# frozen_string_literal: true require "uri" require "set" require "yaml" require "cgi" module Sidekiq # This is not a public API module WebHelpers def strings(lang) @strings ||= {} @strings[lang] ||= begin # Allow sidekiq-web extensions to add locale paths # so extensions can be localized settings.locales.each_with_object({}) do |path, global| find_locale_files(lang).each do |file| strs = YAML.load(File.open(file)) global.merge!(strs[lang]) end end end end def clear_caches @strings = nil @locale_files = nil @available_locales = nil end def locale_files @locale_files ||= settings.locales.flat_map { |path| Dir["#{path}/*.yml"] } end def available_locales @available_locales ||= locale_files.map { |path| File.basename(path, ".yml") }.uniq end def find_locale_files(lang) locale_files.select { |file| file =~ /\/#{lang}\.yml$/ } end # This is a hook for a Sidekiq Pro feature. Please don't touch. def filtering(*) end # This view helper provide ability display you html code in # to head of page. Example: # # <% add_to_head do %> # # # <% end %> # def add_to_head @head_html ||= [] @head_html << yield.dup if block_given? end def display_custom_head @head_html.join if defined?(@head_html) end def poll_path if current_path != "" && params["poll"] path = root_path + current_path query_string = to_query_string(params.slice(*params.keys - %w[page poll])) path += "?#{query_string}" unless query_string.empty? path else "" end end def text_direction get_locale["TextDirection"] || "ltr" end def rtl? text_direction == "rtl" end # See https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.4 def user_preferred_languages languages = env["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] languages.to_s.downcase.gsub(/\s+/, "").split(",").map { |language| locale, quality = language.split(";q=", 2) locale = nil if locale == "*" # Ignore wildcards quality = quality ? quality.to_f : 1.0 [locale, quality] }.sort { |(_, left), (_, right)| right <=> left }.map(&:first).compact end # Given an Accept-Language header like "fr-FR,fr;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4,ru;q=0.2" # this method will try to best match the available locales to the user's preferred languages. # # Inspiration taken from https://github.com/iain/http_accept_language/blob/master/lib/http_accept_language/parser.rb def locale @locale ||= begin matched_locale = user_preferred_languages.map { |preferred| preferred_language = preferred.split("-", 2).first lang_group = available_locales.select { |available| preferred_language == available.split("-", 2).first } lang_group.find { |lang| lang == preferred } || lang_group.min_by(&:length) }.compact.first matched_locale || "en" end end # within is used by Sidekiq Pro def display_tags(job, within = nil) job.tags.map { |tag| "#{::Rack::Utils.escape_html(tag)}" }.join(" ") end # mperham/sidekiq#3243 def unfiltered? yield unless env["PATH_INFO"].start_with?("/filter/") end def get_locale strings(locale) end def t(msg, options = {}) string = get_locale[msg] || strings("en")[msg] || msg if options.empty? string else string % options end end def sort_direction_label params[:direction] == "asc" ? "↑" : "↓" end def workers @workers ||= Sidekiq::Workers.new end def processes @processes ||= Sidekiq::ProcessSet.new end def stats @stats ||= Sidekiq::Stats.new end def redis_connection Sidekiq.redis do |conn| c = conn.connection "redis://#{c[:location]}/#{c[:db]}" end end def namespace @ns ||= Sidekiq.redis { |conn| conn.respond_to?(:namespace) ? conn.namespace : nil } end def redis_info Sidekiq.redis_info end def root_path "#{env["SCRIPT_NAME"]}/" end def current_path @current_path ||= request.path_info.gsub(/^\//, "") end def current_status workers.size == 0 ? "idle" : "active" end def relative_time(time) stamp = time.getutc.iso8601 %() end def job_params(job, score) "#{score}-#{job["jid"]}" end def parse_params(params) score, jid = params.split("-", 2) [score.to_f, jid] end SAFE_QPARAMS = %w[page poll direction] # Merge options with current params, filter safe params, and stringify to query string def qparams(options) # stringify options.keys.each do |key| options[key.to_s] = options.delete(key) end to_query_string(params.merge(options)) end def to_query_string(params) params.map { |key, value| SAFE_QPARAMS.include?(key) ? "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" : next }.compact.join("&") end def truncate(text, truncate_after_chars = 2000) truncate_after_chars && text.size > truncate_after_chars ? "#{text[0..truncate_after_chars]}..." : text end def display_args(args, truncate_after_chars = 2000) return "Invalid job payload, args is nil" if args.nil? return "Invalid job payload, args must be an Array, not #{args.class.name}" unless args.is_a?(Array) begin args.map { |arg| h(truncate(to_display(arg), truncate_after_chars)) }.join(", ") rescue "Illegal job arguments: #{h args.inspect}" end end def csrf_tag "" end def to_display(arg) arg.inspect rescue begin arg.to_s rescue => ex "Cannot display argument: [#{ex.class.name}] #{ex.message}" end end RETRY_JOB_KEYS = Set.new(%w[ queue class args retry_count retried_at failed_at jid error_message error_class backtrace error_backtrace enqueued_at retry wrapped created_at tags ]) def retry_extra_items(retry_job) @retry_extra_items ||= {}.tap do |extra| retry_job.item.each do |key, value| extra[key] = value unless RETRY_JOB_KEYS.include?(key) end end end def number_with_delimiter(number) begin Float(number) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError return number end options = {delimiter: ",", separator: "."} parts = number.to_s.to_str.split(".") parts[0].gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/, "\\1#{options[:delimiter]}") parts.join(options[:separator]) end def h(text) ::Rack::Utils.escape_html(text) rescue ArgumentError => e raise unless e.message.eql?("invalid byte sequence in UTF-8") text.encode!("UTF-16", "UTF-8", invalid: :replace, replace: "").encode!("UTF-8", "UTF-16") retry end # Any paginated list that performs an action needs to redirect # back to the proper page after performing that action. def redirect_with_query(url) r = request.referer if r && r =~ /\?/ ref = URI(r) redirect("#{url}?#{ref.query}") else redirect url end end def environment_title_prefix environment = Sidekiq.options[:environment] || ENV["APP_ENV"] || ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development" "[#{environment.upcase}] " unless environment == "production" end def product_version "Sidekiq v#{Sidekiq::VERSION}" end def server_utc_time Time.now.utc.strftime("%H:%M:%S UTC") end def redis_connection_and_namespace @redis_connection_and_namespace ||= begin namespace_suffix = namespace.nil? ? "" : "##{namespace}" "#{redis_connection}#{namespace_suffix}" end end def retry_or_delete_or_kill(job, params) if params["retry"] job.retry elsif params["delete"] job.delete elsif params["kill"] job.kill end end def delete_or_add_queue(job, params) if params["delete"] job.delete elsif params["add_to_queue"] job.add_to_queue end end end end