# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: strong # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/actioncable/all/actioncable.rbi # # actioncable-5.2.3 module ActionCable def self.gem_version; end def self.server; end def self.version; end def server; end extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end module ActionCable::VERSION end module ActionCable::Helpers end module ActionCable::Helpers::ActionCableHelper def action_cable_meta_tag; end end class ActionCable::Engine < Rails::Engine end module ActionCable::Server extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end module ActionCable::Server::Broadcasting def broadcast(broadcasting, message, coder: nil); end def broadcaster_for(broadcasting, coder: nil); end end class ActionCable::Server::Broadcasting::Broadcaster def broadcast(message); end def broadcasting; end def coder; end def initialize(server, broadcasting, coder:); end def server; end end module ActionCable::Server::Connections def add_connection(connection); end def connections; end def open_connections_statistics; end def remove_connection(connection); end def setup_heartbeat_timer; end end class ActionCable::Server::Configuration def allow_same_origin_as_host; end def allow_same_origin_as_host=(arg0); end def allowed_request_origins; end def allowed_request_origins=(arg0); end def cable; end def cable=(arg0); end def connection_class; end def connection_class=(arg0); end def disable_request_forgery_protection; end def disable_request_forgery_protection=(arg0); end def initialize; end def log_tags; end def log_tags=(arg0); end def logger; end def logger=(arg0); end def mount_path; end def mount_path=(arg0); end def pubsub_adapter; end def url; end def url=(arg0); end def worker_pool_size; end def worker_pool_size=(arg0); end end class ActionCable::Server::Worker def __callbacks; end def __callbacks?; end def _run_work_callbacks(&block); end def _work_callbacks; end def async_exec(receiver, *args, connection:, &block); end def async_invoke(receiver, method, *args, connection: nil, &block); end def connection; end def connection=(obj); end def executor; end def halt; end def initialize(max_size: nil); end def invoke(receiver, method, *args, connection:, &block); end def logger; end def self.__callbacks; end def self.__callbacks=(val); end def self.__callbacks?; end def self._work_callbacks; end def self._work_callbacks=(value); end def self.connection; end def self.connection=(obj); end def stopping?; end def work(connection); end extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker include ActionCable::Server::Worker::ActiveRecordConnectionManagement include ActiveSupport::Callbacks end module ActionCable::Server::Worker::ActiveRecordConnectionManagement def with_database_connections; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Channel extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end module ActionCable::Channel::Callbacks extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ActiveSupport::Callbacks end module ActionCable::Channel::Callbacks::ClassMethods def after_subscribe(*methods, &block); end def after_unsubscribe(*methods, &block); end def before_subscribe(*methods, &block); end def before_unsubscribe(*methods, &block); end def on_subscribe(*methods, &block); end def on_unsubscribe(*methods, &block); end end module ActionCable::Channel::PeriodicTimers def active_periodic_timers; end def start_periodic_timer(callback, every:); end def start_periodic_timers; end def stop_periodic_timers; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Channel::PeriodicTimers::ClassMethods def periodically(callback_or_method_name = nil, every:, &block); end end module ActionCable::Channel::Streams def default_stream_handler(broadcasting, coder:); end def identity_handler; end def pubsub(*args, &block); end def stop_all_streams; end def stream_decoder(handler = nil, coder:); end def stream_for(model, callback = nil, coder: nil, &block); end def stream_from(broadcasting, callback = nil, coder: nil, &block); end def stream_handler(broadcasting, user_handler, coder: nil); end def stream_transmitter(handler = nil, broadcasting:); end def streams; end def worker_pool_stream_handler(broadcasting, user_handler, coder: nil); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Channel::Naming def channel_name(*args, &block); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Channel::Naming::ClassMethods def channel_name; end end module ActionCable::Channel::Broadcasting def broadcasting_for(*args, &block); end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Channel::Broadcasting::ClassMethods def broadcast_to(model, message); end def broadcasting_for(model); end