# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Laurent Sansonetti # Copyright (C) 2007 Cathal Mc Ginley # Copyright (C) 2014 Matijs van Zuijlen # # Alexandria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # Alexandria is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with Alexandria; see the file COPYING. If not, # write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, # Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # Export sorting added 23 Oct 2007 by Cathal Mc Ginley # Classes LibrarySortOrder and SortedLibrary, and changed ExportFormat#invoke # iPod Notes support added 20 January 2008 by Tim Malone # require 'cgi' begin # image_size is optional $IMAGE_SIZE_LOADED = true require 'image_size' rescue LoadError $IMAGE_SIZE_LOADED = false puts "Can't load image_size, hence exported libraries are not optimized" if $DEBUG end module Alexandria class LibrarySortOrder include Logging def initialize(book_attribute, ascending = true) @book_attribute = book_attribute @ascending = ascending end def sort(library) sorted = library.sort_by do |book| book.send(@book_attribute) end unless @ascending sorted.reverse! end sorted rescue => ex trace = ex.backtrace.join("\n> ") log.warn { "Could not sort library by #{@book_attribute} #{ex.message} #{trace}" } library end def to_s "#{@book_attribute} #{@ascending ? '(ascending)' : '(descending)'}" end class Unsorted < LibrarySortOrder def initialize end def sort(library) library end def to_s 'default order' end end end class SortedLibrary < Library def initialize(library, sort_order) super(library.name) @library = library sorted = sort_order.sort(library) sorted.each do |book| self << book end end def cover(book) @library.cover(book) end def final_cover(book) @library.final_cover(book) end def copy_covers(dest) @library.copy_covers(dest) end end class ExportFormat attr_reader :name, :ext, :message include GetText include Logging extend GetText bindtextdomain(Alexandria::TEXTDOMAIN, charset: 'UTF-8') def self.all [ new(_('Archived ONIX XML'), 'onix.tbz2', :export_as_onix_xml_archive), new(_('Archived Tellico XML'), 'tc', :export_as_tellico_xml_archive), new(_('BibTeX'), 'bib', :export_as_bibtex), new(_('CSV list'), 'csv', :export_as_csv_list), new(_('ISBN List'), 'txt', :export_as_isbn_list), new(_('iPod Notes'), nil, :export_as_ipod_notes), new(_('HTML Web Page'), nil, :export_as_html, true) ] end def invoke(library, sort_order, filename, *args) if sort_order sorted = SortedLibrary.new(library, sort_order) log.debug { "Exporting library sorted by #{sort_order}" } sorted.send(@message, filename, *args) else library.send(@message, filename, *args) end end def needs_preview? @needs_preview end private def initialize(name, ext, message, needs_preview = false) @name = name @ext = ext @message = message @needs_preview = needs_preview end end module Exportable def export_as_onix_xml_archive(filename) File.open(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'onix.xml'), 'w') do |io| to_onix_document.write(io, 0) end copy_covers(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'images')) Dir.chdir(Dir.tmpdir) do output = `tar -cjf \"#{filename}\" onix.xml images 2>&1` raise output unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? end FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'images')) FileUtils.rm(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'onix.xml')) end def export_as_tellico_xml_archive(filename) File.open(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'tellico.xml'), 'w') do |io| begin to_tellico_document.write(io, 0) rescue => ex puts ex.message puts ex.backtrace raise ex end end copy_covers(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'images')) Dir.chdir(Dir.tmpdir) do output = `zip -q -r \"#{filename}\" tellico.xml images 2>&1` raise output unless $CHILD_STATUS.success? end FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'images')) FileUtils.rm(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'tellico.xml')) end def export_as_isbn_list(filename) File.open(filename, 'w') do |io| each do |book| io.puts((book.isbn or '')) end end end def export_as_html(filename, theme) FileUtils.mkdir(filename) unless File.exist?(filename) Dir.chdir(filename) do copy_covers('pixmaps') FileUtils.cp_r(theme.pixmaps_directory, 'pixmaps') if theme.has_pixmaps? FileUtils.cp(theme.css_file, '.') File.open('index.html', 'w') do |io| io << to_xhtml(File.basename(theme.css_file)) end end end def export_as_bibtex(filename) File.open(filename, 'w') do |io| io << to_bibtex end end def export_as_ipod_notes(filename, _theme) FileUtils.mkdir(filename) unless File.exist?(filename) tempdir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir(filename) copy_covers('pixmaps') File.open('index.linx', 'w') do |io| io.puts '' + name + '' each do |book| io.puts '' + book.title + '' end io.close end each do |book| File.open(book.ident, 'w') do |io| io.puts "#{book.title} " # put a link to the book's cover. only works on iPod 5G and above(?). if File.exist?