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Although there is enough functionality implemented to motivate us to open-source this, it is still a work in progress and under active development. Check the Constraints session for further information on what works and what doesn't. ## Specifying Contracts A contract specifies a single message exchange between a consumer and a provider. In a RESTful world, this means an HTTP interaction, which is composed of two main parts: a request and a response. A request has the following attributes: - Method: the method of the HTTP request (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE); - Path: the relative path (without host) of the provider's endpoint; - Headers: headers sent in the HTTP request; - Params: any data or parameters of the HTTP request (e.g. query string for GET, body for POST). A response has the following attributes: - Status: the HTTP response status code (e.g. 200, 404, 500); - Headers: the HTTP response headers; - Body: a JSON Schema defining the expected structure of the HTTP response body. Pacto relies on a simple, JSON based language for defining contracts. Below is an example contract for a GET request to the /hello_world endpoint of a provider: ```json { "request": { "method": "GET", "path": "/hello_world", "headers": { "Accept": "application/json" }, "params": {} }, "response": { "status": 200, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, "body": { "description": "A simple response", "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string" } } } } } ``` The host address is intentionally left out of the request specification so that we can validate a contract against any provider. It also reinforces the fact that a contract defines the expectation of a consumer, and not the implementation of any specific provider. ## Validating Contracts There are two ways to validate a contract against a provider: through a Rake task or programatically. ### Rake Task Pacto includes two Rake tasks. In order to use them, include this in your Rakefile: ```ruby require 'pacto/rake_task' ``` Pacto can validate the contract files: ```sh $ rake pacto:meta_validate[dir] # Validates a directory of contract definitions ``` Or it can validate contracts against a provider: ```sh $ rake pacto:validate[host,dir] # Validates all contracts in a given directory against a given host ``` It is recommended that you also include [colorize](https://github.com/fazibear/colorize) to get prettier, colorful output. ### Programatically The easiest way to load a contract from a file and validate it against a host is by using the builder interface: ```ruby require 'pacto' WebMock.allow_net_connect! contract = Pacto.build_from_file('/path/to/contract.json', 'http://dummyprovider.com') contract.validate ``` If you don't want to depend on Pacto to do the request you can also validate a response from a real request: ```ruby require 'pacto' WebMock.allow_net_connect! contract = Pacto.build_from_file('/path/to/contract.json', 'http://dummyprovider.com') # Doing the request with ruby stdlib, you can use your favourite lib to do the request response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse('http://dummyprovider.com')).body contract.validate response, body_only: true ``` Pacto also has the ability to match a request signature to a contract that is currently in used, via ```Pacto.contract_for request_signature``` ## Auto-Generated Stubs Pacto provides an API to be used in the consumer's acceptance tests. It uses a custom JSON Schema parser and generator to generate a valid JSON document as the response body, and relies on [WebMock](https://github.com/bblimke/webmock) to stub any HTTP requests made by your application. Important: the JSON generator is in very early stages and does not work with the entire JSON Schema specification. First, register the contracts that are going to be used in the acceptance tests suite. The register_contract method accepts zero or more tags: ```ruby require 'pacto' contract1 = Pacto.build_from_file('/path/to/contract1.json', 'http://dummyprovider.com') contract2 = Pacto.build_from_file('/path/to/contract2.json', 'http://dummyprovider.com') contract3 = Pacto.build_from_file('/path/to/contract3.json', 'http://dummyprovider.com') Pacto.register_contract(contract1) Pacto.register_contract(contract2, :public_api) Pacto.register_contract(contract3, :public_api, :wip) ``` Then, in the setup phase of the test, specify which contracts will be used for that test: ```ruby Pacto.use('my_tag') ``` If default values are not specified in the contract's response body, a default value will be automatically generated. It is possible to overwrite those values, however, by passing a second argument: ```ruby Pacto.use('my_tag', :value => 'new value') ``` The values are merged using [hash-deep-merge](https://github.com/Offirmo/hash-deep-merge). ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request