require 'rbbt/util/cmd' require 'rbbt/tsv' require 'rbbt/util/R/eval' require 'rbbt/util/R/plot' require 'rbbt/util/R/model' module R LIB_DIR = Path.setup(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)),'../../../share/Rlib')) UTIL = File.join(LIB_DIR, 'util.R') PLOT = File.join(LIB_DIR, 'plot.R') def, source = nil, options = nil) source, options = nil, source if options.nil? and Hash === source options = {} if options.nil? monitor = options.delete :monitor cmd =<<-EOF # Loading basic rbbt environment source('#{UTIL}'); EOF require_sources = source.collect{|source| source = R::LIB_DIR["#{source.to_s}.R"] if R::LIB_DIR["#{source.to_s}.R"].exists? "source('#{source}')" } * ";\n" if Array === source and source.any? cmd << require_sources + "\n\n" if require_sources case when IO === command cmd << when File.exist?(command) cmd <<, 'r') do |f| end else cmd << command end Log.debug{"R Script:\n#{ cmd }"} if monitor io = CMD.cmd('R --no-save --quiet', options.merge(:in => cmd, :pipe => true, :log => true)) while line = io.gets case monitor when Proc line else Log.debug "R: " << line end end nil else CMD.cmd('R --no-save --slave --quiet', options.merge(:in => cmd)) end end def self.interactive(script, options = {}) TmpFile.with_file do |init_file| Open.write(init_file) do |f| f.puts "# Loading basic rbbt environment" f.puts "library(utils, quietly=TRUE);\n" f.puts "source('#{R::UTIL}');\n" f.puts f.puts script end CMD.cmd("env R_PROFILE='#{init_file}' xterm \"$R_HOME/bin/R\"") end end def self.console(script, options = {}) TmpFile.with_file do |init_file| Open.write(init_file) do |f| f.puts "# Loading basic rbbt environment" f.puts "library(utils);\n" f.puts "source('#{R::UTIL}');\n" f.puts f.puts script end pid = Process.fork do |ppid| ENV["R_PROFILE"] = init_file exec("R") end begin Process.waitpid pid rescue Interrupt if Misc.pid_exists? pid Process.kill "INT", pid retry else raise $! end rescue Exception Process.kill 9, pid if Misc.pid_exists? pid raise $! ensure Process.waitpid pid if Misc.pid_exists? pid end end end def self.ruby2R(object) case object when Float::INFINITY "Inf" when nil "NULL" when "NA" "NA" when TSV "matrix(#{R.ruby2R object.values},dimnames=list(#{R.ruby2R object.keys}, #{R.ruby2R object.fields}))" when Symbol "#{ object }" when String object[0] == ":" ? object[1..-1] : "'#{ object }'" when Numeric object when TrueClass "TRUE" when FalseClass "FALSE" when Array "c(#{object.collect{|e| ruby2R(e) } * ", "})" when Hash "list(" << object.collect{|k,v| [k, ruby2R(v)] * "="} * ", " << ")" else raise "Type of object not known: #{ object.inspect }" end end def self.tsv(file, options = {}) options = Misc.add_defaults :header_hash => '', :sep => / +/, :type => :list, :key_field => 'ID' key_field = Misc.process_options options, :key_field clean = CMD.cmd('grep -v WARNING', :in => file, :pipe => true), options).tap{|tsv| tsv.key_field = key_field } end end module TSV def R(script, source = nil, open_options = {}) open_options, source = source, nil if Hash === source source ||= Misc.process_options open_options, :source source = [source] unless Array === source require_sources = source.collect{|source| source = R::LIB_DIR["#{source.to_s}.R"] if R::LIB_DIR["#{source.to_s}.R"].exists? "source('#{source}')" } * ";\n" if Array === source and source.any? script = require_sources + "\n\n" + script if require_sources r_options = Misc.pull_keys open_options, :R r_options[:monitor] = open_options[:monitor] if open_options.include?(:monitor) r_options[:method] = open_options[:method] if open_options.include?(:method) r_options[:debug] = open_options[:debug] if open_options.include?(:debug) r_options[:debug] = true if r_options[:method] == :debug if r_options.delete :debug r_options[:monitor] = true r_options[:method] = :shell erase = false else erase = true end tsv_R_option_str = r_options.delete :open tsv_R_option_str = ", " + tsv_R_option_str if String === tsv_R_option_str and not tsv_R_option_str.empty? raw = open_options.delete :raw TmpFile.with_file nil, erase do |f| Open.write(f, self.to_s) script = <<-EOF ## Loading tsv into data data = rbbt.tsv('#{f}'#{tsv_R_option_str}); #{script.strip} ## Resaving data if (! is.null(data)){ rbbt.tsv.write('#{f}', data); } NULL EOF case r_options.delete :method when :eval R.eval_run script else script, r_options end open_options = Misc.add_defaults open_options, :type => :list if raw else tsv =, open_options) unless open_options[:ignore_output] tsv.key_field = open_options[:key] if open_options.include? :key tsv.namespace ||= self.namespace if self.namespace tsv end end end def R_interactive(pre_script = nil, source = true) TmpFile.with_file do |f| Log.debug{"R Interactive:\n" << pre_script } if pre_script TmpFile.with_file(pre_script) do |script_file| Open.write(f, self.to_s) script = "data_file = '#{f}';\n" script << "script_file = '#{script_file}';\n" if pre_script script << "source(script_file);\n" if source R.interactive(script) end end end def R_console(pre_script = nil) TmpFile.with_file do |f| Log.debug{"R Console:\n" << pre_script } if pre_script TmpFile.with_file(pre_script) do |script_file| Open.write(f, self.to_s) script = "data_file = '#{f}';\n" script << "\n#\{{{Pre-script:\n\n" << pre_script << "\n#}}}Pre-script\n\n" R.console(script) end end end end