.\" Generated by kramdown-man 1.0.1 .\" https://github.com/postmodern/kramdown-man#readme .TH ronin-completion 1 "2024-01-01" Ronin "User Manuals" .SH NAME .PP ronin\-completion \- Manages shell completion rules for \fBronin\-repos\fR .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBronin\-repos completion\fR \[lB]\fIoptions\fP\[rB] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP The \fBronin completion\fR command can print, install, or uninstall shell completion rules for the \fBronin\fR command and all other \fBronin\-*\fR commands\. .PP Supports installing completion rules for Bash or Zsh shells\. Completion rules for the Fish shell is currently not supported\. .SS ZSH SUPPORT .PP Zsh users will have to add the following lines to their \fB\[ti]\[sl]\.zshrc\fR file in order to enable Zsh\[cq]s Bash completion compatibility layer: .PP .RS 4 .EX autoload \-Uz \[pl]X compinit && compinit autoload \-Uz \[pl]X bashcompinit && bashcompinit .EE .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-\-print\fR Prints the shell completion file\. .TP \fB\-\-install\fR Installs the shell completion file\. .TP \fB\-\-uninstall\fR Uninstalls the shell completion file\. .TP \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR Prints help information\. .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP \fIPREFIX\fP Specifies the root prefix for the file system\. .TP \fIHOME\fP Specifies the home directory of the user\. Ronin will search for the \fB\[ti]\[sl]\.cache\[sl]ronin\-repos\fR cache directory within the home directory\. .TP \fIXDG\[ru]DATA\[ru]HOME\fP Specifies the data directory to use\. Defaults to \fB\[Do]HOME\[sl]\.local\[sl]share\fR\. .SH FILES .TP \fB\[ti]\[sl]\.local\[sl]share\[sl]bash\-completion\[sl]completions\[sl]\fR The user\-local installation directory for Bash completion files\. .TP \fB\[sl]usr\[sl]local\[sl]share\[sl]bash\-completion\[sl]completions\[sl]\fR The system\-wide installation directory for Bash completions files\. .TP \fB\[sl]usr\[sl]local\[sl]share\[sl]zsh\[sl]site\-functions\[sl]\fR The installation directory for Zsh completion files\. .SH EXAMPLES .TP \fBronin completion \-\-print\fR Prints all shell completion rules instead of installing them\. .TP \fBronin completion \-\-install\fR Installs all shell completion rules for \fBronin\fR and the other \fBronin\-*\fR commands\. .TP \fBronin\-repos completion \-\-uninstall\fR Uninstalls all shell completion rules for \fBronin\fR and the other \fBronin\-*\fR commands\. .SH AUTHOR .PP Postmodern .MT postmodern\.mod3\[at]gmail\.com .ME