# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license # Freely reusable code: see SAMPLES-LICENSE.TXT for details begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError end require 'wx' # Demo created by Robert Carlin, based on the wxPython demo by Robin Dunn # Modified by Kevin Smith, Roy Sutton, Alex Fenton # TODO: # Finish Scintilla integration # Fix 'Find Next' # Refactor editor pane # More samples # Finish 'rubification' of source # Fix non-scintilla code viewer OVR_TEXT = "This is the WxRuby Demo. It was ported from the wxPython Demo, created by Robin Dunn. Many thanks to him for all his hard work - this demo is what it is because of him. Click on any of the items in the tree control to start the demo. Don't forget to check out the Demo Code tab - you can see the source code for each demo!\nHope you like it!" $tree_list = [ #new stuff #['Recent Additions', [ # 'wxMaskedNumCtrl', # 'FloatCanvas', # ]], # managed windows == things with a [optional] caption you can close ['Base Frames and Dialogs', %w[wxDialog wxFrame wxMDIWindows wxMiniFrame]], # the common dialogs ['Common Dialogs', [ 'wxColourDialog', 'wxDirDialog', 'wxFileDialog', 'wxFileDialog_Save', 'wxFindReplaceDialog', 'wxFontDialog', 'wxMessageDialog', #'wxPageSetupDialog', #'wxPrintDialog', 'wxProgressDialog', 'wxSingleChoiceDialog', 'wxTextEntryDialog', ]], # dialogs from libraries ['More Dialogs', [ # 'ErrorDialogs', # 'ImageBrowser', 'wxMultipleChoiceDialog', 'wxScrolledMessageDialog' ]], # core controls ['Core Windows/Controls', [ 'PopupMenu', 'wxBitmapButton', 'wxButton', 'wxCheckBox', 'wxCheckListBox', 'wxChoice', 'wxChoicebook', 'wxComboBox', 'wxGauge', 'wxGenericDirCtrl', 'wxGrid', #'wxGrid_MegaExample', 'wxListBox', #'wxListCtrl', 'wxListCtrl_virtual', 'wxMenu', 'wxNotebook', #'wxPopupWindow', 'wxRadioBox', 'wxRadioButton', 'wxSashWindow', 'wxScrolledWindow', 'wxSlider', 'wxSpinButton', 'wxSpinCtrl', 'wxSplitterWindow', 'wxStaticBitmap', 'wxStaticText', 'wxStatusBar', 'wxTextCtrl', 'wxToggleButton', 'wxToolBar', 'wxTreeCtrl', #'wxValidator', ]], # controls coming from other libraries ['More Windows/Controls', [ #'wxFloatBar', deprecated #'wxMVCTree', deprecated #'wxRightTextCtrl', deprecated as we have wxTE_RIGHT now. #'AnalogClockWindow', #'ColourSelect', #'ContextHelp', #'FancyText', #'FloatCanvas', #'FileBrowseButton', #'GenericButtons', #'MaskedEditControls', #'SplitTree', #'TablePrint', #'Throbber', #'wxCalendar', 'wxCalendarCtrl', #'wxDynamicSashWindow', #'wxEditableListBox', #'wxEditor', #'wxHtmlWindow', #'wxIEHtmlWin', #'wxIntCtrl', #'wxLEDNumberCtrl', #'wxMimeTypesManager', #'wxMaskedNumCtrl', #'wxMultiSash', #'wxPopupControl', #'wxStyledTextCtrl_1', #'wxStyledTextCtrl_2', #'wxTimeCtrl', #'wxTreeListCtrl', ]], # How to lay out the controls in a frame/dialog ['Window Layout', [ # 'LayoutAnchors', # 'Layoutf', # 'RowColSizer', 'Sizers', # 'wxScrolledPanel', # 'wxXmlResource', # 'wxXmlResourceHandler', ]], # ditto #['Process and Events', [ # 'EventManager', # 'infoframe', # 'OOR', # 'PythonEvents', # 'Threads', # 'wxKeyEvents', # 'wxProcess', # 'wxTimer', # ]], #~ # Clipboard and DnD #~ ['Clipboard and DnD', [ #~ #'CustomDragAndDrop', #~ 'DragAndDrop', #~ 'URLDragAndDrop', #~ ]], # Images ['Using Images', [ # 'Throbber', 'wxArtProvider', 'wxCursor', 'wxDragImage', # 'wxImage', # 'wxImageFromStream', # 'wxMask', ]], # Other stuff ['Miscellaneous', [ # 'ColourDB', # 'DialogUnits', # 'DrawXXXList', # 'FontEnumerator', # 'PrintFramework', 'ShapedWindow', # 'Throbber', # 'Unicode', # 'wxFileHistory', # 'wxJoystick', # 