module Inch module Evaluation # a namespace object can have methods and other namespace objects # inside itself (e.g. classes and modules) class NamespaceObject < Base RUBY_CORE = %w(Array Bignum BasicObject Object Module Class Complex NilClass Numeric String Float Fiber FiberError Continuation Dir File Encoding Enumerator StopIteration Enumerator::Generator Enumerator::Yielder Exception SystemExit SignalException Interrupt StandardError TypeError ArgumentError IndexError KeyError RangeError ScriptError SyntaxError LoadError NotImplementedError NameError NoMethodError RuntimeError SecurityError NoMemoryError EncodingError SystemCallError Encoding::CompatibilityError File::Stat IO Hash ENV IOError EOFError ARGF RubyVM RubyVM::InstructionSequence Math::DomainError ZeroDivisionError FloatDomainError Integer Fixnum Data TrueClass FalseClass Mutex Thread Proc LocalJumpError SystemStackError Method UnboundMethod Binding Process::Status Random Range Rational RegexpError Regexp MatchData Symbol Struct ThreadGroup ThreadError Time Encoding::UndefinedConversionError Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError Encoding::Converter RubyVM::Env) + %w(Comparable Kernel File::Constants Enumerable Errno FileTest GC ObjectSpace GC::Profiler IO::WaitReadable IO::WaitWritable Marshal Math Process Process::UID Process::GID Process::Sys Signal) def evaluate eval_doc eval_code_example eval_visibility eval_tags eval_children eval_namespace end private def eval_namespace if RUBY_CORE.include?(object.path) add_role end if object.has_many_attributes? add_role end end def eval_children if children.empty? add_role else add_role, if object.pure_namespace? add_role end if object.no_methods? add_role end if object.has_many_children? add_role end end end def children @children ||= end end end end