Compass.ErpApp.Widgets.DynamicForms = { template: new Ext.XTemplate( "<% # Optional Parameters:\n", " # internal_identifier: Models can have multiple forms\n", " # Leave blank if you want to use the default form\n", " # Specify internal_identifier to choose a specific form %>\n", "<%= render_widget :dynamic_forms,\n", " :params => {:model_name => '{WidgetDynamicFormModelName}',\n", " :internal_identifier => ''", '', ",\n :width => {WidgetDynamicFormWidth} ", '', "} %>"), addDynamicForm: function () { var addDynamicFormWidgetWindow = Ext.create("Ext.window.Window", { layout: 'fit', width: 375, title: 'Add DynamicForm Widget', plain: true, buttonAlign: 'center', items: Ext.create("Ext.form.Panel", { labelWidth: 100, frame: false, bodyStyle: 'padding:5px 5px 0', defaults: { width: 325 }, items: [ { xtype: 'combo', value: '', loadingText: 'Retrieving Dynamic Form Models ...', store: Ext.create('', { proxy: { type: 'ajax', reader: { type: 'json', root: 'dynamic_form_model' }, url: '/erp_forms/erp_app/desktop/dynamic_forms/models/index' }, fields: [ { name: 'id' }, { name: 'model_name' } ] }), forceSelection: true, editable: true, fieldLabel: 'Model Name', autoSelect: true, mode: 'remote', name: 'model_name', displayField: 'model_name', valueField: 'model_name', triggerAction: 'all', allowBlank: false, plugins: [new helpQtip("Dynamic Form Model Name (Class)")] }, { xtype: 'textfield', fieldLabel: 'Form Width', name: 'form_width', allowBlank: true, plugins: [new helpQtip("Form Width in Pixels. Leave blank for auto width.")] } ] }), buttons: [ { text: 'Submit', listeners: { 'click': function (button) { var formPanel = button.findParentByType('window').query('form').first(), basicForm = formPanel.getForm(), WidgetDynamicFormModelName = basicForm.findField('model_name'), WidgetDynamicFormWidth = basicForm.findField('form_width'); if (basicForm.isValid()) { var data = { WidgetDynamicFormModelName: WidgetDynamicFormModelName.getValue(), WidgetDynamicFormWidth: WidgetDynamicFormWidth.getValue() }; //add rendered template to center region editor Ext.getCmp('knitkitCenterRegion').addContentToActiveCodeMirror(Compass.ErpApp.Widgets.DynamicForms.template.apply(data)); addDynamicFormWidgetWindow.close(); } } } }, { text: 'Close', handler: function () { addDynamicFormWidgetWindow.close(); } } ] }).show(); } }; Compass.ErpApp.Widgets.AvailableWidgets.push({ name: 'Dynamic Forms', iconUrl: '/images/icons/document_text/document_text_48x48.png', onClick: Compass.ErpApp.Widgets.DynamicForms.addDynamicForm });