'wxOGL', # 'wxWave', ]], # need libs not coming with the demo #['Objects using an external library', [ # 'ActiveXWrapper_Acrobat', # 'ActiveXWrapper_IE', # 'wxGLCanvas', # 'wxPlotCanvas', # ]], ['Check out the samples dir too', [ ]], ] class DemoCodeViewer < Wx::TextCtrl def initialize(parent) super(parent, value: OVR_TEXT, style: Wx::TE_MULTILINE | Wx::TE_READONLY | Wx::HSCROLL | Wx::TE_RICH | Wx::TE_RICH2 | Wx::TE_NOHIDESEL) set_max_length(0) unless Wx::PLATFORM == 'WXGTK' end def clear_all clear end end class WxRubyDemo < Wx::Frame attr_accessor :otherWin def initialize(title, pos, size, style = Wx::DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) super(nil, -1, title, pos, size, style) @demoID = Wx::ID_HIGHEST @otherWin = nil icon_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'icons', 'mondrian.xpm') icon = Wx::Icon.new(icon_file, Wx::BITMAP_TYPE_XPM) set_icon(icon) @tbicon = DemoTaskBarIcon.new(self) evt_idle { |event| on_idle(event) } evt_close { |event| on_close(event) } evt_iconize { |event| on_iconize(event) } evt_maximize { |event| on_maximize(event) } centre(Wx::BOTH) create_status_bar(1, Wx::STB_SIZEGRIP) set_status_text("Welcome to the WxRuby Demo!") splitter = Wx::SplitterWindow.new(self, -1) splitter2 = Wx::SplitterWindow.new(splitter, -1) # Make a File menu @mainmenu = Wx::MenuBar.new menu = Wx::Menu.new menu.append(Wx::ID_EXIT, "E&xit\tALT-X", "Get the heck outta here!") evt_menu(Wx::ID_EXIT) { exit } @mainmenu.append(menu, "&File") # Make a Demo menu - thanks to Kevin Smith for figuring the submenus out! menu = Wx::Menu.new $tree_list.each do |item| @submenu = Wx::Menu.new item[1].each do |childItem| mID = @demoID += 1 @submenu.append(mID, childItem) evt_menu(mID) { |event| on_demo_menu(childItem) } end @demoID += 1 menuItem = Wx::MenuItem.new(menu, @demoID, item[0], "", Wx::ITEM_NORMAL, @submenu) menu.append_item(menuItem) end @mainmenu.append(menu, "&Demo") # Make a Help menu helpID = Wx::ID_ABOUT findID = @demoID += 1 findnextID = @demoID += 1 clearID = @demoID += 1 menu = Wx::Menu.new menu.append(findID, "&Find\tCtrl-F", "Find in the Demo Code") menu.append(findnextID, "Find &Next\tF3", "Find Next") menu.append_separator menu.append(helpID, "&About\tCtrl-H", "wxRuby RULES!!!") evt_menu(helpID) { |event| on_help_about(event) } evt_menu(findID) { |event| on_help_find(event) } evt_menu(findnextID) { |event| on_find_next(event) } evt_find(-1) { |event| on_find(event) } evt_find_next(-1) { |event| on_find(event) } evt_find_close(-1) { |event| on_find_close(event) } @mainmenu.append(menu, "&Help") set_menu_bar(@mainmenu) @finddata = Wx::FindReplaceData.new @treeMap = {} @tree = Wx::TreeCtrl.new(splitter) root = @tree.add_root("wxRuby Overview") firstChild = nil $tree_list.each do |item| child = @tree.append_item(root, item[0]) if not firstChild then firstChild = child end item[1].each do |childItem| theDemo = @tree.append_item(child, childItem) @treeMap[childItem] = theDemo end end @tree.expand(root) @tree.expand(firstChild) evt_tree_item_expanded @tree, :on_item_expanded evt_tree_item_collapsed @tree, :on_item_collapsed evt_tree_sel_changed @tree, :on_tree_sel_changed evt_tree_item_activated @tree, :on_tree_sel_changed @tree.evt_left_down method(:on_tree_left_down) # Create a Notebook @nb = Wx::Notebook.new(splitter2, :style => Wx::CLIP_CHILDREN) @ovr = Wx::TextCtrl.new(@nb, :value => OVR_TEXT, :style => Wx::TE_MULTILINE | Wx::TE_READONLY | Wx::TE_RICH | Wx::TE_NOHIDESEL) @nb.add_page(@ovr, "Overview") if Wx.const_defined?