(cover(book)) io.puts '' + book.title + '' else io.puts book.title end io.puts book.authors.join(', ') io.puts book.edition io.puts((book.isbn or '')) # we need to close the files so the iPod can be ejected/unmounted without us closing Alexandria io.close end end # Again, allow the iPod to unmount Dir.chdir(tempdir) end def export_as_csv_list(filename) File.open(filename, 'w') do |io| io.puts 'Title' + ';' + 'Authors' + ';' + 'Publisher' + ';' + 'Edition' + ';' + 'ISBN' + ';' + 'Year Published' + ';' + 'Rating' + "(0 to #{UI::MainApp::MAX_RATING_STARS})" + ';' + 'Notes' + ';' + 'Want?' + ';' + 'Read?' + ';' + 'Own?' + ';' + 'Tags' each do |book| io.puts book.title + ';' + book.authors.join(', ') + ';' + (book.publisher or '') + ';' + (book.edition or '') + ';' + (book.isbn or '') + ';' + (book.publishing_year.to_s or '') + ';' + (book.rating.to_s or '0') + ';' + (book.notes or '') + ';' + (book.want ? '1' : '0') + ';' + (book.redd ? '1' : '0') + ';' + (book.own ? '1' : '0') + ';' + (book.tags ? book.tags.join(', ') : '') end end end private ONIX_DTD_URL = 'http://www.editeur.org/onix/2.1/reference/onix-international.dtd' def to_onix_document doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.new doc << REXML::DocType.new('ONIXMessage', "SYSTEM \"#{ONIX_DTD_URL}\"") msg = doc.add_element('ONIXMessage') header = msg.add_element('Header') header.add_element('FromCompany').text = 'Alexandria' header.add_element('FromPerson').text = Etc.getlogin now = Time.now header.add_element('SentDate').text = '%.4d%.2d%.2d%.2d%.2d' % [ now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.min ] header.add_element('MessageNote').text = name each_with_index do |book, idx| # fields that are missing: edition and rating. prod = msg.add_element('Product') prod.add_element('RecordReference').text = idx prod.add_element('NotificationType').text = '03' # confirmed prod.add_element('RecordSourceName').text = 'Alexandria ' + Alexandria::DISPLAY_VERSION prod.add_element('ISBN').text = (book.isbn or '') prod.add_element('ProductForm').text = 'BA' # book prod.add_element('DistinctiveTitle').text = book.title unless book.authors.empty? book.authors.each do |author| elem = prod.add_element('Contributor') # author elem.add_element('ContributorRole').text = 'A01' elem.add_element('PersonName').text = author end end if book.notes and !book.notes.empty? elem = prod.add_element('OtherText') # reader description elem.add_element('TextTypeCode').text = '12' elem.add_element('TextFormat').text = '00' # ASCII elem.add_element('Text').text = book.notes end if File.exist?(cover(book)) elem = prod.add_element('MediaFile') # front cover image elem.add_element('MediaFileTypeCode').text = '04' elem.add_element('MediaFileFormatCode').text = (Library.jpeg?(cover(book)) ? '03' : '02') # filename elem.add_element('MediaFileLinkTypeCode').text = '06' elem.add_element('MediaFileLink').text = File.join('images', final_cover(book)) end if book.isbn BookProviders.each do |provider| elem = prod.add_element('ProductWebsite') elem.add_element('ProductWebsiteDescription').text = provider.fullname elem.add_element('ProductWebsiteLink').text = provider.url(book) end end elem = prod.add_element('Publisher') elem.add_element('PublishingRole').text = '01' elem.add_element('PublisherName').text = book.publisher prod.add_element('PublicationDate').text = book.publishing_year end doc end def to_tellico_document # For the Tellico format, see # http://periapsis.org/tellico/doc/hacking.html doc = REXML::Document.new doc << REXML::XMLDecl.new doc << REXML::DocType.new('tellico', "PUBLIC \"-//Robby Stephenson/DTD Tellico V7.0//EN\" \"http://periapsis.org/tellico/dtd/v7/tellico.dtd\"") tellico = doc.add_element('tellico') tellico.add_attribute('syntaxVersion', '7') tellico.add_namespace('http://periapsis.org/tellico/') collection = tellico.add_element('collection') collection.add_attribute('title', name) collection.add_attribute('type', '2') fields = collection.add_element('fields') field1 = fields.add_element('field') # a field named _default implies adding all default book # collection fields field1.add_attribute('name', '_default') images = collection.add_element('images') each_with_index do |book, idx| entry = collection.add_element('entry') new_index = (idx + 1).to_s entry.add_attribute('id', new_index) # translate the binding entry.add_element('title').text = book.title entry.add_element('isbn').text = (book.isbn or '') entry.add_element('pub_year').text = book.publishing_year entry.add_element('binding').text = book.edition entry.add_element('publisher').text = book.publisher unless book.authors.empty? authors = entry.add_element('authors') book.authors.each do |author| authors.add_element('author').text = author end end entry.add_element('read').text = book.redd.to_s if book.redd entry.add_element('loaned').text = book.loaned.to_s if book.loaned unless book.rating == Book::DEFAULT_RATING entry.add_element('rating').text = book.rating end if book.notes and !book.notes.empty? entry.add_element('comments').text = book.notes end if File.exist?(cover(book)) entry.add_element('cover').text = final_cover(book) image = images.add_element('image') image.add_attribute('id', final_cover(book)) if $IMAGE_SIZE_LOADED image_s = ImageSize.new(IO.read(cover(book))) image.add_attribute('height', image_s.get_height.to_s) image.add_attribute('width', image_s.get_width.to_s) image.add_attribute('format', image_s.get_type) else image.add_attribute('format', Library.jpeg?(cover(book)) ? 'JPEG' : 'GIF') end end end doc end def xhtml_escape(str) escaped = str.dup # used to occasionally use CGI.escapeHTML escaped.gsub!(/&/, '&') escaped.gsub!(//, '>') escaped.gsub!(/\"/, '"') escaped end def to_xhtml(css) generator = 'Alexandria ' + Alexandria::DISPLAY_VERSION xhtml = '' xhtml << < #{xhtml_escape(name)}