end class ActionCable::Channel::Base def __callbacks; end def __callbacks?; end def _run_subscribe_callbacks(&block); end def _run_unsubscribe_callbacks(&block); end def _subscribe_callbacks; end def _unsubscribe_callbacks; end def action_signature(action, data); end def connection; end def defer_subscription_confirmation!; end def defer_subscription_confirmation?; end def delegate_connection_identifiers; end def dispatch_action(action, data); end def ensure_confirmation_sent; end def extract_action(data); end def identifier; end def initialize(connection, identifier, params = nil); end def logger(*args, &block); end def params; end def perform_action(data); end def periodic_timers=(val); end def processable_action?(action); end def reject; end def reject_subscription; end def self.__callbacks; end def self.__callbacks=(val); end def self.__callbacks?; end def self._subscribe_callbacks; end def self._subscribe_callbacks=(value); end def self._unsubscribe_callbacks; end def self._unsubscribe_callbacks=(value); end def self.action_methods; end def self.clear_action_methods!; end def self.method_added(name); end def self.periodic_timers; end def self.periodic_timers=(val); end def self.periodic_timers?; end def subscribe_to_channel; end def subscribed; end def subscription_confirmation_sent?; end def subscription_rejected?; end def transmit(data, via: nil); end def transmit_subscription_confirmation; end def transmit_subscription_rejection; end def unsubscribe_from_channel; end def unsubscribed; end extend ActionCable::Channel::Broadcasting::ClassMethods extend ActionCable::Channel::Callbacks::ClassMethods extend ActionCable::Channel::Naming::ClassMethods extend ActionCable::Channel::PeriodicTimers::ClassMethods extend ActiveSupport::Callbacks::ClassMethods extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker include ActionCable::Channel::Broadcasting include ActionCable::Channel::Callbacks include ActionCable::Channel::Naming include ActionCable::Channel::PeriodicTimers include ActionCable::Channel::Streams include ActiveSupport::Callbacks end class ActionCable::Server::Base def call(env); end def config; end def config=(obj); end def connection_identifiers; end def disconnect(identifiers); end def event_loop; end def initialize; end def logger(*args, &block); end def mutex; end def pubsub; end def remote_connections; end def restart; end def self.config; end def self.config=(obj); end def self.logger; end def worker_pool; end include ActionCable::Server::Broadcasting include ActionCable::Server::Connections end module ActionCable::Connection extend ActiveSupport::Autoload end module ActionCable::Connection::Identification def connection_gid(ids); end def connection_identifier; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Connection::Identification::ClassMethods def identified_by(*identifiers); end end module ActionCable::Connection::InternalChannel def internal_channel; end def process_internal_message(message); end def subscribe_to_internal_channel; end def unsubscribe_from_internal_channel; end extend ActiveSupport::Concern end module ActionCable::Connection::Authorization def reject_unauthorized_connection; end end class ActionCable::Connection::Authorization::UnauthorizedError < StandardError end class ActionCable::Connection::Base def allow_request_origin?; end def beat; end def close; end def cookies; end def decode(websocket_message); end def dispatch_websocket_message(websocket_message); end def encode(cable_message); end def env; end def event_loop(*args, &block); end def finished_request_message; end def handle_close; end def handle_open; end def identifiers; end def identifiers=(val); end def identifiers?; end def initialize(server, env, coder: nil); end def invalid_request_message; end def logger; end def message_buffer; end def new_tagged_logger; end def on_close(reason, code); end def on_error(message); end def on_message(message); end def on_open; end def process; end def protocol; end def pubsub(*args, &block); end def receive(websocket_message); end def request; end def respond_to_invalid_request; end def respond_to_successful_request; end def self.identifiers; end def self.identifiers=(val); end def self.identifiers?; end def send_async(method, *arguments); end def send_welcome_message; end def server; end def started_request_message; end def statistics; end def subscriptions; end def successful_request_message; end def transmit(cable_message); end def websocket; end def worker_pool; end extend ActionCable::Connection::Identification::ClassMethods include ActionCable::Connection::Authorization include ActionCable::Connection::Identification include ActionCable::Connection::InternalChannel end