(:STC) panel, @txt = setup_editor(@nb) @nb.add_page(panel, "Demo Code") else @txt = DemoCodeViewer.new(@nb) @nb.add_page(@txt, "Demo Code") end get_demo_file(__FILE__) @log = Wx::TextCtrl.new(splitter2, -1, "", Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, Wx::TE_MULTILINE | Wx::TE_READONLY | Wx::HSCROLL) # For some reason when the number of characters entered is # greater than about 10,700, the text control freezes. I know # someone mentioned this on the list a while ago...calling # set_max_length(0) with zero as the argument tells the text # control to default limit that the underlying native text # control can handle. @log.set_max_length(0) unless Wx::PLATFORM == 'WXGTK' Wx::Log::set_active_target(Wx::LogTextCtrl.new(@log)) splitter.split_vertically(@tree, splitter2, 220) splitter2.split_horizontally(@nb, @log, 300) splitter.set_minimum_pane_size(20) splitter2.set_minimum_pane_size(100) @nb.set_selection(0) @tree.select_item(root) show_tip end def write_text(text) Wx::log_message(text) end def on_idle(event) if @otherWin != nil @otherWin.raise @window = @otherWin @otherWin = nil end end def on_close(event) @tbicon.remove_icon destroy exit end def on_item_expanded(event) item = event.get_item Wx::log_message("on_item_expanded: %s" % @tree.get_item_text(item)) end def on_item_collapsed(event) item = event.get_item Wx::log_message("on_item_collapsed: %s" % @tree.get_item_text(item)) end def on_tree_sel_changed(event) item = event.get_item if item.ok? itemText = @tree.get_item_text(item) run_demo(itemText) end end def on_tree_left_down(event) pt = Wx::Point.new(event.get_x, event.get_y) item = @tree.hit_test(pt) if item == @tree.get_selection set_overview(@tree.get_item_text(item) + " Overview", @curOverview) Wx::log_message(@tree.get_item_text(item) + " Overview") end event.skip end def run_demo(itemText) if @nb.get_page_count == 3 if @nb.get_selection == 2 @nb.set_selection(0) end unless @window.nil? @window = nil end @nb.delete_page(2) end if itemText == "wxRuby Overview" get_demo_file(__FILE__) set_overview("wxRuby Overview", OVR_TEXT) @nb.refresh @window = nil else demo_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), itemText + '.rbw') if File.exist?(demo_file) Wx::log_message("Running Demo: " + itemText + ".rbw") get_demo_file(demo_file) # I use load here because it allows the user to modify # the underlying file for each sample, so that each time # They run it any changes made will be reflected without # having to restart the demo. begin load demo_file set_overview(itemText + " Overview", Demo::overview) @tree.refresh @nb.refresh @window = Demo.run(self, @nb, self) if Wx::Window === @window # Check to see if the demo returned a Wx::Window, Wx::Panel or a new class inheriting from them # if so, create a new tab in the notebook for them @nb.add_page(@window, "Demo") @nb.set_selection(2) @nb.refresh end rescue Exception => problem Wx.MessageDialog(self, "A problem occurred with the %s demo:\n%s\n%s" % [itemText, problem, problem.backtrace.join("\n").to_s()], "Error!!!", Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_ERROR) do |dlg| dlg.show_modal end end else @ovr.set_value("") @txt.clear_all @window = nil end end @tree.set_focus() end def get_demo_file(fileName) @filename = fileName @txt.clear() @txt.load_file(fileName) if @txt.is_a?