require 'test_helper' require 'simple_aws/dynamo_db' describe SimpleAWS::DynamoDB do before do creds = stub :session_token => "session_token", :access_key_id => "access_key_id", :secret_access_key => "secret_access_key" response = stub :credentials => creds SimpleAWS::STS.any_instance.stubs(:get_session_token).returns response @api = "key", "secret" end it "forwards keys to STS, saves session token and new AWS keys for use" do @api.sts.wont_be_nil @api.access_key.must_equal "access_key_id" @api.secret_key.must_equal "secret_access_key" @api.session_token.must_equal "session_token" end it "points to the endpoint" do @api.uri.must_equal "" end it "properly builds region endpoints" do api = "key", "secret", "eu-west-1" api.uri.must_equal "" end it "works with the current version" do @api.version.must_equal "2011-12-05" end describe "API calls" do it "requires a security token as the first parameter and add it as a header" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| true end obj = "key", "secret" obj.create_table end it "adds the requested action as x-amz-target header" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| header = request.headers["x-amz-target"] header.must_equal "DynamoDB_20111205.CreateTable" true end obj = "key", "secret" obj.create_table end it "adds the json content type header" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| header = request.headers["Content-Type"] header.must_equal "application/x-amz-json-1.0" true end obj = "key", "secret" obj.create_table end it "takes any body and serializes into JSON" do table_schema = { "TableName" => "Table1", "KeySchema" => { "HashKeyElement" => {"AttributeName" => "AttributeName1", "AttributeType" => "S"} } } SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.body.wont_be_nil MultiJson.decode(request.body).must_equal table_schema true end obj = "key", "secret" obj.create_table table_schema end it "takes a string body and forwards it off raw" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.body.must_equal %|{"string":"body"}| true end obj = "key", "secret" obj.create_table %|{"string":"body"}| end it "builds and signs the request and adds the session token" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| header = request.headers["x-amzn-authorization"] header.must_match(/^AWS3 /) header.must_match(/AWSAccessKeyId=access_key_id/) header = request.headers["x-amz-security-token"] header.must_equal "session_token" Time.parse(request.headers["x-amz-date"]).wont_be_nil true end obj = "key", "secret" obj.create_table end end end