require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' include ActiveMerchant::Shipping module ActiveShipping describe Calculator do # NOTE: All specs will use the bogus calculator (no login information needed) let(:country) { mock_model Country, :iso => "US", :state => mock_model(State, :abbr => "MD") } let(:address) { mock_model Address, :country => country, :state => country.state, :city => "Chevy Chase", :zipcode => "20815" } let(:line_item_1) { mock_model(LineItem, :variant_id => 1, :quantity => 2, :variant => mock_model(Variant, :weight => 10)) } let(:line_item_2) { mock_model(LineItem, :variant_id => 2, :quantity => 1, :variant => mock_model(Variant, :weight => 5.25)) } let(:order) { mock_model Order, :number => "R12345", :ship_address => address, :line_items => [ line_item_1, line_item_2 ] } let(:carrier) { } let(:calculator) { } before(:each) do Spree::ActiveShipping::Config.set(:units => "imperial") Spree::ActiveShipping::Config.set(:unit_multiplier => 16) calculator.stub!(:carrier).and_return(carrier) Rails.cache.clear end describe "compute" do it "should use the carrier supplied in the initializer" do carrier.should_receive(:find_rates).and_return(, "Foo")) calculator.compute(order) end it "should multiply the weight by the line item quantity" do line_item_1.should_receive(:quantity).and_return(2) calculator.compute(order) end it "should ignore variants that have a nil weight" do line_item_1.variant.stub(:weight => nil) calculator.compute(order) end it "should create a package with the correct total weight in ounces" do # (10 * 2 + 5.25 * 1) * 16 = 404 Package.should_receive(:new).with(404, [], :units => :imperial) calculator.compute(order) end it "should check the cache first before finding rates" do Rails.cache.fetch(calculator.send(:cache_key, order)) { } carrier.should_not_receive(:find_rates) calculator.compute(order) end end end end