}\((#{asfid})(?:@|\s*at\s*) (?:\.\.\.|apache\.org)\)\s*$/x) people += text.scan(/#{list_item}<(#{asfid})(?:@|\s*at\s*) (?:\.\.\.|apache\.org|apache\sdot\sorg)>\s*$/x) whimsy = 'https://whimsy.apache.org' if people.empty? if title =~ /Change (.*?) Chair/ or title =~ /Terminate (\w+)$/ committee = ASF::Committee.find($1) attrs['roster'] = "#{whimsy}/roster/committee/#{CGI.escape committee.name}" attrs['stats'] = "https://reporter.apache.org/?#{CGI.escape committee.name}" attrs['prior_reports'] = minutes(committee.display_name) name1 = text[/heretofore\sappointed\s(\w.*)\sto/,1] sname1 = name1.to_s.downcase.gsub('.', ' ').split(/\s+/) name2 = text[/recommend\s(\w.*)\sas/,1] sname2 = name2.to_s.downcase.gsub('.', ' ').split(/\s+/) next unless committee.names committee.names.each do |id, name| name.sub!(/ .* /,' ') unless text.include? name pname = name.downcase.split(/\s+/) if text.include? name people << [name, id] elsif name1 && sname1.all? {|t1| pname.any? {|t2| t2.start_with? t1}} people << [name1, id] elsif name1 && pname.all? {|t1| sname1.any? {|t2| t2.start_with? t1}} people << [name1, id] elsif name2 && sname2.all? {|t1| pname.any? {|t2| t2.start_with? t1}} people << [name2, id] elsif name2 && pname.all? {|t1| sname2.any? {|t2| t2.start_with? t1}} people << [name2, id] end end end else if title =~ /Establish (.*)/ name = $1 attrs['prior_reports'] = "#{whimsy}/board/minutes/#{name.gsub(/\W/,'_')}" if text =~ /FURTHER RESOLVED, that ([^,]*?),?\s+be\b/ chairname = $1.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip chair = people.find {|person| person.first == chairname} attrs['chair'] = (chair ? chair.last : nil) end end end people.map! do |name, id| person = ASF::Person.new(id) icla = person.icla [id, {name: name, icla: icla ? person.icla.name : false, member: person.asf_member?}] end attrs['people'] = Hash[people] unless people.empty? end end end