// Place all the behaviors and hooks related to the matching controller here. // All this logic will automatically be available in application.js. var spurs = spurs ? spurs : {}; spurs.flashes = { highest_priority_flash_container:function () { var highest = -100; var highest_item = null; $('.' + spurs.vars.flashes.container_class).each( function (idx, item) { priority = parseInt($(item).attr('id').substring($('.' + spurs.vars.flashes.container_class).attr('id').indexOf(spurs.vars.flashes.container_id_prefix) + spurs.vars.flashes.container_id_prefix.length)); if (priority > highest) { highest = priority; highest_item = $(item); } }); return highest_item; }, alert:function (message, flavor) { $.ajax({ url: spurs.vars.flashes.create_path + '.js', type:'POST', data:{ message:message, flavor:flavor } }); } }