EOS each do |book| xhtml << <


EOS if File.exist?(cover(book)) xhtml << < EOS else xhtml << < EOS end unless book.title.nil? xhtml << <#{xhtml_escape(book.title)}

EOS end unless book.authors.empty? xhtml << "
    " book.authors.each do |author| xhtml << <#{xhtml_escape(author)} EOS end xhtml << '
' end unless book.edition.nil? xhtml << <#{xhtml_escape(book.edition)}

EOS end unless book.publisher.nil? xhtml << <#{xhtml_escape(book.publisher)}

EOS end xhtml << < EOS end xhtml << < Generated on #{xhtml_escape(Date.today.to_s)} by #{xhtml_escape(generator)}.

EOS end def to_bibtex generator = 'Alexandria ' + Alexandria::DISPLAY_VERSION bibtex = '' bibtex << "\%Generated on #{Date.today} by: #{generator}\n" bibtex << "\%\n" bibtex << "\n" auths = Hash.new(0) each do |book| k = (book.authors[0] or 'Anonymous').split[0] if auths.key?(k) auths[k] += 1 else auths[k] = 1 end cite_key = k + auths[k].to_s bibtex << "@BOOK{#{cite_key},\n" bibtex << "author = \"" if book.authors != [] bibtex << book.authors[0] book.authors[1..-1].each do |author| bibtex << " and #{latex_escape(author)}" end end bibtex << "\",\n" bibtex << "title = \"#{latex_escape(book.title)}\",\n" bibtex << "publisher = \"#{latex_escape(book.publisher)}\",\n" if book.notes and !book.notes.empty? bibtex << "OPTnote = \"#{latex_escape(book.notes)}\",\n" end # year is a required field in bibtex @BOOK bibtex << 'year = ' + (book.publishing_year or "\"n/a\"").to_s + "\n" bibtex << "}\n\n" end bibtex end def latex_escape(str) return '' if str.nil? my_str = str.dup my_str.gsub!(/%/, '\\%') my_str.gsub!(/~/, '\\textasciitilde') my_str.gsub!(/\&/, '\\\\&') my_str.gsub!(/\#/, '\\\\#') my_str.gsub!(/\{/, '\\{') my_str.gsub!(/\}/, '\\}') my_str.gsub!(/_/, '\\_') my_str.gsub!(/\$/, "\\\$") my_str.gsub!(/\"(.+)\"/, "``\1''") my_str end end class Library include Exportable end class SmartLibrary include Exportable end end