# 1.7.3 (2014-09-08) - 'Scanners' - New: option to reply to a reposted post - New: you can change the users lists order with `set` - New: you can change the table width with `set` - Docs: the documentation has been fixed and updated # 1.7.2 (2014-09-04) - 'Fortress' - Fixed: option to retrieve only specified channels in Channels - Fixed: validators for Set - New: better tests suite # 1.7.1 (2014-09-02) - 'Poltergeist' - New: update your user profile (full name, bio (user description), avatar, cover, Twitter username, blog url, web url) - Update profile: option to delete the field instead of updating - New: option to retrieve only specified channels in Channels - New: option to display raw response in Channels # 1.7.0 (2014-08-21) - 'Private Investigations' - New: embed a Youtube video in a normal post with option `-Y` - New: embed a Vimeo video in a normal post with option `-V` - New: embed a movie poster in a normal post with option `-M` - New: force view blacklisted/muted/blocked user's posts with option `-f` - New: the cursor is hidden when the scroll spinning wheel is displayed - Change: option to embed an image in a post is now `-E` (previously -e) - Fixed: bookmark title; also fixed the previous fix... - Fixed: value displayed when setting NiceRank - Refactored a few classes and methods # 1.6.0 (2014-08-04) - 'Beetlejuice' - New command: 'movie'. Create a post from a movie title (with link + movie poster). Customisable hashtag (default: '#nowwatching'). - New command: 'tvshow'. Create a post from a TV show title (with link + show poster). Customisable hashtag (default: '#nowwatching'). Option to display a banner instead of a poster. - New: see the target of your PM when writing a message. - New: delete several posts at once. - New: delete several PMs at once. - Fixed: uploading jpg if there were spaces in the filename. - Fixed: bookmark convos. - General code cleaning and refactoring. # 1.5.1 (2014-07-27) - 'Holograms' - Improved accuracy of iTunes Store requests for NowPlaying # 1.5.0 (2014-07-25) - 'Nozomi' - In 'convo', both the post id you've requested and the post it replies to are marked with arrows - Same feature in the view after a reply - Follow/unfollow/etc several users at a time - Much faster users lists generation (followers, muted, etc) - Users lists include number of posts/day - User info (-ui) includes number of posts/day - Added NowPlaying annotations - Documentation is included in the repo - Skipped objects are logged if debug is enabled - Force delete obsolete config keys / force create mandatory ones (less checks in the code, more stability) # 1.4.6 - 'Roman' - Temporary fix for filepaths instability when uploading pictures # 1.4.5 (2014-07-19) - 'Sébastien' - Fixed a crash when iTunes Store URL contained exotic characters # 1.4.4 - 'Randolph' - Fixed a database problem in PM and SEND # 1.4.3 (2014-07-17) - 'Sergent Stretch' - NowPlaying is compatible with iTunes and Last.fm. Default: iTunes. Add `--last-fm` or `-l` to get Last.fm last played track instead - NowPlaying audio link has been replaced with an iTunes Store link - NowPlaying album art now has thumbnails (compatible with Chimp, etc) - NowPlaying doesn't crash if the iTunes Store doesn't respond - Better global error and events logging - Automatically fixes the arguments order for 'post' if needed when uploading a picture - General code cleaning # 1.4.2 (2014-07-15) - 'Caligula' - Ayadn is more resilient to connectivity errors - Better handling of filenames when uploading # 1.4.1 - 'Oh boy' - A few fixes in the NowPlaying section # 1.4.0 (2014-07-14) - 'Florian' - New feature: embed one or several pictures within a post (in write, post, reply, and pm) - Nowplaying inserts preview URL and album art from iTunes Store (you can prevent this with: `--no-url`) # 1.3.2 - 'Max' - Fixed: Global stream crashed if NiceRank was enabled but unreachable # 1.3.1 (2014-06-16) - 'Nico' - NiceRank threshold is a float again. Default value is 2.1 # 1.3.0 (2014-06-09) - 'K' - Updated the NiceRank API url - NiceRank filter is more efficient (checks is_human + real_person) - A few gridless grids for readability - Added several command synonyms Features: - New color: black. Depends on your terminal. (ex: ayadn set color date black) - Silence a user (ayadn -K add user @username) - Clear the contents of the aliases database (ayadn -A clear) - Clear the contents of the blacklist database (ayadn -K clear) - Clear the contents of the