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facebook / pop
An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
facebook / componentkit
A React-inspired view framework for iOS.
rsms / fb-mac-messenger
⚡️ Mac app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop
johnno1962 / Xtrace
Trace Objective-C method calls by class or instance
pivotal / cedar
BDD-style testing using Objective-C
rogual / neovim-dot-app
Mac OS X GUI for Neovim
mousebird / WhirlyGlobe
WhirlyGlobe Development
deanm / plask
Plask is a multimedia programming environment.
jerols / PopTut
A simple app demonstrating basic usage of the Pop animation framework.
fjolnir / Tranquil
A language built on top of the Objective-C runtime, and ABI compatible with Objective-C.
otaviocc / OCBorghettiView
An easy to use accordion view for iOS
jxd001 / POPdemo
A simple demo for facebook's pop framework.
foundry / OpenCVSwiftStitch
Version 2 of OpenCVStitch. How to stitch images using OpenCV on iOS. This version demonstrates using Swift, Objective-C and C++ together in one project.
couchdeveloper / RXPromise
An Objective-C Class which implements the Promises/A+ specification.
petegoodliffe / PGMidi
PGMidi iOS MIDI library and example code
opensource-apple / objc4
giladno / UICoreTextView
Easy to use UIView which supports rendering using CoreText
iolate / SimulateTouch
Simulate touch library for iOS
otaviocc / NHCalendarActivity
A custom UIActivity that adds events and alarms to the Calendar.
belkevich / nsdate-calendar
NSDate categories to access date components and many more
pivotal / PivotalCoreKit
Shared library and test code for Objective-C projects
openpeer / opios
Open Peer Client SDK for iOS and reference sample application
swift2js / swift2js
Swift/JavaScript Transpiler
Smartype / iOS_VPNPlugIn
VPN PlugIn API for iOS
ryanb93 / Applefy
OSX application to store Spotify playlists as MP3's that can be imported into iTunes to be matched by Apple Music.