(Wx::TextCtrl) @txt.set_insertion_point(0) @txt.show_position(0) end end def set_overview(name, text) text ||= '' @curOverview = text @ovr.set_value(text) @ovr.set_style(0, text.length, Wx::TextAttr.new(Wx::BLUE, Wx::Colour.new("White"), Wx::Font.new(12, Wx::FONTFAMILY_SWISS, Wx::FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, Wx::FONTWEIGHT_BOLD))) @nb.set_page_text(0, name) end # Menu Methods def on_file_exit(event) close() end def on_help_about(event) load File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "About.rbw") about = About::MyAboutBox.new(self) about.show_modal() about.destroy() end def on_help_find(event) @nb.set_selection(1) @finddlg ||= Wx::FindReplaceDialog.new(self, @finddata, "Find", Wx::FR_NOUPDOWN | Wx::FR_NOMATCHCASE | Wx::FR_NOWHOLEWORD) @finddlg.show end def on_find(event) # FIXME: These problems are probably resolved now # Problems # 1) For some reason, the control is not properly counting EOL characters - it almost seems to be skipping them # causing the control to incorrectly set the initial insertion point for the the "found" text # 2) This also is causing problems with the amount of text that is highlighted - the length of the highlighted string # is less than it should be # 3) After doing an initial "find" operation, using the "find next" operation causes the program to crash - again, I # don't know why this is :( # Example - When I try to find "menu", the text that gets highlighted is the newline on the second line and the "ME" of # MENU_EXIT - a total of only 3 characters, when it should highlight all of "menu". I don't fully understand # this problem, but it doesn't appear until after you attempt to find text beyond the first line :( if @txt.is_a?(Wx::TextCtrl) @nb.set_selection(1) myEnd = @txt.get_last_position() write_text("Last position = %d" % myEnd) textstring = @txt.get_range(0, myEnd).downcase() if Wx::PLATFORM == "WXMSW" textstring.sub!(/\n/, "\r\n") end #write_text("textstring - %s" % textstring) start = @txt.get_insertion_point() write_text("insertion point = " + start.to_s()) findstring = @finddata.get_find_string().downcase() write_text("finddata = " + findstring) loc = textstring.index(findstring, start) write_text("location = " + loc.to_s()) write_text("findstring.length() = " + findstring.length().to_s()) if loc == nil and start != 0 # string not found, start at beginning start = 0 loc = textstring.index(findstring, start) end if loc == nil Wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Find String Not Found', 'Find String Not Found in Demo File', Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_INFORMATION) do |dlg| dlg.show_modal end end if @finddlg if loc == nil @finddlg.set_focus return else @finddlg.hide end end @txt.show_position(loc) @txt.set_selection(loc, loc + findstring.length()) else # Scintilla # FIXME: Take into account search direction @txt.set_target_start(@txt.get_target_end) @txt.set_target_end(@txt.get_length - 1) # FIXME: get flags from find dialog @txt.set_search_flags(0) loc = @txt.search_in_target(event.get_find_string) if loc == -1 Wx.MessageDialog(self, 'Find String Not Found', 'Find String Not Found in Demo File', Wx::OK | Wx::ICON_INFORMATION) do |dlg| dlg.show_modal end end if @finddlg if loc == -1 @finddlg.set_focus() return end end @txt.ensure_caret_visible @txt.set_selection(loc, loc + event.get_find_string.length) end end def on_find_next(event) # FIXME: Saving an event is probably a bad idea if @finddata.get_find_string() != "" on_find(event) else on_help_find(event) end end def on_find_close(event) event.get_dialog().destroy() end def show_tip() tips_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tips.txt') tp = Wx::create_file_tip_provider(tips_file, rand(6)) Wx::show_tip(self, tp) end def on_demo_menu(childItem) # Also, for some reason I haven't figured out yet either, the demo executes two times selectedDemo = @treeMap[childItem] if selectedDemo @tree.select_item(selectedDemo) @tree.ensure_visible(selectedDemo) end end def on_iconize(event) Wx::log_message("on_iconize") hide event.skip end def on_maximize(event) Wx::log_message("on_maximize") event.skip end # FIXME: Refactor into a class def setup_editor(parent) panel = Wx::Panel.new(parent) sci = setup_scintilla(panel) @save_button = Wx::Button.new(panel, -1, 'Save Changes') @delete_button = Wx::Button.new(panel, -1, 'Delete Modified') @save_button.enable(false); panel.evt_button(@save_button.get_id) { on_save } panel.evt_button(@delete_button.get_id) { on_delete } panel.evt_stc_modified(sci) { on_modified } radio_buttons = { :original => Wx::RadioButton.new(panel, -1, "Original", Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, Wx::RB_GROUP), :modified => Wx::RadioButton.new(panel, -1, "Modified") } @control_box = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::HORIZONTAL) @control_box.add(Wx::StaticText.new(panel, -1, 'Active Version:'), 0, Wx::RIGHT | Wx::LEFT | Wx::ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 5) radio_buttons.each_pair { |id, button| @control_box.add(button, 0, Wx::EXPAND | Wx::RIGHT, 5) evt_radiobutton(button.get_id) { |event| on_radio_button(event) } } @control_box.add(@save_button, 0, Wx::RIGHT, 5) @control_box.add(@delete_button, 0) @box = Wx::BoxSizer.new(Wx::VERTICAL) @box.add(@control_box, 0, Wx::EXPAND) @box.add(Wx::StaticLine.new(panel), 0, Wx::EXPAND) @box.add(sci, 1, Wx::EXPAND) @box.fit(panel) panel.set_sizer(@box) [panel, sci] end def setup_scintilla(parent) sci = Wx::STC::StyledTextCtrl.new(parent) font = Wx::Font.new(10, Wx::FONTFAMILY_TELETYPE, Wx::FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, Wx::FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL) sci.style_set_font(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, font); sci.set_edge_mode(Wx::STC::STC_EDGE_LINE) line_num_margin = sci.text_width(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, "_99999") sci.set_margin_width(0, line_num_margin) sci.style_set_foreground(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, Wx::BLACK); sci.style_set_background(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_DEFAULT, Wx::WHITE); sci.style_set_foreground(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, Wx::LIGHT_GREY); sci.style_set_background(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_LINENUMBER, Wx::WHITE); sci.style_set_foreground(Wx::STC::STC_STYLE_INDENTGUIDE, Wx::LIGHT_GREY); sci.set_tab_width(2) sci.set_use_tabs(false) sci.set_tab_indents(true) sci.set_back_space_un_indents(true) sci.set_indent(2) sci.set_edge_column(80) sci.set_lexer(Wx::STC::STC_LEX_RUBY) sci.style_clear_all sci.style_set_foreground(2, Wx::RED) sci.style_set_foreground(3, Wx::GREEN) sci.style_set_foreground(5, Wx::BLUE) sci.style_set_foreground(6, Wx::BLUE) sci.style_set_foreground(7, Wx::BLUE) sci.set_key_words(0, "begin break elsif module retry unless end case next return until class ensure nil self when def false not super while alias defined? for or then yield and do if redo true else in rescue undef") sci.set_property("fold", "1") sci.set_property("fold.compact", "0") sci.set_property("fold.comment", "1") sci.set_property("fold.preprocessor", "1") sci.set_margin_width(1, 0) sci.set_margin_type(1, Wx::STC::STC_MARGIN_SYMBOL) sci.set_margin_mask(1, Wx::STC::STC_MASK_FOLDERS) sci.set_margin_width(1, 20) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDER, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_PLUS) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPEN, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_MINUS) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEREND, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_EMPTY) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERMIDTAIL, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_EMPTY) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDEROPENMID, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_EMPTY) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERSUB, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_EMPTY) sci.marker_define(Wx::STC::STC_MARKNUM_FOLDERTAIL, Wx::STC::STC_MARK_EMPTY) sci.set_fold_flags(16) sci.set_margin_sensitive(1, 1) sci end def on_save if not FileTest.directory?(File.dirname(modified_filename)) if not Dir.mkdir(File.dirname(modified_filename)) Wx::log_message("Unable to create directory 'modified'") return end end File.open(modified_filename, "w") { |file| file.write(@txt.get_text) } # FIXME: Reload module we just saved end def on_delete if File.exists?(modified_filename) File.unlink(modified_filename) end # FIXME: Update state end def on_modified @save_button.enable(@txt.get_modify) end def on_radio_button(event) # FIXME: Can't do anything here yet end def modified_filename File.join(File.dirname(@filename), "modified", File.basename(@filename)) end end class DemoTaskBarIcon < Wx::TaskBarIcon # TODO: Need a new_id function like wxPython has TBMENU_RESTORE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 6000 TBMENU_CLOSE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 6001 TBMENU_CHANGE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 6002 TBMENU_REMOVE = Wx::ID_HIGHEST + 6003 def initialize(frame) super() @frame = frame # starting image icon = make_icon('wxruby-128x128.png') set_icon(icon, 'wxRuby Demo') @image_index = 1 # events evt_taskbar_left_dclick { |evt| on_taskbar_activate(evt) } evt_menu(TBMENU_RESTORE) { |evt| on_taskbar_activate(evt) } evt_menu(TBMENU_CLOSE) { @frame.close } evt_menu(TBMENU_CHANGE) { |evt| on_taskbar_change(evt) } evt_menu(TBMENU_REMOVE) { remove_icon } end def create_popup_menu # Called by the base class when it needs to popup the menu # (the default evt_right_down event). Create and return # the menu to display. menu = Wx::Menu.new menu.append(TBMENU_RESTORE, "Restore wxRuby Demo") menu.append(TBMENU_CLOSE, "Close wxRuby Demo") menu.append_separator menu.append(TBMENU_CHANGE, "Change the TB Icon") menu.append(TBMENU_REMOVE, "Remove the TB Icon") return menu end def make_icon(imgname) # Different platforms have different requirements for the # taskbar icon size filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'icons', imgname) img = Wx::Image.new(filename) if Wx::PLATFORM == "WXMSW" img = img.scale(16, 16) elsif Wx::PLATFORM == "WXGTK" img = img.scale(22, 22) end # WXMAC can be any size up to 128x128, so don't scale icon = Wx::Icon.new icon.copy_from_bitmap(Wx::Bitmap.new(img)) return icon end def on_taskbar_activate(evt) @frame.iconize(false) @frame.show(true) @frame.raise end def on_taskbar_change(evt) names = ["wxruby-128x128.png", "wxwin16x16.xpm", "smiles.xpm", "mondrian.xpm"] name = names[@image_index] @image_index += 1 if @image_index >= names.length @image_index = 0 end icon = make_icon(name) set_icon(icon, 'This is a new icon: ' + name) end end class DemoApp < Wx::App def on_init frame = WxRubyDemo.new("WxRuby BIG combined demo", Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, Wx::Size.new(750, 550)) frame.show(true) end end demo = DemoApp.new demo.run