Given(/^I create a Itiel::Lookup::DatabaseTable object for the "(.*?)"$/) do |table_name| @lookup = @lookup.connection = :test @lookup.table_name = table_name end Given(/^I create a Itiel::Lookup::CSVFile object with the "(.*?)" file$/) do |file_name| @lookup ='tmp', file_name)) end Given(/^the lookup joins the "(.*?)" column in the source with the "(.*?)" column in the lookup stream$/) do |source_column, lookup_column| @lookup.lookup_columns = { source_column => lookup_column } end Given(/^the lookup appends the "(.*?)" column on the lookup stream to the source as "(.*?)"$/) do |original_name, new_name| @lookup.joined_columns = { original_name => new_name } end Then(/^the output for the lookup should be:$/) do |table| result = @lookup.output table.hashes.each_with_index do |row, index| table.headers.each do |column| expect(result[index][column.to_sym].to_s).to eq row[column] end end end Given /^an? orders database table$/ do Itiel::Extract::CustomSQL.connection_file_path = @database_config_path Itiel::Extract::CustomSQL.sequel_connection(:test).create_table :orders do Integer :id String :email end end