module SCSSLint # Ensures length literals are used only in variable declarations. class Linter::LengthVariable < Linter include LinterRegistry LENGTH_UNITS = [ 'ch', 'em', 'ex', 'rem', # Font-relative lengths 'cm', 'in', 'mm', 'pc', 'pt', 'px', 'q', # Absolute lengths 'vh', 'vw', 'vmin', 'vmax' # Viewport-percentage lengths ].freeze LENGTH_RE = %r{ (?:^|[\s+\-/*()]) # math or space separated, or beginning of string ( # capture whole length 0 # unitless zero | [-+]? # optional sign (?: \.\d+ # with leading decimal, e.g. .5 | \d+(\.\d+)? # whole or maybe with trailing decimal ) (?:#{LENGTH_UNITS.join('|')}) # unit! ) (?:$|[\s+\-/*()]) # math or space separated, or end of string }x def visit_prop(node) return if allowed_prop?(node) lint_lengths(node) end def visit_mixindef(node) lint_lengths(node) end def visit_media(node) lint_lengths(node) end def visit_mixin(node) lint_lengths(node) end private def lint_lengths(node) lengths = extract_lengths(node) lengths = [lengths].flatten.compact.uniq lengths -= config['allowed_lengths'] if config['allowed_lengths'] lengths.each do |length| record_lint(node, length) unless lengths.empty? end end def record_lint(node, length) add_lint node, "Length literals like `#{length}` should only be used in " \ 'variable declarations; they should be referred to via ' \ 'variables everywhere else.' end def allowed_prop?(node) config['allowed_properties'] && config['allowed_properties'].include?( end # Though long, This method is clear enough in a boring, dispatch kind of way. # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def extract_lengths(node) case node when Sass::Tree::PropNode extract_lengths(node.value) when Sass::Script::Tree::Literal extract_lengths_from_string(node.value) when String extract_lengths_from_string(node) when Sass::Script::Tree::Funcall, Sass::Tree::MixinNode, Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode extract_lengths_from_list(*node.args) when Sass::Script::Tree::ListLiteral extract_lengths_from_list(*node.elements) when Sass::Tree::MediaNode extract_lengths_from_list(*node.query) when Array extract_lengths_from_list(*node) when Sass::Script::Tree::Interpolation extract_lengths_from_list(node.before, node.mid, node.after) when Sass::Script::Tree::Operation extract_lengths_from_list(node.operand1, node.operand2) when Sass::Script::Tree::UnaryOperation extract_lengths(node.operand) when Sass::Script::Tree::Variable nil end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/AbcSize def extract_lengths_from_string(string) matchdata = string.to_s.match(LENGTH_RE) matchdata && matchdata.captures end def extract_lengths_from_list(*values) { |v| extract_lengths(v) } end end end