bookmarks database (ayadn mark clear) # 1.2.10 - 'Anders' - Fixed the non-installing unicode_utils Gem # 1.2.9 (2014-05-29) - 'Kirschen' - NiceRank database auto-limits to 10000 users - Better handling of connection errors - Better display of emojis - General code cleaning # 1.2.8 (2014-05-27) - 'Hans' - No more Ruby 1.9.3 - Search for users: returns a detailed view of users containing word(s) in their bio/description - Search for annotations: returns posts containing a specific annotation - Search for channels containing word(s) in their description - Search for words in messages (PMs) - Better display of the starred and replied_to symbols # 1.2.7 - 'Roman' - Conform remove_arobase in Switch # 1.2.6 - 'Saket' - NiceRank enabled by default on new installs - NiceRank cache expires after 48h by default - NiceRank cache auto-limits to 5000 users - Set the NiceRank cache value (in hours) - More debug info - Misc fixes related to recent features # 1.2.5 - 'Bis repetita' - Fix the NiceRank filter staying on true # 1.2.4 (2014-05-25) - 'Stoopid me' - Fix the copy/paste error in Settings # 1.2.3 - 'Taylor' - Text containing '#' but not an hashtag: not colorized - Add/remove several elements to/from blacklist at once - Cached results for NiceRank (expire = 24h) - NiceRank filter works better - NiceRank logs missed users ids in a separate file - Option for showing debug messages - Show spinner = true # 1.2.2 (2014-05-21) - 'Chris' - No more empty lines in the scroll - Spinner while waiting for posts (false by default) - Hashtags support accented characters # 1.2.1 (2014-05-20) - 'Vinz' - Fixed the exclusion bug in NiceRank filters - Improved the truncation in Mark list - Changes to match changes in NiceRank API # 1.2.0 (2014-05-19) - 'Jason' - @matigo's NiceRank filter for the Global stream # 1.1.3 (2014-05-17) - 'Kevin' - Bookmark a conversation - List, delete, rename bookmarks # 1.1.2 - 'Craig' - URL for the docs # 1.1.1 (2014-05-07) - 'State Of The Onion' - Star and unstar a reposted post - Nowplaying shows an error message if iTunes is closed or not currently playing any track # 1.1.0 (2014-04-28) - 'Leviathan' - Show who's writing, and who's the recipient - Less help text when writing, more concise - The blacklist works better (recorded and compared downcased) - New command: convert blacklist - Export blacklist as CSV, aliases and settings as JSON - New option: 'extract'. Extracts all links from results of a search by word or by hashtag, or from the 'what starred' command - New command: show current version - New command: photos stream - New command: delete message (private or in a channel) # 1.0.13 (2014-04-25) - 'Charlotte' - New layout for '#nowplaying' - Compact index.db and pagination.db if necessary - New api urls - Fix 'download file' # 1.0.12 - 'Rolando' - Fixed an error in: authorizing an account if its folders already exists # 1.0.11 - 'Chris' - There was a typo in the last version that caused a bug in the PM command # 1.0.10 - 'Johannes' - Fixes the help bug (doubled commands) - Auto adds the @ if missing in pm # 1.0.9 - 'Brian' - Fixes the stubborn 'nowplaying' database bug # 1.0.8 (2014-04-16) - 'Laurent' - Better error messages/logs (specifically when HTTP errors) - Token is anonymized if in error logs - No more database error when canceling a 'nowplaying' post - Better mentions colorization # 1.0.7 (2014-04-13) - 'Hugo' - Machine-only messages in channels are now viewable - Don't output "Downloading" if options = raw in messages view - Alert message instead of crash when an alias is undefined - Removed username in front of ">>" in Auto (in case the authd user changed) - Compatibility with Windows is broken # 1.0.6 (2014-04-12) - 'Matthew' - Fixed a bug where post_max_chars was displayed instead of message_max_chars - Show raw JSON in messages even if no data # 1.0.5 - 'Joel' - Fixed the colorization for mentions - Added tests for colorization # 1.0.4 (2014-04-06) - 'Jeremy' - Fixed 'reply to an indexed stream' for Ruby < 2.1 - More tests for Databases - Tests for Blacklist - Tests for Set # 1.0.3 - 'Donny' - Fixed the bug introduced by the last bugfix (yes, I know... sigh...) # 1.0.2 - 'Mark' - Fixed a critical bug in Reply (when the original post was a repost) - Tests for Databases - Tests for Posts & Messages - Better layout for checkins - Better alert message if error 429 # 1.0.1 (2014-04-04) - 'Phoenix' Release! It should have been 1.0.0, but a PEBKAC happened and, yeah, so 1.0.1 it is.